Fork 0

Search result now return notes from multiple notebooks.

- change model.Notebook.sql_search_notes() to be a static method
   - take a first_notebook_id argument and a user_id argument
   - join user_notebook on notebook_id and matches on user_notebook.user_id instead of notebook_id
   - order by notebook_id = first_notebook desc, rank instead of just rank
   - include search result for notebooks readable by anonymous user, but only if such a notebook is given as first_notebook_id
 - update code that calls model.Notebook.sql_search_notes()
 - update model.Note.to_dict() to include notebook_id
 - modify Wiki.display_search_results()
   - separate search results for the current notebook and results for all other notebooks
   - indicate which notebook each result is from
   - if there are results in other notebooks but no results in the current notebook, indicate that clearly
   - when you click on a result note link in the current notebook, it should simply open a new note
   - when you click on a result note link in another notebook, it should open in a new window
 - test in IE
 - update unit tests for:
   - controller.Notebooks.search()
   - model.Notebook.sql_search_notes()
   - model.Note.to_dict()
This commit is contained in:
Dan Helfman 2008-05-19 15:16:25 -07:00
parent ef1ebd55a4
commit 02a3544590
8 changed files with 73 additions and 31 deletions

View File

@ -900,13 +900,13 @@ class Notebooks( object ):
def search( self, notebook_id, search_text, user_id ):
Search the notes within a particular notebook for the given search text. Note that the search
is case-insensitive, and all HTML tags are ignored. Notes with title matches are generally
ranked higher than matches that are only in the note contents. The returned notes include
content summaries with the search terms highlighted.
Search the notes within all notebooks that the user has access to for the given search text.
Note that the search is case-insensitive, and all HTML tags are ignored. Notes with title
matches are generally ranked higher than matches that are only in the note contents. The
returned notes include content summaries with the search terms highlighted.
@type notebook_id: unicode
@param notebook_id: id of notebook to search
@param notebook_id: id of notebook to show first in search results
@type search_text: unicode
@param search_text: search term
@type user_id: unicode or NoneType
@ -920,9 +920,8 @@ class Notebooks( object ):
if not self.__users.check_access( user_id, notebook_id ):
raise Access_error()
notebook = self.__database.load( Notebook, notebook_id )
if not notebook:
anonymous = self.__database.select_one( User, User.sql_load_by_username( u"anonymous" ), use_cache = True )
if not anonymous:
raise Access_error()
@ -932,7 +931,7 @@ class Notebooks( object ):
if len( search_text ) == 0:
raise Validation_error( u"search_text", None, unicode, message = u"is missing" )
notes = self.__database.select_many( Note, notebook.sql_search_notes( search_text ) )
notes = self.__database.select_many( Note, Notebook.sql_search_notes( user_id, anonymous.object_id, notebook_id, search_text ) )
return dict(
notes = notes,

View File

@ -276,20 +276,25 @@ class Test_controller( object ):
Notebook.sql_load_note_by_title = lambda self, title: \
lambda database: sql_load_note_by_title( self, title, database )
def sql_search_notes( self, search_text, database ):
notes = []
def sql_search_notes( user_id, anonymous_user_id, first_notebook_id, search_text, database ):
first_notes = []
other_notes = []
search_text = search_text.lower()
for ( object_id, obj_list ) in database.objects.items():
obj = obj_list[ -1 ]
if isinstance( obj, Note ) and obj.notebook_id == self.object_id and \
if isinstance( obj, Note ) and ( database.user_notebook.get( user_id ) or \
( database.user_notebook.get( anonymous_user_id ) and note.notebook_id == first_notebook_id ) ) and \
search_text in obj.contents.lower():
notes.append( obj )
if obj.notebook_id == first_notebook_id:
first_notes.append( obj )
other_notes.append( obj )
return notes
return first_notes + other_notes
Notebook.sql_search_notes = lambda self, search_text: \
lambda database: sql_search_notes( self, search_text, database )
Notebook.sql_search_notes = staticmethod( lambda user_id, anonymous_user_id, first_notebook_id, search_text: \
lambda database: sql_search_notes( user_id, anonymous_user_id, first_notebook_id, search_text, database ) )
def sql_highest_note_rank( self, database ):
max_rank = -1

View File

@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ class Note( Persistent ):
d.update( dict(
contents = self.__contents,
summary = self.__summary,
notebook_id = self.__notebook_id,
title = self.__title,
deleted_from_id = self.__deleted_from_id,
user_id = self.__user_id,

View File

@ -166,32 +166,38 @@ class Notebook( Persistent ):
return "select id, revision, title, contents, notebook_id, startup, deleted_from_id, rank, user_id from note_current where notebook_id = %s and title = %s;" % ( quote( self.object_id ), quote( title ) )
def sql_search_notes( self, search_text ):
def sql_search_notes( user_id, anonymous_user_id, first_notebook_id, search_text ):
Return a SQL string to perform a full-text search for notes whose contents contain the given
search_text. This is a case-insensitive search.
Return a SQL string to perform a full-text search for notes within notebooks readable by the
given user whose contents contain the given search_text. This is a case-insensitive search.
@type search_text: unicode
@param search_text: text to search for within the notes
# strip out all search operators
search_text = self.SEARCH_OPERATORS.sub( u"", search_text ).strip()
search_text = Notebook.SEARCH_OPERATORS.sub( u"", search_text ).strip()
# join all words with boolean "and" operator
search_text = u"&".join( self.WHITESPACE_PATTERN.split( search_text ) )
search_text = u"&".join( Notebook.WHITESPACE_PATTERN.split( search_text ) )
return \
select id, revision, title, contents, notebook_id, startup, deleted_from_id, rank, user_id, null,
headline( drop_html_tags( contents ), query ) as summary from (
id, revision, title, contents, notebook_id, startup, deleted_from_id, rank_cd( search, query ) as rank, user_id, null, query
note_current.id, note_current.revision, note_current.title, note_current.contents,
note_current.notebook_id, note_current.startup, note_current.deleted_from_id,
rank_cd( search, query ) as rank, note_current.user_id, null, query
note_current, to_tsquery( 'default', %s ) query
note_current, user_notebook, to_tsquery( 'default', %s ) query
notebook_id = %s and query @@ search order by rank desc limit 20
note_current.notebook_id = user_notebook.notebook_id and ( user_notebook.user_id = %s or
( user_notebook.user_id = %s and note_current.notebook_id = %s ) ) and
query @@ search order by note_current.notebook_id = %s desc, rank desc limit 20
) as sub;
""" % ( quote( search_text ), quote( self.object_id ) )
""" % ( quote( search_text ), quote( user_id ), quote( anonymous_user_id ),
quote( first_notebook_id ), quote( first_notebook_id ) )
def sql_highest_note_rank( self ):

View File

@ -165,6 +165,7 @@ class Test_note( object ):
assert datetime.now( tz = utc ) - d.get( "revision" ) < self.delta
assert d.get( "contents" ) == self.contents
assert d.get( "summary" ) == self.summary
assert d.get( "notebook_id" ) == self.notebook_id
assert d.get( "title" ) == self.title
assert d.get( "deleted_from_id" ) == None
assert d.get( "user_id" ) == self.user_id

View File

@ -40,6 +40,13 @@ del a {
color: red;
hr {
border: 0;
color: #000000;
background-color: #000000;
height: 1px;
.button {
border-style: outset;
border-width: 0px;

View File

@ -377,6 +377,8 @@ Editor.prototype.mouse_clicked = function ( event ) {
// search through the tree of elements containing the clicked target. if a link isn't found, bail
var link = event.target()
if ( !link ) false;
while ( link.nodeName != "A" ) {
link = link.parentNode;
if ( !link )
@ -539,6 +541,7 @@ Editor.prototype.find_link_at_cursor = function () {
if ( this.iframe.contentWindow && this.iframe.contentWindow.getSelection ) { // browsers such as Firefox
var selection = this.iframe.contentWindow.getSelection();
var link = selection.anchorNode;
if ( !link ) return null;
while ( link.nodeName != "A" ) {
link = link.parentNode;

View File

@ -35,11 +35,12 @@ function Wiki( invoker ) {
// grab the current notebook from the list of available notebooks
this.notebooks = evalJSON( getElement( "notebooks" ).value );
this.notebooks_by_id = {};
for ( var i in this.notebooks ) {
if ( this.notebooks[ i ].object_id == this.notebook_id ) {
this.notebooks_by_id[ this.notebooks[ i ].object_id ] = this.notebooks[ i ];
if ( this.notebooks[ i ].object_id == this.notebook_id )
this.notebook = this.notebooks[ i ]
if ( this.notebook && this.notebook.read_write ) {
@ -1473,12 +1474,13 @@ Wiki.prototype.display_search_results = function ( result ) {
// otherwise, there are multiple search results, so create a "magic" search results note. but
// first close any open search results notes
// create a "magic" search results note. but first close any open search results notes
if ( this.search_results_editor )
var list = createDOM( "span", {} );
var other_notebooks_section = false;
for ( var i in result.notes ) {
var note = result.notes[ i ]
if ( !note.title ) continue;
@ -1497,9 +1499,27 @@ Wiki.prototype.display_search_results = function ( result ) {
summary_span.setAttribute( "class", "search_results_summary" );
summary_span.innerHTML = summary;
// when a link is clicked for a note from a notebook other than the current one, open it in a
// new window
var link_attributes = { "href": "/notebooks/" + note.notebook_id + "?note_id=" + note.object_id };
if ( note.notebook_id != this.notebook_id ) {
link_attributes[ "target" ] = "_new";
if ( !other_notebooks_section ) {
other_notebooks_section = true;
if ( i == 0 )
appendChildNodes( list, createDOM( "p", {}, "No matching notes in this notebook." ) );
appendChildNodes( list, createDOM( "hr" ), createDOM( "h4", {}, "other notebooks" ) );
var notebook = this.notebooks_by_id[ note.notebook_id ];
appendChildNodes( list,
createDOM( "p", {},
createDOM( "a", { "href": "/notebooks/" + this.notebook_id + "?note_id=" + note.object_id }, note.title ),
createDOM( "a", link_attributes, note.title ),
other_notebooks_section && notebook && createDOM( "span", { "class": "small_text" }, " (", notebook.name, ")" ) || null,
createDOM( "br" ),