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import cherrypy
from Test_controller import Test_controller
from controller.Scheduler import Scheduler
from model.User import User
from model.Notebook import Notebook
from model.Note import Note
class Test_users( Test_controller ):
def setUp( self ):
Test_controller.setUp( self )
self.username = u"mulder"
self.password = u"trustno1"
self.email_address = u"outthere@example.com"
self.new_username = u"reynolds"
self.new_password = u"shiny"
self.new_email_address = u"capn@example.com"
self.user = None
self.anonymous = None
self.notebooks = None
thread = self.make_users()
self.scheduler.add( thread )
self.scheduler.wait_for( thread )
def make_users( self ):
self.database.next_id( self.scheduler.thread )
notebook_id1 = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP )
self.database.next_id( self.scheduler.thread )
notebook_id2 = ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP )
self.notebooks = [
Notebook( notebook_id1, u"my notebook" ),
Notebook( notebook_id2, u"my other notebook" ),
self.database.next_id( self.scheduler.thread )
self.anon_notebook = Notebook( ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ), u"anon notebook" )
self.database.next_id( self.scheduler.thread )
self.anon_startup_note = Note( ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ), u"contents go here" )
self.anon_notebook.add_note( self.anon_startup_note )
self.anon_notebook.add_startup_note( self.anon_startup_note )
self.database.next_id( self.scheduler.thread )
self.startup_note = Note( ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ), u"other contents go here" )
self.notebooks[ 0 ].add_note( self.startup_note )
self.notebooks[ 0 ].add_startup_note( self.startup_note )
self.database.next_id( self.scheduler.thread )
self.user = User( ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ), self.username, self.password, self.email_address, self.notebooks )
self.database.next_id( self.scheduler.thread )
self.anonymous = User( ( yield Scheduler.SLEEP ), u"anonymous", None, None, [ self.anon_notebook ] )
self.database.save( self.user )
self.database.save( self.anonymous )
def test_signup( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/signup", dict(
username = self.new_username,
password = self.new_password,
password_repeat = self.new_password,
email_address = self.new_email_address,
signup_button = u"sign up",
) )
assert result[ u"redirect" ].startswith( u"/notebooks/" )
assert result[ u"authenticated" ]
def test_current_after_signup( self, include_startup_notes = False ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/signup", dict(
username = self.new_username,
password = self.new_password,
password_repeat = self.new_password,
email_address = self.new_email_address,
signup_button = u"sign up",
) )
session_id = result[ u"session_id" ]
new_notebook_id = result[ u"redirect" ].split( u"/notebooks/" )[ -1 ]
result = self.http_get(
"/users/current?include_startup_notes=%s" % include_startup_notes,
session_id = session_id,
assert result[ u"user" ].username == self.new_username
notebooks = result[ u"notebooks" ]
assert len( notebooks ) == 1
notebook = notebooks[ 0 ]
assert notebook.object_id == new_notebook_id
assert notebook.trash
assert len( notebook.notes ) == 1
assert len( notebook.startup_notes ) == 1
startup_notes = result[ "startup_notes" ]
if include_startup_notes:
assert len( startup_notes ) == 1
assert u"welcome to your wiki" in startup_notes[ 0 ].contents
assert startup_notes == []
def test_current_with_startup_notes_after_signup( self ):
self.test_current_after_signup( include_startup_notes = True )
def test_signup_with_different_passwords( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/signup", dict(
username = self.new_username,
password = self.new_password,
password_repeat = self.new_password + u"nomatch",
email_address = self.new_email_address,
signup_button = u"sign up",
) )
assert result[ u"error" ]
def test_login( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/login", dict(
username = self.username,
password = self.password,
login_button = u"login",
) )
assert result[ u"redirect" ] == u"/notebooks/%s" % self.notebooks[ 0 ].object_id
assert result[ u"authenticated" ]
def test_login_with_unknown_user( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/login", dict(
username = u"nosuchuser",
password = self.password,
login_button = u"login",
) )
assert result[ u"error" ]
assert not result.get( u"authenticated" )
def test_login_with_invalid_password( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/login", dict(
username = self.username,
password = u"wrongpass",
login_button = u"login",
) )
assert result[ u"error" ]
assert not result.get( u"authenticated" )
def test_logout( self ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/logout", dict() )
assert result[ u"redirect" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ].get( u"luminotes.http_url" ) + u"/"
assert result[ u"deauthenticated" ]
def test_current_after_login( self, include_startup_notes = False ):
result = self.http_post( "/users/login", dict(
username = self.username,
password = self.password,
login_button = u"login",
) )
session_id = result[ u"session_id" ]
result = self.http_get(
"/users/current?include_startup_notes=%s" % include_startup_notes,
session_id = session_id,
assert result[ u"user" ] == self.user
assert result[ u"notebooks" ] == self.notebooks
assert result[ u"http_url" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ].get( u"luminotes.http_url" )
startup_notes = result[ "startup_notes" ]
if include_startup_notes:
assert len( startup_notes ) == 1
assert startup_notes[ 0 ] == self.startup_note
assert startup_notes == []
def test_current_with_startup_notes_after_login( self ):
self.test_current_after_login( include_startup_notes = True )
def test_current_without_login( self, include_startup_notes = False ):
result = self.http_get(
"/users/current?include_startup_notes=%s" % include_startup_notes,
assert result[ u"user" ].username == "anonymous"
assert result[ u"notebooks" ] == [ self.anon_notebook ]
assert result[ u"http_url" ] == self.settings[ u"global" ].get( u"luminotes.http_url" )
startup_notes = result[ "startup_notes" ]
if include_startup_notes:
assert len( startup_notes ) == 1
assert startup_notes[ 0 ] == self.anon_startup_note
assert startup_notes == []
def test_current_with_startup_notes_without_login( self ):
self.test_current_without_login( include_startup_notes = True )