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import re
from difflib import SequenceMatcher
from htmllib import HTMLParser
from formatter import AbstractFormatter, NullWriter
from xml.sax.saxutils import quoteattr
class Html_differ( HTMLParser ):
Generates an HTML diff for two HTML strings. It assumed that the input HTML is already cleaned.
def __init__( self ):
HTMLParser.__init__( self, AbstractFormatter( NullWriter() ) )
self.result = []
self.requires_no_close = [ 'img', 'br' ]
WORD_AND_WHITESPACE_PATTERN = re.compile( "\S*\s*" )
def handle_data( self, data ):
self.result.extend( self.WORD_AND_WHITESPACE_PATTERN.findall( data ) )
def handle_charref( self, ref ):
self.result.append( '&#%s;' % ref )
def handle_entityref( self, ref ):
self.result.append( '&%s;' % ref )
def handle_comment( self, comment ):
pass # ignore comments
def handle_starttag( self, tag, method, attrs ):
self.result.append( self.get_starttag_text() )
def handle_endtag( self, tag, attrs ):
if tag not in self.requires_no_close:
bracketed = "</%s>" % tag
self.result.append( bracketed )
def unknown_starttag( self, tag, attr ):
self.handle_starttag( tag, None, attr )
def unknown_endtag( self, tag ):
self.handle_endtag( tag, None )
# used to replace, for instance, "<br/>" with "<br />"
INVALID_TAG_PATTERN = re.compile( "(\S)/>" )
INVALID_TAG_FIX = "\\1 />"
def diff( self, html_a, html_b ):
Return a composite HTML diff of the given HTML input strings.
# parse html_a into a list
self.result = []
html_a = self.INVALID_TAG_PATTERN.sub( self.INVALID_TAG_FIX, html_a )
self.feed( html_a )
a = [ x for x in self.result if x != "" ]
# parse html_b into a list
self.result = []
html_b = self.INVALID_TAG_PATTERN.sub( self.INVALID_TAG_FIX, html_b )
self.feed( html_b )
b = [ x for x in self.result if x != "" ]
return self.__diff_lists( a, b )
def __diff_lists( self, a, b ):
matcher = SequenceMatcher( None, a, b )
result = []
# inspired by http://www.aaronsw.com/2002/diff/
for ( tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 ) in matcher.get_opcodes():
if tag == "replace":
'<del class="diff modified">' + ''.join( a[ i1:i2 ] ) + '</del>' + \
'<ins class="diff modified">' + ''.join( b[ j1:j2 ] ) + '</ins>'
elif tag == "delete":
result.append( '<del class="diff">' + ''.join( a[ i1:i2 ] ) + '</del>' )
elif tag == "insert":
result.append( '<ins class="diff">' + ''.join( b[ j1:j2 ] ) + '</ins>' )
elif tag == "equal":
result.append( ''.join( b[ j1:j2 ] ) )
return "".join( result )