import logging import os def normalize_sections(config_filename, config): ''' Given a configuration filename and a configuration dict of its loaded contents, airlift any options out of sections ("location:", etc.) to the global scope and delete those sections. Return any log message warnings produced based on the normalization performed. Raise ValueError if the "prefix" option is set in both "location" and "consistency" sections. ''' try: location = config.get('location') or {} except AttributeError: raise ValueError('Configuration does not contain any options') storage = config.get('storage') or {} consistency = config.get('consistency') or {} hooks = config.get('hooks') or {} if ( location.get('prefix') and consistency.get('prefix') and location.get('prefix') != consistency.get('prefix') ): raise ValueError( 'The retention prefix and the consistency prefix cannot have different values (unless one is not set).' ) if storage.get('umask') and hooks.get('umask') and storage.get('umask') != hooks.get('umask'): raise ValueError( 'The storage umask and the hooks umask cannot have different values (unless one is not set).' ) any_section_upgraded = False # Move any options from deprecated sections into the global scope. for section_name in ('location', 'storage', 'retention', 'consistency', 'output', 'hooks'): section_config = config.get(section_name) if section_config: any_section_upgraded = True del config[section_name] config.update(section_config) if any_section_upgraded: return [ logging.makeLogRecord( dict( levelno=logging.WARNING, levelname='WARNING', msg=f'{config_filename}: Configuration sections (like location: and storage:) are deprecated and support will be removed from a future release. To prepare for this, move your options out of sections to the global scope.', ) ) ] return [] def normalize(config_filename, config): ''' Given a configuration filename and a configuration dict of its loaded contents, apply particular hard-coded rules to normalize the configuration to adhere to the current schema. Return any log message warnings produced based on the normalization performed. Raise ValueError the configuration cannot be normalized. ''' logs = normalize_sections(config_filename, config) # Upgrade exclude_if_present from a string to a list. exclude_if_present = config.get('exclude_if_present') if isinstance(exclude_if_present, str): logs.append( logging.makeLogRecord( dict( levelno=logging.WARNING, levelname='WARNING', msg=f'{config_filename}: The exclude_if_present option now expects a list value. String values for this option are deprecated and support will be removed from a future release.', ) ) ) config['exclude_if_present'] = [exclude_if_present] # Upgrade various monitoring hooks from a string to a dict. healthchecks = config.get('healthchecks') if isinstance(healthchecks, str): logs.append( logging.makeLogRecord( dict( levelno=logging.WARNING, levelname='WARNING', msg=f'{config_filename}: The healthchecks hook now expects a mapping value. String values for this option are deprecated and support will be removed from a future release.', ) ) ) config['healthchecks'] = {'ping_url': healthchecks} cronitor = config.get('cronitor') if isinstance(cronitor, str): logs.append( logging.makeLogRecord( dict( levelno=logging.WARNING, levelname='WARNING', msg=f'{config_filename}: The healthchecks hook now expects key/value pairs. String values for this option are deprecated and support will be removed from a future release.', ) ) ) config['cronitor'] = {'ping_url': cronitor} pagerduty = config.get('pagerduty') if isinstance(pagerduty, str): logs.append( logging.makeLogRecord( dict( levelno=logging.WARNING, levelname='WARNING', msg=f'{config_filename}: The healthchecks hook now expects key/value pairs. String values for this option are deprecated and support will be removed from a future release.', ) ) ) config['pagerduty'] = {'integration_key': pagerduty} cronhub = config.get('cronhub') if isinstance(cronhub, str): logs.append( logging.makeLogRecord( dict( levelno=logging.WARNING, levelname='WARNING', msg=f'{config_filename}: The healthchecks hook now expects key/value pairs. String values for this option are deprecated and support will be removed from a future release.', ) ) ) config['cronhub'] = {'ping_url': cronhub} # Upgrade consistency checks from a list of strings to a list of dicts. checks = config.get('checks') if isinstance(checks, list) and len(checks) and isinstance(checks[0], str): logs.append( logging.makeLogRecord( dict( levelno=logging.WARNING, levelname='WARNING', msg=f'{config_filename}: The checks option now expects a list of key/value pairs. Lists of strings for this option are deprecated and support will be removed from a future release.', ) ) ) config['checks'] = [{'name': check_type} for check_type in checks] # Rename various configuration options. numeric_owner = config.pop('numeric_owner', None) if numeric_owner is not None: logs.append( logging.makeLogRecord( dict( levelno=logging.WARNING, levelname='WARNING', msg=f'{config_filename}: The numeric_owner option has been renamed to numeric_ids. numeric_owner is deprecated and support will be removed from a future release.', ) ) ) config['numeric_ids'] = numeric_owner bsd_flags = config.pop('bsd_flags', None) if bsd_flags is not None: logs.append( logging.makeLogRecord( dict( levelno=logging.WARNING, levelname='WARNING', msg=f'{config_filename}: The bsd_flags option has been renamed to flags. bsd_flags is deprecated and support will be removed from a future release.', ) ) ) config['flags'] = bsd_flags remote_rate_limit = config.pop('remote_rate_limit', None) if remote_rate_limit is not None: logs.append( logging.makeLogRecord( dict( levelno=logging.WARNING, levelname='WARNING', msg=f'{config_filename}: The remote_rate_limit option has been renamed to upload_rate_limit. remote_rate_limit is deprecated and support will be removed from a future release.', ) ) ) config['upload_rate_limit'] = remote_rate_limit # Upgrade remote repositories to ssh:// syntax, required in Borg 2. repositories = config.get('repositories') if repositories: if isinstance(repositories[0], str): logs.append( logging.makeLogRecord( dict( levelno=logging.WARNING, levelname='WARNING', msg=f'{config_filename}: The repositories option now expects a list of key/value pairs. Lists of strings for this option are deprecated and support will be removed from a future release.', ) ) ) config['repositories'] = [{'path': repository} for repository in repositories] repositories = config['repositories'] config['repositories'] = [] for repository_dict in repositories: repository_path = repository_dict['path'] if '~' in repository_path: logs.append( logging.makeLogRecord( dict( levelno=logging.WARNING, levelname='WARNING', msg=f'{config_filename}: Repository paths containing "~" are deprecated in borgmatic and support will be removed from a future release.', ) ) ) if ':' in repository_path: if repository_path.startswith('file://'): updated_repository_path = os.path.abspath( repository_path.partition('file://')[-1] ) config['repositories'].append( dict( repository_dict, path=updated_repository_path, ) ) elif repository_path.startswith('ssh://'): config['repositories'].append(repository_dict) else: rewritten_repository_path = f"ssh://{repository_path.replace(':~', '/~').replace(':/', '/').replace(':', '/./')}" logs.append( logging.makeLogRecord( dict( levelno=logging.WARNING, levelname='WARNING', msg=f'{config_filename}: Remote repository paths without ssh:// syntax are deprecated and support will be removed from a future release. Interpreting "{repository_path}" as "{rewritten_repository_path}"', ) ) ) config['repositories'].append( dict( repository_dict, path=rewritten_repository_path, ) ) else: config['repositories'].append(repository_dict) if config.get('prefix'): logs.append( logging.makeLogRecord( dict( levelno=logging.WARNING, levelname='WARNING', msg=f'{config_filename}: The prefix option is deprecated and support will be removed from a future release. Use archive_name_format or match_archives instead.', ) ) ) return logs