import logging import requests from borgmatic.hooks import monitor logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) MONITOR_STATE_TO_HEALTHCHECKS = { monitor.State.START: 'start', monitor.State.FINISH: None, # Healthchecks doesn't append to the URL for the finished state. monitor.State.FAIL: 'fail', } PAYLOAD_TRUNCATION_INDICATOR = '...\n' PAYLOAD_LIMIT_BYTES = 100 * 1024 - len(PAYLOAD_TRUNCATION_INDICATOR) class Forgetful_buffering_handler(logging.Handler): ''' A buffering log handler that stores log messages in memory, and throws away messages (oldest first) once a particular capacity in bytes is reached. ''' def __init__(self, byte_capacity, log_level): super().__init__() self.byte_capacity = byte_capacity self.byte_count = 0 self.buffer = [] self.forgot = False self.setLevel(log_level) def emit(self, record): message = record.getMessage() + '\n' self.byte_count += len(message) self.buffer.append(message) while self.byte_count > self.byte_capacity and self.buffer: self.byte_count -= len(self.buffer[0]) self.buffer.pop(0) self.forgot = True def format_buffered_logs_for_payload(): ''' Get the handler previously added to the root logger, and slurp buffered logs out of it to send to Healthchecks. ''' try: buffering_handler = next( handler for handler in logging.getLogger().handlers if isinstance(handler, Forgetful_buffering_handler) ) except StopIteration: # No handler means no payload. return '' payload = ''.join(message for message in buffering_handler.buffer) if buffering_handler.forgot: return PAYLOAD_TRUNCATION_INDICATOR + payload return payload def initialize_monitor( ping_url_or_uuid, config_filename, monitoring_log_level, dry_run ): # pragma: no cover ''' Add a handler to the root logger that stores in memory the most recent logs emitted. That way, we can send them all to Healthchecks upon a finish or failure state. ''' logging.getLogger().addHandler( Forgetful_buffering_handler(PAYLOAD_LIMIT_BYTES, monitoring_log_level) ) def ping_monitor(ping_url_or_uuid, config_filename, state, monitoring_log_level, dry_run): ''' Ping the given Healthchecks URL or UUID, modified with the monitor.State. Use the given configuration filename in any log entries, and log to Healthchecks with the giving log level. If this is a dry run, then don't actually ping anything. ''' ping_url = ( ping_url_or_uuid if ping_url_or_uuid.startswith('http') else '{}'.format(ping_url_or_uuid) ) dry_run_label = ' (dry run; not actually pinging)' if dry_run else '' healthchecks_state = MONITOR_STATE_TO_HEALTHCHECKS.get(state) if healthchecks_state: ping_url = '{}/{}'.format(ping_url, healthchecks_state) '{}: Pinging Healthchecks {}{}'.format(config_filename,, dry_run_label) ) logger.debug('{}: Using Healthchecks ping URL {}'.format(config_filename, ping_url)) if state in (monitor.State.FINISH, monitor.State.FAIL): payload = format_buffered_logs_for_payload() else: payload = '' if not dry_run: logging.getLogger('urllib3').setLevel(logging.ERROR), data=payload.encode('utf-8')) def destroy_monitor(ping_url_or_uuid, config_filename, monitoring_log_level, dry_run): ''' Remove the monitor handler that was added to the root logger. This prevents the handler from getting reused by other instances of this monitor. ''' logger = logging.getLogger() for handler in tuple(logger.handlers): if isinstance(handler, Forgetful_buffering_handler): logger.removeHandler(handler)