import pytest from flexmock import flexmock from borgmatic.config import normalize as module @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'config,expected_config,produces_logs', ( ( {'location': {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'quux'}}, {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'quux'}, True, ), ( {'retention': {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'quux'}}, {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'quux'}, True, ), ( {'consistency': {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'quux'}}, {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'quux'}, True, ), ( {'output': {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'quux'}}, {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'quux'}, True, ), ( {'hooks': {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'quux'}}, {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'quux'}, True, ), ( {'location': {'foo': 'bar'}, 'storage': {'baz': 'quux'}}, {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'quux'}, True, ), ( {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'quux'}, {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'quux'}, False, ), ( {'location': {'prefix': 'foo'}, 'consistency': {'prefix': 'foo'}}, {'prefix': 'foo'}, True, ), ( {'location': {'prefix': 'foo'}, 'consistency': {'prefix': 'foo'}}, {'prefix': 'foo'}, True, ), ( {'location': {'prefix': 'foo'}, 'consistency': {'bar': 'baz'}}, {'prefix': 'foo', 'bar': 'baz'}, True, ), ( {'storage': {'umask': 'foo'}, 'hooks': {'umask': 'foo'}}, {'umask': 'foo'}, True, ), ( {'storage': {'umask': 'foo'}, 'hooks': {'umask': 'foo'}}, {'umask': 'foo'}, True, ), ( {'storage': {'umask': 'foo'}, 'hooks': {'bar': 'baz'}}, {'umask': 'foo', 'bar': 'baz'}, True, ), ( {'location': {'bar': 'baz'}, 'consistency': {'prefix': 'foo'}}, {'bar': 'baz', 'prefix': 'foo'}, True, ), ( {}, {}, False, ), ), ) def test_normalize_sections_moves_section_options_to_global_scope( config, expected_config, produces_logs ): logs = module.normalize_sections('test.yaml', config) assert config == expected_config if produces_logs: assert logs else: assert logs == [] def test_normalize_sections_with_different_prefix_values_raises(): config = {'location': {'prefix': 'foo'}, 'consistency': {'prefix': 'bar'}} with pytest.raises(ValueError): module.normalize_sections('test.yaml', config) def test_normalize_sections_with_different_umask_values_raises(): config = {'storage': {'umask': 'foo'}, 'hooks': {'umask': 'bar'}} with pytest.raises(ValueError): module.normalize_sections('test.yaml', config) def test_normalize_sections_with_only_scalar_raises(): config = 33 with pytest.raises(ValueError): module.normalize_sections('test.yaml', config) @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'config,expected_config,produces_logs', ( ( {'exclude_if_present': '.nobackup'}, {'exclude_if_present': ['.nobackup']}, True, ), ( {'exclude_if_present': ['.nobackup']}, {'exclude_if_present': ['.nobackup']}, False, ), ( {'source_directories': ['foo', 'bar']}, {'source_directories': ['foo', 'bar']}, False, ), ( {'compression': 'yes_please'}, {'compression': 'yes_please'}, False, ), ( {'healthchecks': ''}, {'healthchecks': {'ping_url': ''}}, True, ), ( {'cronitor': ''}, {'cronitor': {'ping_url': ''}}, True, ), ( {'pagerduty': ''}, {'pagerduty': {'integration_key': ''}}, True, ), ( {'cronhub': ''}, {'cronhub': {'ping_url': ''}}, True, ), ( {'checks': ['archives']}, {'checks': [{'name': 'archives'}]}, True, ), ( {'checks': ['archives']}, {'checks': [{'name': 'archives'}]}, True, ), ( {'numeric_owner': False}, {'numeric_ids': False}, True, ), ( {'bsd_flags': False}, {'flags': False}, True, ), ( {'remote_rate_limit': False}, {'upload_rate_limit': False}, True, ), ( {'repositories': ['foo@bar:/repo']}, {'repositories': [{'path': 'ssh://foo@bar/repo'}]}, True, ), ( {'repositories': ['foo@bar:repo']}, {'repositories': [{'path': 'ssh://foo@bar/./repo'}]}, True, ), ( {'repositories': ['foo@bar:~/repo']}, {'repositories': [{'path': 'ssh://foo@bar/~/repo'}]}, True, ), ( {'repositories': ['ssh://foo@bar:1234/repo']}, {'repositories': [{'path': 'ssh://foo@bar:1234/repo'}]}, True, ), ( {'repositories': ['file:///repo']}, {'repositories': [{'path': '/repo'}]}, True, ), ( {'repositories': [{'path': 'foo@bar:/repo', 'label': 'foo'}]}, {'repositories': [{'path': 'ssh://foo@bar/repo', 'label': 'foo'}]}, True, ), ( {'repositories': [{'path': 'file:///repo', 'label': 'foo'}]}, {'repositories': [{'path': '/repo', 'label': 'foo'}]}, False, ), ( {'repositories': [{'path': '/repo', 'label': 'foo'}]}, {'repositories': [{'path': '/repo', 'label': 'foo'}]}, False, ), ( {'prefix': 'foo'}, {'prefix': 'foo'}, True, ), ), ) def test_normalize_applies_hard_coded_normalization_to_config( config, expected_config, produces_logs ): flexmock(module).should_receive('normalize_sections').and_return([]) logs = module.normalize('test.yaml', config) assert config == expected_config if produces_logs: assert logs else: assert logs == [] def test_normalize_raises_error_if_repository_data_is_not_consistent(): flexmock(module).should_receive('normalize_sections').and_return([]) with pytest.raises(TypeError): module.normalize( 'test.yaml', { 'repositories': [{'path': 'foo@bar:/repo', 'label': 'foo'}, 'file:///repo'], }, )