  • Joined on 2024-06-20
johnny2678 closed issue borgmatic-collective/borgmatic#892 2024-06-27 20:22:53 +00:00
Unable to import Apprise in monitoring hook
johnny2678 commented on issue borgmatic-collective/borgmatic#892 2024-06-27 20:22:53 +00:00
Unable to import Apprise in monitoring hook

OMG... that was easy. I just didn't read that far down in the docs. Thank you for taking the time to respond.

johnny2678 opened issue borgmatic-collective/borgmatic#892 2024-06-27 19:01:51 +00:00
Unable to import Apprise in monitoring hook
johnny2678 closed issue borgmatic-collective/borgmatic#890 2024-06-26 17:21:55 +00:00
multiple repos with different passphrases?
johnny2678 commented on issue borgmatic-collective/borgmatic#890 2024-06-26 17:20:07 +00:00
multiple repos with different passphrases?

No need to apologize.. I'm happy to field questions; they let me know where the rough edges are on borgmatic.

Unfortunately the only real way to support your use case right now is with…

johnny2678 opened issue borgmatic-collective/borgmatic#890 2024-06-26 15:37:04 +00:00
multiple repos with different passphrases?
johnny2678 commented on issue borgmatic-collective/borgmatic#882 2024-06-20 23:05:45 +00:00
support paths-from-command or similar type feature to further customize archive contents

So you could specify your --paths-from-command there, and hopefully the resulting command-line passed to Borg would work for you.

The challenge here is the -- separator used by `--paths-fr…

johnny2678 commented on issue borgmatic-collective/borgmatic#882 2024-06-20 22:06:38 +00:00
support paths-from-command or similar type feature to further customize archive contents

If I may ask though: What's your use case for only including the most recently modified files? Is it that the whole 30 files are just too large?

Completely fair question. My use case is…

johnny2678 opened issue borgmatic-collective/borgmatic#882 2024-06-20 19:30:01 +00:00
support paths-from-command or similar type feature to further customize archive contents