import collections import itertools import sys from argparse import Action, ArgumentParser from borgmatic.config import collect ACTION_ALIASES = { 'rcreate': ['init', '-I'], 'prune': ['-p'], 'compact': [], 'create': ['-C'], 'check': ['-k'], 'config': [], 'extract': ['-x'], 'export-tar': [], 'mount': ['-m'], 'umount': ['-u'], 'restore': ['-r'], 'rlist': [], 'list': ['-l'], 'rinfo': [], 'info': ['-i'], 'transfer': [], 'break-lock': [], 'borg': [], } def get_subaction_parsers(action_parser): ''' Given an argparse.ArgumentParser instance, lookup the subactions in it and return a dict from subaction name to subaction parser. ''' if not action_parser._subparsers: return {} return { subaction_name: subaction_parser for group_action in action_parser._subparsers._group_actions for subaction_name, subaction_parser in group_action.choices.items() } def get_subactions_for_actions(action_parsers): ''' Given a dict from action name to an argparse.ArgumentParser instance, make a map from action name to the names of contained sub-actions. ''' return { action: tuple( subaction_name for group_action in action_parser._subparsers._group_actions for subaction_name in group_action.choices.keys() ) for action, action_parser in action_parsers.items() if action_parser._subparsers } def omit_values_colliding_with_action_names(unparsed_arguments, parsed_arguments): ''' Given a sequence of string arguments and a dict from action name to parsed argparse.Namespace arguments, return the string arguments with any values omitted that happen to be the same as the name of a borgmatic action. This prevents, for instance, "check --only extract" from triggering the "extract" action. ''' remaining_arguments = list(unparsed_arguments) for action_name, parsed in parsed_arguments.items(): for value in vars(parsed).values(): if isinstance(value, str): if value in ACTION_ALIASES.keys(): remaining_arguments.remove(value) elif isinstance(value, list): for item in value: if item in ACTION_ALIASES.keys(): remaining_arguments.remove(item) return tuple(remaining_arguments) def parse_and_record_action_arguments( unparsed_arguments, parsed_arguments, action_parser, action_name, canonical_name=None ): ''' Given unparsed arguments as a sequence of strings, parsed arguments as a dict from action name to parsed argparse.Namespace, a parser to parse with, an action name, and an optional canonical action name (in case this the action name is an alias), parse the arguments and return a list of any remaining string arguments that were not parsed. Also record the parsed argparse.Namespace by setting it into the given parsed arguments. Return None if no parsing occurs because the given action doesn't apply to the given unparsed arguments. ''' filtered_arguments = omit_values_colliding_with_action_names( unparsed_arguments, parsed_arguments ) if action_name not in filtered_arguments: return tuple(unparsed_arguments) parsed, remaining = action_parser.parse_known_args(filtered_arguments) parsed_arguments[canonical_name or action_name] = parsed # Special case: If this is a "borg" action, greedily consume all arguments after (+1) the "borg" # argument. if action_name == 'borg': borg_options_index = remaining.index('borg') + 1 parsed_arguments['borg'].options = remaining[borg_options_index:] remaining = remaining[:borg_options_index] return tuple(argument for argument in remaining if argument != action_name) def get_unparsable_arguments(remaining_action_arguments): ''' Given a sequence of argument tuples (one per action parser that parsed arguments), determine the remaining arguments that no action parsers have consumed. ''' if not remaining_action_arguments: return () return tuple( argument for argument in dict.fromkeys( itertools.chain.from_iterable(remaining_action_arguments) ).keys() if all(argument in action_arguments for action_arguments in remaining_action_arguments) ) def parse_arguments_for_actions(unparsed_arguments, action_parsers, global_parser): ''' Given a sequence of arguments, a dict from action name to argparse.ArgumentParser instance, and the global parser as a argparse.ArgumentParser instance, give each requested action's parser a shot at parsing all arguments. This allows common arguments like "--repository" to be shared across multiple action parsers. Return the result as a tuple of: (a dict mapping from action name to an argparse.Namespace of parsed arguments, a tuple of argument tuples where each is the remaining arguments not claimed by any action parser). ''' arguments = collections.OrderedDict() help_requested = bool('--help' in unparsed_arguments or '-h' in unparsed_arguments) remaining_action_arguments = [] alias_to_action_name = { alias: action_name for action_name, aliases in ACTION_ALIASES.items() for alias in aliases } # If the "borg" action is used, skip all other action parsers. This avoids confusion like # "borg list" triggering borgmatic's own list action. if 'borg' in unparsed_arguments: action_parsers = {'borg': action_parsers['borg']} # Ask each action parser, one by one, to parse arguments. for argument in unparsed_arguments: action_name = argument canonical_name = alias_to_action_name.get(action_name, action_name) action_parser = action_parsers.get(action_name) if not action_parser: continue subaction_parsers = get_subaction_parsers(action_parser) # But first parse with subaction parsers, if any. if subaction_parsers: subactions_parsed = False for subaction_name, subaction_parser in subaction_parsers.items(): remaining_action_arguments.append( tuple( argument for argument in parse_and_record_action_arguments( unparsed_arguments, arguments, subaction_parser, subaction_name, ) if argument != action_name ) ) if subaction_name in arguments: subactions_parsed = True if not subactions_parsed: if help_requested: action_parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) else: raise ValueError( f"Missing sub-action after {action_name} action. Expected one of: {', '.join(get_subactions_for_actions(action_parsers)[action_name])}" ) # Otherwise, parse with the main action parser. else: remaining_action_arguments.append( parse_and_record_action_arguments( unparsed_arguments, arguments, action_parser, action_name, canonical_name ) ) # If no actions were explicitly requested, assume defaults. if not arguments and not help_requested: for default_action_name in ('create', 'prune', 'compact', 'check'): default_action_parser = action_parsers[default_action_name] remaining_action_arguments.append( parse_and_record_action_arguments( tuple(unparsed_arguments) + (default_action_name,), arguments, default_action_parser, default_action_name, ) ) arguments['global'], remaining = global_parser.parse_known_args(unparsed_arguments) remaining_action_arguments.append(remaining) # Prevent action names that follow "--config" paths from being considered as additional paths. for argument_name in arguments.keys(): if argument_name == 'global': continue for action_name in [argument_name] + ACTION_ALIASES.get(argument_name, []): if action_name in arguments['global'].config_paths: arguments['global'].config_paths.remove(action_name) break return ( arguments, tuple(remaining_action_arguments) if arguments else unparsed_arguments, ) class Extend_action(Action): ''' An argparse action to support Python 3.8's "extend" action in older versions of Python. ''' def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): items = getattr(namespace, self.dest, None) if items: items.extend(values) # pragma: no cover else: setattr(namespace, self.dest, list(values)) def make_parsers(): ''' Build a global arguments parser, individual action parsers, and a combined parser containing both. Return them as a tuple. The global parser is useful for parsing just global arguments while ignoring actions, and the combined parser is handy for displaying help that includes everything: global flags, a list of actions, etc. ''' config_paths = collect.get_default_config_paths(expand_home=True) unexpanded_config_paths = collect.get_default_config_paths(expand_home=False) global_parser = ArgumentParser(add_help=False) global_parser.register('action', 'extend', Extend_action) global_group = global_parser.add_argument_group('global arguments') global_group.add_argument( '-c', '--config', nargs='*', dest='config_paths', default=config_paths, help=f"Configuration filenames or directories, defaults to: {' '.join(unexpanded_config_paths)}", ) global_group.add_argument( '--excludes', dest='excludes_filename', help='Deprecated in favor of exclude_patterns within configuration', ) global_group.add_argument( '-n', '--dry-run', dest='dry_run', action='store_true', help='Go through the motions, but do not actually write to any repositories', ) global_group.add_argument( '-nc', '--no-color', dest='no_color', action='store_true', help='Disable colored output' ) global_group.add_argument( '-v', '--verbosity', type=int, choices=range(-2, 3), default=0, help='Display verbose progress to the console (disabled, errors only, default, some, or lots: -2, -1, 0, 1, or 2)', ) global_group.add_argument( '--syslog-verbosity', type=int, choices=range(-2, 3), default=0, help='Log verbose progress to syslog (disabled, errors only, default, some, or lots: -2, -1, 0, 1, or 2). Ignored when console is interactive or --log-file is given', ) global_group.add_argument( '--log-file-verbosity', type=int, choices=range(-2, 3), default=0, help='Log verbose progress to log file (disabled, errors only, default, some, or lots: -2, -1, 0, 1, or 2). Only used when --log-file is given', ) global_group.add_argument( '--monitoring-verbosity', type=int, choices=range(-2, 3), default=0, help='Log verbose progress to monitoring integrations that support logging (from disabled, errors only, default, some, or lots: -2, -1, 0, 1, or 2)', ) global_group.add_argument( '--log-file', type=str, help='Write log messages to this file instead of syslog', ) global_group.add_argument( '--log-file-format', type=str, help='Log format string used for log messages written to the log file', ) global_group.add_argument( '--log-json', action='store_true', help='Write log messages and console output as one JSON object per log line instead of formatted text', ) global_group.add_argument( '--override', metavar='SECTION.OPTION=VALUE', nargs='+', dest='overrides', action='extend', help='One or more configuration file options to override with specified values', ) global_group.add_argument( '--no-environment-interpolation', dest='resolve_env', action='store_false', help='Do not resolve environment variables in configuration file', ) global_group.add_argument( '--bash-completion', default=False, action='store_true', help='Show bash completion script and exit', ) global_group.add_argument( '--fish-completion', default=False, action='store_true', help='Show fish completion script and exit', ) global_group.add_argument( '--version', dest='version', default=False, action='store_true', help='Display installed version number of borgmatic and exit', ) global_plus_action_parser = ArgumentParser( description=''' Simple, configuration-driven backup software for servers and workstations. If none of the action options are given, then borgmatic defaults to: create, prune, compact, and check. ''', parents=[global_parser], ) action_parsers = global_plus_action_parser.add_subparsers( title='actions', metavar='', help='Specify zero or more actions. Defaults to create, prune, compact, and check. Use --help with action for details:', ) rcreate_parser = action_parsers.add_parser( 'rcreate', aliases=ACTION_ALIASES['rcreate'], help='Create a new, empty Borg repository', description='Create a new, empty Borg repository', add_help=False, ) rcreate_group = rcreate_parser.add_argument_group('rcreate arguments') rcreate_group.add_argument( '-e', '--encryption', dest='encryption_mode', help='Borg repository encryption mode', required=True, ) rcreate_group.add_argument( '--source-repository', '--other-repo', metavar='KEY_REPOSITORY', help='Path to an existing Borg repository whose key material should be reused [Borg 2.x+ only]', ) rcreate_group.add_argument( '--repository', help='Path of the new repository to create (must be already specified in a borgmatic configuration file), defaults to the configured repository if there is only one', ) rcreate_group.add_argument( '--copy-crypt-key', action='store_true', help='Copy the crypt key used for authenticated encryption from the source repository, defaults to a new random key [Borg 2.x+ only]', ) rcreate_group.add_argument( '--append-only', action='store_true', help='Create an append-only repository', ) rcreate_group.add_argument( '--storage-quota', help='Create a repository with a fixed storage quota', ) rcreate_group.add_argument( '--make-parent-dirs', action='store_true', help='Create any missing parent directories of the repository directory', ) rcreate_group.add_argument( '-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit' ) transfer_parser = action_parsers.add_parser( 'transfer', aliases=ACTION_ALIASES['transfer'], help='Transfer archives from one repository to another, optionally upgrading the transferred data [Borg 2.0+ only]', description='Transfer archives from one repository to another, optionally upgrading the transferred data [Borg 2.0+ only]', add_help=False, ) transfer_group = transfer_parser.add_argument_group('transfer arguments') transfer_group.add_argument( '--repository', help='Path of existing destination repository to transfer archives to, defaults to the configured repository if there is only one', ) transfer_group.add_argument( '--source-repository', help='Path of existing source repository to transfer archives from', required=True, ) transfer_group.add_argument( '--archive', help='Name of single archive to transfer (or "latest"), defaults to transferring all archives', ) transfer_group.add_argument( '--upgrader', help='Upgrader type used to convert the transferred data, e.g. "From12To20" to upgrade data from Borg 1.2 to 2.0 format, defaults to no conversion', ) transfer_group.add_argument( '--progress', default=False, action='store_true', help='Display progress as each archive is transferred', ) transfer_group.add_argument( '-a', '--match-archives', '--glob-archives', metavar='PATTERN', help='Only transfer archives with names matching this pattern', ) transfer_group.add_argument( '--sort-by', metavar='KEYS', help='Comma-separated list of sorting keys' ) transfer_group.add_argument( '--first', metavar='N', help='Only transfer first N archives after other filters are applied', ) transfer_group.add_argument( '--last', metavar='N', help='Only transfer last N archives after other filters are applied' ) transfer_group.add_argument( '--oldest', metavar='TIMESPAN', help='Transfer archives within a specified time range starting from the timestamp of the oldest archive (e.g. 7d or 12m) [Borg 2.x+ only]', ) transfer_group.add_argument( '--newest', metavar='TIMESPAN', help='Transfer archives within a time range that ends at timestamp of the newest archive and starts a specified time range ago (e.g. 7d or 12m) [Borg 2.x+ only]', ) transfer_group.add_argument( '--older', metavar='TIMESPAN', help='Transfer archives that are older than the specified time range (e.g. 7d or 12m) from the current time [Borg 2.x+ only]', ) transfer_group.add_argument( '--newer', metavar='TIMESPAN', help='Transfer archives that are newer than the specified time range (e.g. 7d or 12m) from the current time [Borg 2.x+ only]', ) transfer_group.add_argument( '-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit' ) prune_parser = action_parsers.add_parser( 'prune', aliases=ACTION_ALIASES['prune'], help='Prune archives according to the retention policy (with Borg 1.2+, run compact afterwards to actually free space)', description='Prune archives according to the retention policy (with Borg 1.2+, run compact afterwards to actually free space)', add_help=False, ) prune_group = prune_parser.add_argument_group('prune arguments') prune_group.add_argument( '--repository', help='Path of specific existing repository to prune (must be already specified in a borgmatic configuration file)', ) prune_group.add_argument( '--stats', dest='stats', default=False, action='store_true', help='Display statistics of archive', ) prune_group.add_argument( '--list', dest='list_archives', action='store_true', help='List archives kept/pruned' ) prune_group.add_argument( '--oldest', metavar='TIMESPAN', help='Prune archives within a specified time range starting from the timestamp of the oldest archive (e.g. 7d or 12m) [Borg 2.x+ only]', ) prune_group.add_argument( '--newest', metavar='TIMESPAN', help='Prune archives within a time range that ends at timestamp of the newest archive and starts a specified time range ago (e.g. 7d or 12m) [Borg 2.x+ only]', ) prune_group.add_argument( '--older', metavar='TIMESPAN', help='Prune archives that are older than the specified time range (e.g. 7d or 12m) from the current time [Borg 2.x+ only]', ) prune_group.add_argument( '--newer', metavar='TIMESPAN', help='Prune archives that are newer than the specified time range (e.g. 7d or 12m) from the current time [Borg 2.x+ only]', ) prune_group.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit') compact_parser = action_parsers.add_parser( 'compact', aliases=ACTION_ALIASES['compact'], help='Compact segments to free space [Borg 1.2+, borgmatic 1.5.23+ only]', description='Compact segments to free space [Borg 1.2+, borgmatic 1.5.23+ only]', add_help=False, ) compact_group = compact_parser.add_argument_group('compact arguments') compact_group.add_argument( '--repository', help='Path of specific existing repository to compact (must be already specified in a borgmatic configuration file)', ) compact_group.add_argument( '--progress', dest='progress', default=False, action='store_true', help='Display progress as each segment is compacted', ) compact_group.add_argument( '--cleanup-commits', dest='cleanup_commits', default=False, action='store_true', help='Cleanup commit-only 17-byte segment files left behind by Borg 1.1 [flag in Borg 1.2 only]', ) compact_group.add_argument( '--threshold', type=int, dest='threshold', help='Minimum saved space percentage threshold for compacting a segment, defaults to 10', ) compact_group.add_argument( '-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit' ) create_parser = action_parsers.add_parser( 'create', aliases=ACTION_ALIASES['create'], help='Create an archive (actually perform a backup)', description='Create an archive (actually perform a backup)', add_help=False, ) create_group = create_parser.add_argument_group('create arguments') create_group.add_argument( '--repository', help='Path of specific existing repository to backup to (must be already specified in a borgmatic configuration file)', ) create_group.add_argument( '--progress', dest='progress', default=False, action='store_true', help='Display progress for each file as it is backed up', ) create_group.add_argument( '--stats', dest='stats', default=False, action='store_true', help='Display statistics of archive', ) create_group.add_argument( '--list', '--files', dest='list_files', action='store_true', help='Show per-file details' ) create_group.add_argument( '--json', dest='json', default=False, action='store_true', help='Output results as JSON' ) create_group.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit') check_parser = action_parsers.add_parser( 'check', aliases=ACTION_ALIASES['check'], help='Check archives for consistency', description='Check archives for consistency', add_help=False, ) check_group = check_parser.add_argument_group('check arguments') check_group.add_argument( '--repository', help='Path of specific existing repository to check (must be already specified in a borgmatic configuration file)', ) check_group.add_argument( '--progress', dest='progress', default=False, action='store_true', help='Display progress for each file as it is checked', ) check_group.add_argument( '--repair', dest='repair', default=False, action='store_true', help='Attempt to repair any inconsistencies found (for interactive use)', ) check_group.add_argument( '--only', metavar='CHECK', choices=('repository', 'archives', 'data', 'extract'), dest='only', action='append', help='Run a particular consistency check (repository, archives, data, or extract) instead of configured checks (subject to configured frequency, can specify flag multiple times)', ) check_group.add_argument( '--force', default=False, action='store_true', help='Ignore configured check frequencies and run checks unconditionally', ) check_group.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit') extract_parser = action_parsers.add_parser( 'extract', aliases=ACTION_ALIASES['extract'], help='Extract files from a named archive to the current directory', description='Extract a named archive to the current directory', add_help=False, ) extract_group = extract_parser.add_argument_group('extract arguments') extract_group.add_argument( '--repository', help='Path of repository to extract, defaults to the configured repository if there is only one', ) extract_group.add_argument( '--archive', help='Name of archive to extract (or "latest")', required=True ) extract_group.add_argument( '--path', '--restore-path', metavar='PATH', nargs='+', dest='paths', help='Paths to extract from archive, defaults to the entire archive', ) extract_group.add_argument( '--destination', metavar='PATH', dest='destination', help='Directory to extract files into, defaults to the current directory', ) extract_group.add_argument( '--strip-components', type=lambda number: number if number == 'all' else int(number), metavar='NUMBER', help='Number of leading path components to remove from each extracted path or "all" to strip all leading path components. Skip paths with fewer elements', ) extract_group.add_argument( '--progress', dest='progress', default=False, action='store_true', help='Display progress for each file as it is extracted', ) extract_group.add_argument( '-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit' ) config_parser = action_parsers.add_parser( 'config', aliases=ACTION_ALIASES['config'], help='Perform configuration file related operations', description='Perform configuration file related operations', add_help=False, ) config_group = config_parser.add_argument_group('config arguments') config_group.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit') config_parsers = config_parser.add_subparsers( title='config sub-actions', ) config_bootstrap_parser = config_parsers.add_parser( 'bootstrap', help='Extract the borgmatic configuration files from a named archive', description='Extract the borgmatic configuration files from a named archive', add_help=False, ) config_bootstrap_group = config_bootstrap_parser.add_argument_group( 'config bootstrap arguments' ) config_bootstrap_group.add_argument( '--repository', help='Path of repository to extract config files from', required=True, ) config_bootstrap_group.add_argument( '--borgmatic-source-directory', help='Path that stores the config files used to create an archive and additional source files used for temporary internal state like borgmatic database dumps. Defaults to ~/.borgmatic', ) config_bootstrap_group.add_argument( '--archive', help='Name of archive to extract config files from, defaults to "latest"', default='latest', ) config_bootstrap_group.add_argument( '--destination', metavar='PATH', dest='destination', help='Directory to extract config files into, defaults to /', default='/', ) config_bootstrap_group.add_argument( '--strip-components', type=lambda number: number if number == 'all' else int(number), metavar='NUMBER', help='Number of leading path components to remove from each extracted path or "all" to strip all leading path components. Skip paths with fewer elements', ) config_bootstrap_group.add_argument( '--progress', dest='progress', default=False, action='store_true', help='Display progress for each file as it is extracted', ) config_bootstrap_group.add_argument( '-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit' ) config_generate_parser = config_parsers.add_parser( 'generate', help='Generate a sample borgmatic configuration file', description='Generate a sample borgmatic configuration file', add_help=False, ) config_generate_group = config_generate_parser.add_argument_group('config generate arguments') config_generate_group.add_argument( '-s', '--source', dest='source_filename', help='Optional configuration file to merge into the generated configuration, useful for upgrading your configuration', ) config_generate_group.add_argument( '-d', '--destination', dest='destination_filename', default=config_paths[0], help=f'Destination configuration file, default: {unexpanded_config_paths[0]}', ) config_generate_group.add_argument( '--overwrite', default=False, action='store_true', help='Whether to overwrite any existing destination file, defaults to false', ) config_generate_group.add_argument( '-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit' ) config_validate_parser = config_parsers.add_parser( 'validate', help='Validate borgmatic configuration files specified with --config (see borgmatic --help)', description='Validate borgmatic configuration files specified with --config (see borgmatic --help)', add_help=False, ) config_validate_group = config_validate_parser.add_argument_group('config validate arguments') config_validate_group.add_argument( '-s', '--show', action='store_true', help='Show the validated configuration after all include merging has occurred', ) config_validate_group.add_argument( '-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit' ) export_tar_parser = action_parsers.add_parser( 'export-tar', aliases=ACTION_ALIASES['export-tar'], help='Export an archive to a tar-formatted file or stream', description='Export an archive to a tar-formatted file or stream', add_help=False, ) export_tar_group = export_tar_parser.add_argument_group('export-tar arguments') export_tar_group.add_argument( '--repository', help='Path of repository to export from, defaults to the configured repository if there is only one', ) export_tar_group.add_argument( '--archive', help='Name of archive to export (or "latest")', required=True ) export_tar_group.add_argument( '--path', metavar='PATH', nargs='+', dest='paths', help='Paths to export from archive, defaults to the entire archive', ) export_tar_group.add_argument( '--destination', metavar='PATH', dest='destination', help='Path to destination export tar file, or "-" for stdout (but be careful about dirtying output with --verbosity or --list)', required=True, ) export_tar_group.add_argument( '--tar-filter', help='Name of filter program to pipe data through' ) export_tar_group.add_argument( '--list', '--files', dest='list_files', action='store_true', help='Show per-file details' ) export_tar_group.add_argument( '--strip-components', type=int, metavar='NUMBER', dest='strip_components', help='Number of leading path components to remove from each exported path. Skip paths with fewer elements', ) export_tar_group.add_argument( '-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit' ) mount_parser = action_parsers.add_parser( 'mount', aliases=ACTION_ALIASES['mount'], help='Mount files from a named archive as a FUSE filesystem', description='Mount a named archive as a FUSE filesystem', add_help=False, ) mount_group = mount_parser.add_argument_group('mount arguments') mount_group.add_argument( '--repository', help='Path of repository to use, defaults to the configured repository if there is only one', ) mount_group.add_argument('--archive', help='Name of archive to mount (or "latest")') mount_group.add_argument( '--mount-point', metavar='PATH', dest='mount_point', help='Path where filesystem is to be mounted', required=True, ) mount_group.add_argument( '--path', metavar='PATH', nargs='+', dest='paths', help='Paths to mount from archive, defaults to the entire archive', ) mount_group.add_argument( '--foreground', dest='foreground', default=False, action='store_true', help='Stay in foreground until ctrl-C is pressed', ) mount_group.add_argument( '--first', metavar='N', help='Mount first N archives after other filters are applied', ) mount_group.add_argument( '--last', metavar='N', help='Mount last N archives after other filters are applied' ) mount_group.add_argument( '--oldest', metavar='TIMESPAN', help='Mount archives within a specified time range starting from the timestamp of the oldest archive (e.g. 7d or 12m) [Borg 2.x+ only]', ) mount_group.add_argument( '--newest', metavar='TIMESPAN', help='Mount archives within a time range that ends at timestamp of the newest archive and starts a specified time range ago (e.g. 7d or 12m) [Borg 2.x+ only]', ) mount_group.add_argument( '--older', metavar='TIMESPAN', help='Mount archives that are older than the specified time range (e.g. 7d or 12m) from the current time [Borg 2.x+ only]', ) mount_group.add_argument( '--newer', metavar='TIMESPAN', help='Mount archives that are newer than the specified time range (e.g. 7d or 12m) from the current time [Borg 2.x+ only]', ) mount_group.add_argument('--options', dest='options', help='Extra Borg mount options') mount_group.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit') umount_parser = action_parsers.add_parser( 'umount', aliases=ACTION_ALIASES['umount'], help='Unmount a FUSE filesystem that was mounted with "borgmatic mount"', description='Unmount a mounted FUSE filesystem', add_help=False, ) umount_group = umount_parser.add_argument_group('umount arguments') umount_group.add_argument( '--mount-point', metavar='PATH', dest='mount_point', help='Path of filesystem to unmount', required=True, ) umount_group.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit') restore_parser = action_parsers.add_parser( 'restore', aliases=ACTION_ALIASES['restore'], help='Restore database dumps from a named archive', description='Restore database dumps from a named archive. (To extract files instead, use "borgmatic extract".)', add_help=False, ) restore_group = restore_parser.add_argument_group('restore arguments') restore_group.add_argument( '--repository', help='Path of repository to restore from, defaults to the configured repository if there is only one', ) restore_group.add_argument( '--archive', help='Name of archive to restore from (or "latest")', required=True ) restore_group.add_argument( '--database', metavar='NAME', nargs='+', dest='databases', help="Names of databases to restore from archive, defaults to all databases. Note that any databases to restore must be defined in borgmatic's configuration", ) restore_group.add_argument( '--schema', metavar='NAME', nargs='+', dest='schemas', help='Names of schemas to restore from the database, defaults to all schemas. Schemas are only supported for PostgreSQL and MongoDB databases', ) restore_group.add_argument( '--hostname', help='Database hostname to restore to. Defaults to the "restore_hostname" option in borgmatic\'s configuration', ) restore_group.add_argument( '--port', help='Port to restore to. Defaults to the "restore_port" option in borgmatic\'s configuration', ) restore_group.add_argument( '--username', help='Username with which to connect to the database. Defaults to the "restore_username" option in borgmatic\'s configuration', ) restore_group.add_argument( '--password', help='Password with which to connect to the restore database. Defaults to the "restore_password" option in borgmatic\'s configuration', ) restore_group.add_argument( '--restore-path', help='Path to restore SQLite database dumps to. Defaults to the "restore_path" option in borgmatic\'s configuration', ) restore_group.add_argument( '-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit' ) rlist_parser = action_parsers.add_parser( 'rlist', aliases=ACTION_ALIASES['rlist'], help='List repository', description='List the archives in a repository', add_help=False, ) rlist_group = rlist_parser.add_argument_group('rlist arguments') rlist_group.add_argument( '--repository', help='Path of repository to list, defaults to the configured repositories', ) rlist_group.add_argument( '--short', default=False, action='store_true', help='Output only archive names' ) rlist_group.add_argument('--format', help='Format for archive listing') rlist_group.add_argument( '--json', default=False, action='store_true', help='Output results as JSON' ) rlist_group.add_argument( '-P', '--prefix', help='Deprecated. Only list archive names starting with this prefix' ) rlist_group.add_argument( '-a', '--match-archives', '--glob-archives', metavar='PATTERN', help='Only list archive names matching this pattern', ) rlist_group.add_argument( '--sort-by', metavar='KEYS', help='Comma-separated list of sorting keys' ) rlist_group.add_argument( '--first', metavar='N', help='List first N archives after other filters are applied' ) rlist_group.add_argument( '--last', metavar='N', help='List last N archives after other filters are applied' ) rlist_group.add_argument( '--oldest', metavar='TIMESPAN', help='List archives within a specified time range starting from the timestamp of the oldest archive (e.g. 7d or 12m) [Borg 2.x+ only]', ) rlist_group.add_argument( '--newest', metavar='TIMESPAN', help='List archives within a time range that ends at timestamp of the newest archive and starts a specified time range ago (e.g. 7d or 12m) [Borg 2.x+ only]', ) rlist_group.add_argument( '--older', metavar='TIMESPAN', help='List archives that are older than the specified time range (e.g. 7d or 12m) from the current time [Borg 2.x+ only]', ) rlist_group.add_argument( '--newer', metavar='TIMESPAN', help='List archives that are newer than the specified time range (e.g. 7d or 12m) from the current time [Borg 2.x+ only]', ) rlist_group.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit') list_parser = action_parsers.add_parser( 'list', aliases=ACTION_ALIASES['list'], help='List archive', description='List the files in an archive or search for a file across archives', add_help=False, ) list_group = list_parser.add_argument_group('list arguments') list_group.add_argument( '--repository', help='Path of repository containing archive to list, defaults to the configured repositories', ) list_group.add_argument('--archive', help='Name of the archive to list (or "latest")') list_group.add_argument( '--path', metavar='PATH', nargs='+', dest='paths', help='Paths or patterns to list from a single selected archive (via "--archive"), defaults to listing the entire archive', ) list_group.add_argument( '--find', metavar='PATH', nargs='+', dest='find_paths', help='Partial paths or patterns to search for and list across multiple archives', ) list_group.add_argument( '--short', default=False, action='store_true', help='Output only path names' ) list_group.add_argument('--format', help='Format for file listing') list_group.add_argument( '--json', default=False, action='store_true', help='Output results as JSON' ) list_group.add_argument( '-P', '--prefix', help='Deprecated. Only list archive names starting with this prefix' ) list_group.add_argument( '-a', '--match-archives', '--glob-archives', metavar='PATTERN', help='Only list archive names matching this pattern', ) list_group.add_argument( '--successful', default=True, action='store_true', help='Deprecated; no effect. Newer versions of Borg shows successful (non-checkpoint) archives by default.', ) list_group.add_argument( '--sort-by', metavar='KEYS', help='Comma-separated list of sorting keys' ) list_group.add_argument( '--first', metavar='N', help='List first N archives after other filters are applied' ) list_group.add_argument( '--last', metavar='N', help='List last N archives after other filters are applied' ) list_group.add_argument( '-e', '--exclude', metavar='PATTERN', help='Exclude paths matching the pattern' ) list_group.add_argument( '--exclude-from', metavar='FILENAME', help='Exclude paths from exclude file, one per line' ) list_group.add_argument('--pattern', help='Include or exclude paths matching a pattern') list_group.add_argument( '--patterns-from', metavar='FILENAME', help='Include or exclude paths matching patterns from pattern file, one per line', ) list_group.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit') rinfo_parser = action_parsers.add_parser( 'rinfo', aliases=ACTION_ALIASES['rinfo'], help='Show repository summary information such as disk space used', description='Show repository summary information such as disk space used', add_help=False, ) rinfo_group = rinfo_parser.add_argument_group('rinfo arguments') rinfo_group.add_argument( '--repository', help='Path of repository to show info for, defaults to the configured repository if there is only one', ) rinfo_group.add_argument( '--json', dest='json', default=False, action='store_true', help='Output results as JSON' ) rinfo_group.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit') info_parser = action_parsers.add_parser( 'info', aliases=ACTION_ALIASES['info'], help='Show archive summary information such as disk space used', description='Show archive summary information such as disk space used', add_help=False, ) info_group = info_parser.add_argument_group('info arguments') info_group.add_argument( '--repository', help='Path of repository containing archive to show info for, defaults to the configured repository if there is only one', ) info_group.add_argument('--archive', help='Name of archive to show info for (or "latest")') info_group.add_argument( '--json', dest='json', default=False, action='store_true', help='Output results as JSON' ) info_group.add_argument( '-P', '--prefix', help='Deprecated. Only show info for archive names starting with this prefix', ) info_group.add_argument( '-a', '--match-archives', '--glob-archives', metavar='PATTERN', help='Only show info for archive names matching this pattern', ) info_group.add_argument( '--sort-by', metavar='KEYS', help='Comma-separated list of sorting keys' ) info_group.add_argument( '--first', metavar='N', help='Show info for first N archives after other filters are applied', ) info_group.add_argument( '--last', metavar='N', help='Show info for last N archives after other filters are applied' ) info_group.add_argument( '--oldest', metavar='TIMESPAN', help='Show info for archives within a specified time range starting from the timestamp of the oldest archive (e.g. 7d or 12m) [Borg 2.x+ only]', ) info_group.add_argument( '--newest', metavar='TIMESPAN', help='Show info for archives within a time range that ends at timestamp of the newest archive and starts a specified time range ago (e.g. 7d or 12m) [Borg 2.x+ only]', ) info_group.add_argument( '--older', metavar='TIMESPAN', help='Show info for archives that are older than the specified time range (e.g. 7d or 12m) from the current time [Borg 2.x+ only]', ) info_group.add_argument( '--newer', metavar='TIMESPAN', help='Show info for archives that are newer than the specified time range (e.g. 7d or 12m) from the current time [Borg 2.x+ only]', ) info_group.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit') break_lock_parser = action_parsers.add_parser( 'break-lock', aliases=ACTION_ALIASES['break-lock'], help='Break the repository and cache locks left behind by Borg aborting', description='Break Borg repository and cache locks left behind by Borg aborting', add_help=False, ) break_lock_group = break_lock_parser.add_argument_group('break-lock arguments') break_lock_group.add_argument( '--repository', help='Path of repository to break the lock for, defaults to the configured repository if there is only one', ) break_lock_group.add_argument( '-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit' ) borg_parser = action_parsers.add_parser( 'borg', aliases=ACTION_ALIASES['borg'], help='Run an arbitrary Borg command', description="Run an arbitrary Borg command based on borgmatic's configuration", add_help=False, ) borg_group = borg_parser.add_argument_group('borg arguments') borg_group.add_argument( '--repository', help='Path of repository to pass to Borg, defaults to the configured repositories', ) borg_group.add_argument('--archive', help='Name of archive to pass to Borg (or "latest")') borg_group.add_argument( '--', metavar='OPTION', dest='options', nargs='+', help='Options to pass to Borg, command first ("create", "list", etc). "--" is optional. To specify the repository or the archive, you must use --repository or --archive instead of providing them here.', ) borg_group.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit') return global_parser, action_parsers, global_plus_action_parser def parse_arguments(*unparsed_arguments): ''' Given command-line arguments with which this script was invoked, parse the arguments and return them as a dict mapping from action name (or "global") to an argparse.Namespace instance. Raise ValueError if the arguments cannot be parsed. Raise SystemExit with an error code of 0 if "--help" was requested. ''' global_parser, action_parsers, global_plus_action_parser = make_parsers() arguments, remaining_action_arguments = parse_arguments_for_actions( unparsed_arguments, action_parsers.choices, global_parser ) for action_name in ('bootstrap', 'generate', 'validate'): if ( action_name in arguments.keys() and len(arguments.keys()) > 2 ): # 2 = 1 for 'global' + 1 for the action raise ValueError( f'The {action_name} action cannot be combined with other actions. Please run it separately.' ) unknown_arguments = get_unparsable_arguments(remaining_action_arguments) if unknown_arguments: if '--help' in unknown_arguments or '-h' in unknown_arguments: global_plus_action_parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) global_plus_action_parser.print_usage() raise ValueError( f"Unrecognized argument{'s' if len(unknown_arguments) > 1 else ''}: {' '.join(unknown_arguments)}" ) if arguments['global'].excludes_filename: raise ValueError( 'The --excludes flag has been replaced with exclude_patterns in configuration.' ) if 'create' in arguments and arguments['create'].list_files and arguments['create'].progress: raise ValueError( 'With the create action, only one of --list (--files) and --progress flags can be used.' ) if 'create' in arguments and arguments['create'].list_files and arguments['create'].json: raise ValueError( 'With the create action, only one of --list (--files) and --json flags can be used.' ) if ( ('list' in arguments and 'rinfo' in arguments and arguments['list'].json) or ('list' in arguments and 'info' in arguments and arguments['list'].json) or ('rinfo' in arguments and 'info' in arguments and arguments['rinfo'].json) ): raise ValueError('With the --json flag, multiple actions cannot be used together.') if ( 'transfer' in arguments and arguments['transfer'].archive and arguments['transfer'].match_archives ): raise ValueError( 'With the transfer action, only one of --archive and --match-archives flags can be used.' ) if 'list' in arguments and (arguments['list'].prefix and arguments['list'].match_archives): raise ValueError( 'With the list action, only one of --prefix or --match-archives flags can be used.' ) if 'rlist' in arguments and (arguments['rlist'].prefix and arguments['rlist'].match_archives): raise ValueError( 'With the rlist action, only one of --prefix or --match-archives flags can be used.' ) if 'info' in arguments and ( (arguments['info'].archive and arguments['info'].prefix) or (arguments['info'].archive and arguments['info'].match_archives) or (arguments['info'].prefix and arguments['info'].match_archives) ): raise ValueError( 'With the info action, only one of --archive, --prefix, or --match-archives flags can be used.' ) return arguments