import logging import requests from borgmatic.hooks import monitor logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) MONITOR_STATE_TO_CRONITOR = { monitor.State.START: 'run', monitor.State.FINISH: 'complete', monitor.State.FAIL: 'fail', } def initialize_monitor( ping_url, config, config_filename, monitoring_log_level, dry_run ): # pragma: no cover ''' No initialization is necessary for this monitor. ''' pass def ping_monitor(hook_config, config, config_filename, state, monitoring_log_level, dry_run, action_name): ''' Ping the configured Cronitor URL, modified with the monitor.State. Use the given configuration filename in any log entries. If this is a dry run, then don't actually ping anything. ''' if state not in MONITOR_STATE_TO_CRONITOR: logger.debug( f'{config_filename}: Ignoring unsupported monitoring {} in Cronitor hook' ) return dry_run_label = ' (dry run; not actually pinging)' if dry_run else '' try: ping_url = f"{hook_config[action_name]}/{MONITOR_STATE_TO_CRONITOR[state]}" except KeyError: logger.debug( f'{config_filename}: Skipping Cronitor {} ping due to unconfigured action: {action_name}' ) return'{config_filename}: Pinging Cronitor {}{dry_run_label}') logger.debug(f'{config_filename}: Using Cronitor ping URL {ping_url}') if not dry_run: logging.getLogger('urllib3').setLevel(logging.ERROR) try: response = requests.get(ping_url) if not response.ok: response.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.RequestException as error: logger.warning(f'{config_filename}: Cronitor error: {error}') def destroy_monitor( ping_url_or_uuid, config, config_filename, monitoring_log_level, dry_run ): # pragma: no cover ''' No destruction is necessary for this monitor. ''' pass