import logging import os import subprocess from borgmatic.borg import environment, feature, flags, rlist from borgmatic.execute import DO_NOT_CAPTURE, execute_command logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def extract_last_archive_dry_run( storage_config, local_borg_version, repository, lock_wait=None, local_path='borg', remote_path=None, ): ''' Perform an extraction dry-run of the most recent archive. If there are no archives, skip the dry-run. ''' remote_path_flags = ('--remote-path', remote_path) if remote_path else () lock_wait_flags = ('--lock-wait', str(lock_wait)) if lock_wait else () verbosity_flags = () if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): verbosity_flags = ('--debug', '--show-rc') elif logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO): verbosity_flags = ('--info',) try: last_archive_name = rlist.resolve_archive_name( repository, 'latest', storage_config, local_borg_version, local_path, remote_path ) except ValueError: logger.warning('No archives found. Skipping extract consistency check.') return list_flag = ('--list',) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) else () borg_environment = environment.make_environment(storage_config) full_extract_command = ( (local_path, 'extract', '--dry-run') + remote_path_flags + lock_wait_flags + verbosity_flags + list_flag + flags.make_repository_archive_flags(repository, last_archive_name, local_borg_version) ) execute_command( full_extract_command, working_directory=None, extra_environment=borg_environment ) def extract_archive( dry_run, repository, archive, paths, location_config, storage_config, local_borg_version, local_path='borg', remote_path=None, destination_path=None, strip_components=None, progress=False, extract_to_stdout=False, ): ''' Given a dry-run flag, a local or remote repository path, an archive name, zero or more paths to restore from the archive, the local Borg version string, location/storage configuration dicts, optional local and remote Borg paths, and an optional destination path to extract to, extract the archive into the current directory. If extract to stdout is True, then start the extraction streaming to stdout, and return that extract process as an instance of subprocess.Popen. ''' umask = storage_config.get('umask', None) lock_wait = storage_config.get('lock_wait', None) if progress and extract_to_stdout: raise ValueError('progress and extract_to_stdout cannot both be set') if feature.available(feature.Feature.NUMERIC_IDS, local_borg_version): numeric_ids_flags = ('--numeric-ids',) if location_config.get('numeric_ids') else () else: numeric_ids_flags = ('--numeric-owner',) if location_config.get('numeric_ids') else () if strip_components == 'all': if not paths: raise ValueError('The --strip-components flag with "all" requires at least one --path') # Calculate the maximum number of leading path components of the given paths. strip_components = max(0, *(len(path.split(os.path.sep)) - 1 for path in paths)) full_command = ( (local_path, 'extract') + (('--remote-path', remote_path) if remote_path else ()) + numeric_ids_flags + (('--umask', str(umask)) if umask else ()) + (('--lock-wait', str(lock_wait)) if lock_wait else ()) + (('--info',) if logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.INFO else ()) + (('--debug', '--list', '--show-rc') if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) else ()) + (('--dry-run',) if dry_run else ()) + (('--strip-components', str(strip_components)) if strip_components else ()) + (('--progress',) if progress else ()) + (('--stdout',) if extract_to_stdout else ()) + flags.make_repository_archive_flags(repository, archive, local_borg_version,) + (tuple(paths) if paths else ()) ) borg_environment = environment.make_environment(storage_config) # The progress output isn't compatible with captured and logged output, as progress messes with # the terminal directly. if progress: return execute_command( full_command, output_file=DO_NOT_CAPTURE, working_directory=destination_path, extra_environment=borg_environment, ) return None if extract_to_stdout: return execute_command( full_command, output_file=subprocess.PIPE, working_directory=destination_path, run_to_completion=False, extra_environment=borg_environment, ) # Don't give Borg local path so as to error on warnings, as "borg extract" only gives a warning # if the restore paths don't exist in the archive. execute_command( full_command, working_directory=destination_path, extra_environment=borg_environment )