• Joined on 2022-09-05
felixx9 commented on issue borgmatic-collective/borgmatic#581 2022-09-08 20:58:46 +00:00
postgres backup questions

got it. was a tiny almost invisible mistake in hostname. Sorry about that an thx for your help.

felixx9 closed issue borgmatic-collective/borgmatic#581 2022-09-08 20:58:46 +00:00
postgres backup questions
felixx9 opened issue borgmatic-collective/borgmatic#581 2022-09-06 09:42:15 +00:00
postgres backup questions
felixx9 commented on issue borgmatic-collective/borgmatic#580 2022-09-05 22:33:22 +00:00
pg_dump: [Errno 28] No space left on device

Thank you Sound's reasonable. Since I'm still in learnig even to read ansible and docker, I might just deactivate the "deafault" and install the b3vis/borgmatic container, mentioned by…

felixx9 opened issue borgmatic-collective/borgmatic#580 2022-09-05 21:49:09 +00:00
pg_dump: [Errno 28] No space left on device