# novel-compiler This is a simple python script that compiles a novel written in markdown into a Microsoft Word `.docx` file. Dependencies: `docxtpl`, `markdown`, `MarkdownPP`, `novel_stats`. The first three can be installed using `pip`, and the last one is available at [https://projects.torsion.org/witten/novel-stats](). Formatting: ```md # PROJECT TITLE ### AUTHOR NAME ## CHAPTER HEADING ``` Currently the only formatting supported is italics and bold (`* and **`). A sample format is included in the distribution. ## Supported arguments * `-o [output.docx]` or `--output [output.docx]` - the file to which the formatted novel is to be written * `-t [template.docx]` or `--template [template.docx]` - provide a template file * `-s [settings.json]` or `--settings [settings.json]` - provide a file with information to be filled into the template * `-pp` - use a preprocessor to enable multi-file novels * `[markdown_file]` - name of the novel source file