
156 lines
5.5 KiB

import glob
import itertools
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import tempfile
from borgmatic.verbosity import VERBOSITY_SOME, VERBOSITY_LOTS
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def initialize_environment(storage_config):
passcommand = storage_config.get('encryption_passcommand')
if passcommand:
os.environ['BORG_PASSCOMMAND'] = passcommand
passphrase = storage_config.get('encryption_passphrase')
if passphrase:
os.environ['BORG_PASSPHRASE'] = passphrase
ssh_command = storage_config.get('ssh_command')
if ssh_command:
os.environ['BORG_RSH'] = ssh_command
def _expand_directory(directory):
Given a directory path, expand any tilde (representing a user's home directory) and any globs
therein. Return a list of one or more resulting paths.
expanded_directory = os.path.expanduser(directory)
return glob.glob(expanded_directory) or [expanded_directory]
def _expand_directories(directories):
Given a sequence of directory paths, expand tildes and globs in each one. Return all the
resulting directories as a single flattened tuple.
if directories is None:
return ()
return tuple(
for directory in directories
def _write_pattern_file(patterns=None):
Given a sequence of patterns, write them to a named temporary file and return it. Return None
if no patterns are provided.
if not patterns:
return None
pattern_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w')
return pattern_file
def _make_pattern_flags(location_config, pattern_filename=None):
Given a location config dict with a potential pattern_from option, and a filename containing any
additional patterns, return the corresponding Borg flags for those files as a tuple.
pattern_filenames = tuple(location_config.get('patterns_from') or ()) + (
(pattern_filename,) if pattern_filename else ()
return tuple(
('--patterns-from', pattern_filename)
for pattern_filename in pattern_filenames
def _make_exclude_flags(location_config, exclude_filename=None):
Given a location config dict with various exclude options, and a filename containing any exclude
patterns, return the corresponding Borg flags as a tuple.
exclude_filenames = tuple(location_config.get('exclude_from') or ()) + (
(exclude_filename,) if exclude_filename else ()
exclude_from_flags = tuple(
('--exclude-from', exclude_filename)
for exclude_filename in exclude_filenames
caches_flag = ('--exclude-caches',) if location_config.get('exclude_caches') else ()
if_present = location_config.get('exclude_if_present')
if_present_flags = ('--exclude-if-present', if_present) if if_present else ()
return exclude_from_flags + caches_flag + if_present_flags
def create_archive(
verbosity, dry_run, repository, location_config, storage_config, local_path='borg', remote_path=None,
Given vebosity/dry-run flags, a local or remote repository path, a location config dict, and a
storage config dict, create a Borg archive.
sources = _expand_directories(location_config['source_directories'])
pattern_file = _write_pattern_file(location_config.get('patterns'))
pattern_flags = _make_pattern_flags(
location_config, if pattern_file else None,
exclude_file = _write_pattern_file(_expand_directories(location_config.get('exclude_patterns')))
exclude_flags = _make_exclude_flags(
location_config, if exclude_file else None,
compression = storage_config.get('compression', None)
compression_flags = ('--compression', compression) if compression else ()
remote_rate_limit = storage_config.get('remote_rate_limit', None)
remote_rate_limit_flags = ('--remote-ratelimit', str(remote_rate_limit)) if remote_rate_limit else ()
umask = storage_config.get('umask', None)
umask_flags = ('--umask', str(umask)) if umask else ()
one_file_system_flags = ('--one-file-system',) if location_config.get('one_file_system') else ()
files_cache = location_config.get('files_cache')
files_cache_flags = ('--files-cache', files_cache) if files_cache else ()
remote_path_flags = ('--remote-path', remote_path) if remote_path else ()
verbosity_flags = {
VERBOSITY_SOME: ('--info',) if dry_run else ('--info', '--stats',),
VERBOSITY_LOTS: ('--debug', '--list',) if dry_run else ('--debug', '--list', '--stats',),
}.get(verbosity, ())
dry_run_flags = ('--dry-run',) if dry_run else ()
default_archive_name_format = '{hostname}-{now:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f}'
archive_name_format = storage_config.get('archive_name_format', default_archive_name_format)
full_command = (
local_path, 'create',
) + sources + pattern_flags + exclude_flags + compression_flags + remote_rate_limit_flags + \
one_file_system_flags + files_cache_flags + remote_path_flags + umask_flags + \
verbosity_flags + dry_run_flags
logger.debug(' '.join(full_command))