2022-06-30 13:42:17 -07:00

171 lines
5.8 KiB

import copy
import logging
import re
from borgmatic.borg import environment
from borgmatic.borg.flags import make_flags, make_flags_from_arguments
from borgmatic.execute import execute_command
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def resolve_archive_name(repository, archive, storage_config, local_path='borg', remote_path=None):
Given a local or remote repository path, an archive name, a storage config dict, a local Borg
path, and a remote Borg path, simply return the archive name. But if the archive name is
"latest", then instead introspect the repository for the latest archive and return its name.
Raise ValueError if "latest" is given but there are no archives in the repository.
if archive != "latest":
return archive
lock_wait = storage_config.get('lock_wait', None)
full_command = (
(local_path, 'list')
+ (('--info',) if logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.INFO else ())
+ (('--debug', '--show-rc') if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) else ())
+ make_flags('remote-path', remote_path)
+ make_flags('lock-wait', lock_wait)
+ make_flags('last', 1)
+ ('--short', repository)
output = execute_command(
latest_archive = output.strip().splitlines()[-1]
except IndexError:
raise ValueError('No archives found in the repository')
logger.debug('{}: Latest archive is {}'.format(repository, latest_archive))
return latest_archive
MAKE_FLAGS_EXCLUDES = ('repository', 'archive', 'successful', 'paths', 'find_paths')
def make_list_command(
repository, storage_config, list_arguments, local_path='borg', remote_path=None
Given a local or remote repository path, a storage config dict, the arguments to the list
action, and local and remote Borg paths, return a command as a tuple to list archives or paths
within an archive.
lock_wait = storage_config.get('lock_wait', None)
return (
(local_path, 'list')
+ (
if logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.INFO and not list_arguments.json
else ()
+ (
('--debug', '--show-rc')
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) and not list_arguments.json
else ()
+ make_flags('remote-path', remote_path)
+ make_flags('lock-wait', lock_wait)
+ make_flags_from_arguments(list_arguments, excludes=MAKE_FLAGS_EXCLUDES,)
+ (
('::'.join((repository, list_arguments.archive)),)
if list_arguments.archive
else (repository,)
+ (tuple(list_arguments.paths) if list_arguments.paths else ())
def make_find_paths(find_paths):
Given a sequence of path fragments or patterns as passed to `--find`, transform all path
fragments into glob patterns. Pass through existing patterns untouched.
For example, given find_paths of:
['foo.txt', 'pp:root/somedir']
... transform that into:
['sh:**/*foo.txt*/**', 'pp:root/somedir']
if not find_paths:
return ()
return tuple(
if re.compile(r'([-!+RrPp] )|(\w\w:)').match(find_path)
else f'sh:**/*{find_path}*/**'
for find_path in find_paths
def list_archives(repository, storage_config, list_arguments, local_path='borg', remote_path=None):
Given a local or remote repository path, a storage config dict, the arguments to the list
action, and local and remote Borg paths, display the output of listing Borg archives in the
repository or return JSON output. Or, if an archive name is given, list the files in that
archive. Or, if list_arguments.find_paths are given, list the files by searching across multiple
borg_environment = environment.make_environment(storage_config)
# If there are any paths to find (and there's not a single archive already selected), start by
# getting a list of archives to search.
if list_arguments.find_paths and not list_arguments.archive:
repository_arguments = copy.copy(list_arguments)
repository_arguments.archive = None
repository_arguments.json = False
repository_arguments.format = None
# Ask Borg to list archives. Capture its output for use below.
archive_lines = tuple(
repository, storage_config, repository_arguments, local_path, remote_path
archive_lines = (list_arguments.archive,)
# For each archive listed by Borg, run list on the contents of that archive.
for archive_line in archive_lines:
archive = archive_line.split()[0]
except (AttributeError, IndexError):
archive = None
if archive:
archive_arguments = copy.copy(list_arguments)
archive_arguments.archive = archive
main_command = make_list_command(
repository, storage_config, archive_arguments, local_path, remote_path
) + make_find_paths(list_arguments.find_paths)
output = execute_command(
output_log_level=None if list_arguments.json else logging.WARNING,
if list_arguments.json:
return output