import logging import sys import subprocess logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def extract_last_archive_dry_run(repository, lock_wait=None, local_path='borg', remote_path=None): ''' Perform an extraction dry-run of the most recent archive. If there are no archives, skip the dry-run. ''' remote_path_flags = ('--remote-path', remote_path) if remote_path else () lock_wait_flags = ('--lock-wait', str(lock_wait)) if lock_wait else () verbosity_flags = () if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): verbosity_flags = ('--debug', '--show-rc') elif logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO): verbosity_flags = ('--info',) full_list_command = ( (local_path, 'list', '--short', repository) + remote_path_flags + lock_wait_flags + verbosity_flags ) list_output = subprocess.check_output(full_list_command).decode(sys.stdout.encoding) last_archive_name = list_output.strip().split('\n')[-1] if not last_archive_name: return list_flag = ('--list',) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) else () full_extract_command = ( ( local_path, 'extract', '--dry-run', '{repository}::{last_archive_name}'.format( repository=repository, last_archive_name=last_archive_name ), ) + remote_path_flags + lock_wait_flags + verbosity_flags + list_flag ) logger.debug(' '.join(full_extract_command)) subprocess.check_call(full_extract_command) def extract_archive( dry_run, repository, archive, restore_paths, storage_config, local_path='borg', remote_path=None, progress=False, ): ''' Given a dry-run flag, a local or remote repository path, an archive name, zero or more paths to restore from the archive, and a storage configuration dict, extract the archive into the current directory. ''' umask = storage_config.get('umask', None) lock_wait = storage_config.get('lock_wait', None) full_command = ( (local_path, 'extract', '::'.join((repository, archive))) + (tuple(restore_paths) if restore_paths else ()) + (('--remote-path', remote_path) if remote_path else ()) + (('--umask', str(umask)) if umask else ()) + (('--lock-wait', str(lock_wait)) if lock_wait else ()) + (('--info',) if logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.INFO else ()) + (('--debug', '--list', '--show-rc') if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) else ()) + (('--dry-run',) if dry_run else ()) + (('--progress',) if progress else ()) ) logger.debug(' '.join(full_command)) subprocess.check_call(full_command)