import logging import requests from borgmatic.hooks import monitor logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) MONITOR_STATE_TO_HEALTHCHECKS = { monitor.State.START: 'start', monitor.State.FINISH: None, # Healthchecks doesn't append to the URL for the finished state. monitor.State.FAIL: 'fail', } def ping_monitor(ping_url_or_uuid, config_filename, state, dry_run): ''' Ping the given Healthchecks URL or UUID, modified with the monitor.State. Use the given configuration filename in any log entries. If this is a dry run, then don't actually ping anything. ''' ping_url = ( ping_url_or_uuid if ping_url_or_uuid.startswith('http') else '{}'.format(ping_url_or_uuid) ) dry_run_label = ' (dry run; not actually pinging)' if dry_run else '' healthchecks_state = MONITOR_STATE_TO_HEALTHCHECKS.get(state) if healthchecks_state: ping_url = '{}/{}'.format(ping_url, healthchecks_state) '{}: Pinging Healthchecks {}{}'.format(config_filename,, dry_run_label) ) logger.debug('{}: Using Healthchecks ping URL {}'.format(config_filename, ping_url)) if not dry_run: logging.getLogger('urllib3').setLevel(logging.ERROR) requests.get(ping_url)