import collections from argparse import ArgumentParser from borgmatic.config import collect SUBPARSER_ALIASES = { 'init': ['--init', '-I'], 'prune': ['--prune', '-p'], 'create': ['--create', '-C'], 'check': ['--check', '-k'], 'extract': ['--extract', '-x'], 'restore': ['--restore', '-r'], 'list': ['--list', '-l'], 'info': ['--info', '-i'], } def parse_subparser_arguments(unparsed_arguments, subparsers): ''' Given a sequence of arguments, and a subparsers object as returned by argparse.ArgumentParser().add_subparsers(), give each requested action's subparser a shot at parsing all arguments. This allows common arguments like "--repository" to be shared across multiple subparsers. Return the result as a dict mapping from subparser name to a parsed namespace of arguments. ''' arguments = collections.OrderedDict() remaining_arguments = list(unparsed_arguments) alias_to_subparser_name = { alias: subparser_name for subparser_name, aliases in SUBPARSER_ALIASES.items() for alias in aliases } for subparser_name, subparser in subparsers.choices.items(): if subparser_name not in remaining_arguments: continue canonical_name = alias_to_subparser_name.get(subparser_name, subparser_name) # If a parsed value happens to be the same as the name of a subparser, remove it from the # remaining arguments. This prevents, for instance, "check --only extract" from triggering # the "extract" subparser. parsed, unused_remaining = subparser.parse_known_args(unparsed_arguments) for value in vars(parsed).values(): if isinstance(value, str): if value in subparsers.choices: remaining_arguments.remove(value) elif isinstance(value, list): for item in value: if item in subparsers.choices: remaining_arguments.remove(item) arguments[canonical_name] = parsed # If no actions are explicitly requested, assume defaults: prune, create, and check. if not arguments and '--help' not in unparsed_arguments and '-h' not in unparsed_arguments: for subparser_name in ('prune', 'create', 'check'): subparser = subparsers.choices[subparser_name] parsed, unused_remaining = subparser.parse_known_args(unparsed_arguments) arguments[subparser_name] = parsed return arguments def parse_global_arguments(unparsed_arguments, top_level_parser, subparsers): ''' Given a sequence of arguments, a top-level parser (containing subparsers), and a subparsers object as returned by argparse.ArgumentParser().add_subparsers(), parse and return any global arguments as a parsed argparse.Namespace instance. ''' # Ask each subparser, one by one, to greedily consume arguments. Any arguments that remain # are global arguments. remaining_arguments = list(unparsed_arguments) present_subparser_names = set() for subparser_name, subparser in subparsers.choices.items(): if subparser_name not in remaining_arguments: continue present_subparser_names.add(subparser_name) unused_parsed, remaining_arguments = subparser.parse_known_args(remaining_arguments) # If no actions are explicitly requested, assume defaults: prune, create, and check. if ( not present_subparser_names and '--help' not in unparsed_arguments and '-h' not in unparsed_arguments ): for subparser_name in ('prune', 'create', 'check'): subparser = subparsers.choices[subparser_name] unused_parsed, remaining_arguments = subparser.parse_known_args(remaining_arguments) # Remove the subparser names themselves. for subparser_name in present_subparser_names: if subparser_name in remaining_arguments: remaining_arguments.remove(subparser_name) return top_level_parser.parse_args(remaining_arguments) def parse_arguments(*unparsed_arguments): ''' Given command-line arguments with which this script was invoked, parse the arguments and return them as a dict mapping from subparser name (or "global") to an argparse.Namespace instance. ''' config_paths = collect.get_default_config_paths() global_parser = ArgumentParser(add_help=False) global_group = global_parser.add_argument_group('global arguments') global_group.add_argument( '-c', '--config', nargs='*', dest='config_paths', default=config_paths, help='Configuration filenames or directories, defaults to: {}'.format( ' '.join(config_paths) ), ) global_group.add_argument( '--excludes', dest='excludes_filename', help='Deprecated in favor of exclude_patterns within configuration', ) global_group.add_argument( '-n', '--dry-run', dest='dry_run', action='store_true', help='Go through the motions, but do not actually write to any repositories', ) global_group.add_argument( '-nc', '--no-color', dest='no_color', action='store_true', help='Disable colored output' ) global_group.add_argument( '-v', '--verbosity', type=int, choices=range(0, 3), default=0, help='Display verbose progress to the console (from none to lots: 0, 1, or 2)', ) global_group.add_argument( '--syslog-verbosity', type=int, choices=range(0, 3), default=0, help='Display verbose progress to syslog (from none to lots: 0, 1, or 2). Ignored when console is interactive', ) global_group.add_argument( '--version', dest='version', default=False, action='store_true', help='Display installed version number of borgmatic and exit', ) top_level_parser = ArgumentParser( description=''' A simple wrapper script for the Borg backup software that creates and prunes backups. If none of the action options are given, then borgmatic defaults to: prune, create, and check archives. ''', parents=[global_parser], ) subparsers = top_level_parser.add_subparsers( title='actions', metavar='', help='Specify zero or more actions. Defaults to prune, create, and check. Use --help with action for details:', ) init_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'init', aliases=SUBPARSER_ALIASES['init'], help='Initialize an empty Borg repository', description='Initialize an empty Borg repository', add_help=False, ) init_group = init_parser.add_argument_group('init arguments') init_group.add_argument( '-e', '--encryption', dest='encryption_mode', help='Borg repository encryption mode', required=True, ) init_group.add_argument( '--append-only', dest='append_only', action='store_true', help='Create an append-only repository', ) init_group.add_argument( '--storage-quota', dest='storage_quota', help='Create a repository with a fixed storage quota', ) init_group.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit') prune_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'prune', aliases=SUBPARSER_ALIASES['prune'], help='Prune archives according to the retention policy', description='Prune archives according to the retention policy', add_help=False, ) prune_group = prune_parser.add_argument_group('prune arguments') prune_group.add_argument( '--stats', dest='stats', default=False, action='store_true', help='Display statistics of archive', ) prune_group.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit') create_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'create', aliases=SUBPARSER_ALIASES['create'], help='Create archives (actually perform backups)', description='Create archives (actually perform backups)', add_help=False, ) create_group = create_parser.add_argument_group('create arguments') create_group.add_argument( '--progress', dest='progress', default=False, action='store_true', help='Display progress for each file as it is processed', ) create_group.add_argument( '--stats', dest='stats', default=False, action='store_true', help='Display statistics of archive', ) create_group.add_argument( '--json', dest='json', default=False, action='store_true', help='Output results as JSON' ) create_group.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit') check_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'check', aliases=SUBPARSER_ALIASES['check'], help='Check archives for consistency', description='Check archives for consistency', add_help=False, ) check_group = check_parser.add_argument_group('check arguments') check_group.add_argument( '--only', metavar='CHECK', choices=('repository', 'archives', 'data', 'extract'), dest='only', action='append', help='Run a particular consistency check (repository, archives, data, or extract) instead of configured checks; can specify flag multiple times', ) check_group.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit') extract_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'extract', aliases=SUBPARSER_ALIASES['extract'], help='Extract files from a named archive to the current directory', description='Extract a named archive to the current directory', add_help=False, ) extract_group = extract_parser.add_argument_group('extract arguments') extract_group.add_argument( '--repository', help='Path of repository to extract, defaults to the configured repository if there is only one', ) extract_group.add_argument('--archive', help='Name of archive to extract, required=True) extract_group.add_argument( '--path', '--restore-path', metavar='PATH', nargs='+', dest='paths', help='Paths to extract from archive, defaults to the entire archive', ) extract_group.add_argument( '--destination', metavar='PATH', dest='destination', help='Directory to extract files into, defaults to the current directory', ) extract_group.add_argument( '--progress', dest='progress', default=False, action='store_true', help='Display progress for each file as it is processed', ) extract_group.add_argument( '-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit' ) restore_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'restore', aliases=SUBPARSER_ALIASES['restore'], help='Restore database dumps from a named archive', description='Restore database dumps from a named archive. (To extract files instead, use "borgmatic extract".)', add_help=False, ) restore_group = restore_parser.add_argument_group('restore arguments') restore_group.add_argument( '--repository', help='Path of repository to restore from, defaults to the configured repository if there is only one', ) restore_group.add_argument('--archive', help='Name of archive to restore from, required=True) restore_group.add_argument( '--database', metavar='NAME', nargs='+', dest='databases', help='Names of databases to restore from archive, defaults to all databases. Note that any databases to restore must be defined in borgmatic\'s configuration', ) restore_group.add_argument( '--progress', dest='progress', default=False, action='store_true', help='Display progress for each database dump file as it is extracted from archive', ) restore_group.add_argument( '-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit' ) list_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'list', aliases=SUBPARSER_ALIASES['list'], help='List archives', description='List archives or the contents of an archive', add_help=False, ) list_group = list_parser.add_argument_group('list arguments') list_group.add_argument( '--repository', help='Path of repository to list, defaults to the configured repository if there is only one', ) list_group.add_argument('--archive', help='Name of archive to list') list_group.add_argument( '--short', default=False, action='store_true', help='Output only archive or path names' ) list_group.add_argument('--format', help='Format for file listing') list_group.add_argument( '--json', default=False, action='store_true', help='Output results as JSON' ) list_group.add_argument( '-P', '--prefix', help='Only list archive names starting with this prefix' ) list_group.add_argument( '-a', '--glob-archives', metavar='GLOB', help='Only list archive names matching this glob' ) list_group.add_argument( '--successful', default=False, action='store_true', help='Only list archive names of successful (non-checkpoint) backups', ) list_group.add_argument( '--sort-by', metavar='KEYS', help='Comma-separated list of sorting keys' ) list_group.add_argument( '--first', metavar='N', help='List first N archives after other filters are applied' ) list_group.add_argument( '--last', metavar='N', help='List last N archives after other filters are applied' ) list_group.add_argument( '-e', '--exclude', metavar='PATTERN', help='Exclude paths matching the pattern' ) list_group.add_argument( '--exclude-from', metavar='FILENAME', help='Exclude paths from exclude file, one per line' ) list_group.add_argument('--pattern', help='Include or exclude paths matching a pattern') list_group.add_argument( '--patterns-from', metavar='FILENAME', help='Include or exclude paths matching patterns from pattern file, one per line', ) list_group.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit') info_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'info', aliases=SUBPARSER_ALIASES['info'], help='Display summary information on archives', description='Display summary information on archives', add_help=False, ) info_group = info_parser.add_argument_group('info arguments') info_group.add_argument( '--repository', help='Path of repository to show info for, defaults to the configured repository if there is only one', ) info_group.add_argument('--archive', help='Name of archive to show info for') info_group.add_argument( '--json', dest='json', default=False, action='store_true', help='Output results as JSON' ) info_group.add_argument( '-P', '--prefix', help='Only show info for archive names starting with this prefix' ) info_group.add_argument( '-a', '--glob-archives', metavar='GLOB', help='Only show info for archive names matching this glob', ) info_group.add_argument( '--sort-by', metavar='KEYS', help='Comma-separated list of sorting keys' ) info_group.add_argument( '--first', metavar='N', help='Show info for first N archives after other filters are applied', ) info_group.add_argument( '--last', metavar='N', help='Show info for first N archives after other filters are applied' ) info_group.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit') arguments = parse_subparser_arguments(unparsed_arguments, subparsers) arguments['global'] = parse_global_arguments(unparsed_arguments, top_level_parser, subparsers) if arguments['global'].excludes_filename: raise ValueError( 'The --excludes option has been replaced with exclude_patterns in configuration' ) if 'init' in arguments and arguments['global'].dry_run: raise ValueError('The init action cannot be used with the --dry-run option') if 'list' in arguments and arguments['list'].glob_archives and arguments['list'].successful: raise ValueError('The --glob-archives and --successful options cannot be used together') if ( 'list' in arguments and 'info' in arguments and arguments['list'].json and arguments['info'].json ): raise ValueError('With the --json option, list and info actions cannot be used together') return arguments