import logging import os import subprocess logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) ERROR_OUTPUT_MAX_LINE_COUNT = 25 BORG_ERROR_EXIT_CODE = 2 def borg_command(full_command): ''' Return True if this is a Borg command, or False if it's some other command. ''' return 'borg' in full_command[0] def execute_and_log_output(full_command, output_log_level, shell, environment): last_lines = [] process = subprocess.Popen( full_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=shell, env=environment ) while process.poll() is None: line = process.stdout.readline().rstrip().decode() if not line: continue # Keep the last few lines of output in case the command errors, and we need the output for # the exception below. last_lines.append(line) if len(last_lines) > ERROR_OUTPUT_MAX_LINE_COUNT: last_lines.pop(0) logger.log(output_log_level, line) remaining_output = if remaining_output: # pragma: no cover logger.log(output_log_level, remaining_output) exit_code = process.poll() # If we're running something other than Borg, treat all non-zero exit codes as errors. if borg_command(full_command): error = bool(exit_code >= BORG_ERROR_EXIT_CODE) else: error = bool(exit_code != 0) if error: # If an error occurs, include its output in the raised exception so that we don't # inadvertently hide error output. if len(last_lines) == ERROR_OUTPUT_MAX_LINE_COUNT: last_lines.insert(0, '...') raise subprocess.CalledProcessError( exit_code, ' '.join(full_command), '\n'.join(last_lines) ) def execute_command( full_command, output_log_level=logging.INFO, shell=False, extra_environment=None ): ''' Execute the given command (a sequence of command/argument strings) and log its output at the given log level. If output log level is None, instead capture and return the output. If shell is True, execute the command within a shell. If an extra environment dict is given, then use it to augment the current environment, and pass the result into the command. Raise subprocesses.CalledProcessError if an error occurs while running the command. ''' logger.debug(' '.join(full_command)) environment = {**os.environ, **extra_environment} if extra_environment else None if output_log_level is None: output = subprocess.check_output(full_command, shell=shell, env=environment) return output.decode() if output is not None else None else: execute_and_log_output(full_command, output_log_level, shell=shell, environment=environment) def execute_command_without_capture(full_command): ''' Execute the given command (a sequence of command/argument strings), but don't capture or log its output in any way. This is necessary for commands that monkey with the terminal (e.g. progress display) or provide interactive prompts. ''' logger.debug(' '.join(full_command)) try: subprocess.check_call(full_command) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: if error.returncode >= BORG_ERROR_EXIT_CODE: raise