import collections import importlib.metadata import json import logging import os import sys import time from queue import Queue from subprocess import CalledProcessError import colorama import borgmatic.actions.borg import borgmatic.actions.break_lock import borgmatic.actions.check import borgmatic.actions.compact import borgmatic.actions.config.bootstrap import borgmatic.actions.config.generate import borgmatic.actions.config.validate import borgmatic.actions.create import borgmatic.actions.export_key import borgmatic.actions.export_tar import borgmatic.actions.extract import import borgmatic.actions.list import borgmatic.actions.mount import borgmatic.actions.prune import borgmatic.actions.rcreate import borgmatic.actions.restore import borgmatic.actions.rinfo import borgmatic.actions.rlist import borgmatic.actions.transfer import borgmatic.commands.completion.bash import from borgmatic.borg import umount as borg_umount from borgmatic.borg import version as borg_version from borgmatic.commands.arguments import parse_arguments from borgmatic.config import checks, collect, validate from borgmatic.hooks import command, dispatch, monitor from borgmatic.logger import DISABLED, add_custom_log_levels, configure_logging, should_do_markup from borgmatic.signals import configure_signals from borgmatic.verbosity import verbosity_to_log_level logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def run_configuration(config_filename, config, arguments): ''' Given a config filename, the corresponding parsed config dict, and command-line arguments as a dict from subparser name to a namespace of parsed arguments, execute the defined create, prune, compact, check, and/or other actions. Yield a combination of: * JSON output strings from successfully executing any actions that produce JSON * logging.LogRecord instances containing errors from any actions or backup hooks that fail ''' global_arguments = arguments['global'] local_path = config.get('local_path', 'borg') remote_path = config.get('remote_path') retries = config.get('retries', 0) retry_wait = config.get('retry_wait', 0) encountered_error = None error_repository = '' using_primary_action = {'create', 'prune', 'compact', 'check'}.intersection(arguments) monitoring_log_level = verbosity_to_log_level(global_arguments.monitoring_verbosity) monitoring_hooks_are_activated = using_primary_action and monitoring_log_level != DISABLED skip_actions = config.get('skip_actions') if skip_actions: logger.debug( f"{config_filename}: Skipping {'/'.join(skip_actions)} action{'s' if len(skip_actions) > 1 else ''} due to configured skip_actions" ) try: local_borg_version = borg_version.local_borg_version(config, local_path) logger.debug(f'{config_filename}: borg {local_borg_version}') except (OSError, CalledProcessError, ValueError) as error: yield from log_error_records(f'{config_filename}: Error getting local Borg version', error) return try: if monitoring_hooks_are_activated: dispatch.call_hooks( 'initialize_monitor', config, config_filename, monitor.MONITOR_HOOK_NAMES, monitoring_log_level, global_arguments.dry_run, ) dispatch.call_hooks( 'ping_monitor', config, config_filename, monitor.MONITOR_HOOK_NAMES, monitor.State.START, monitoring_log_level, global_arguments.dry_run, ) except (OSError, CalledProcessError) as error: if command.considered_soft_failure(config_filename, error): return encountered_error = error yield from log_error_records(f'{config_filename}: Error pinging monitor', error) if not encountered_error: repo_queue = Queue() for repo in config['repositories']: repo_queue.put( (repo, 0), ) while not repo_queue.empty(): repository, retry_num = repo_queue.get() logger.debug( f'{repository.get("label", repository["path"])}: Running actions for repository' ) timeout = retry_num * retry_wait if timeout: logger.warning( f'{repository.get("label", repository["path"])}: Sleeping {timeout}s before next retry' ) time.sleep(timeout) try: yield from run_actions( arguments=arguments, config_filename=config_filename, config=config, local_path=local_path, remote_path=remote_path, local_borg_version=local_borg_version, repository=repository, ) except (OSError, CalledProcessError, ValueError) as error: if retry_num < retries: repo_queue.put( (repository, retry_num + 1), ) tuple( # Consume the generator so as to trigger logging. log_error_records( f'{repository.get("label", repository["path"])}: Error running actions for repository', error, levelno=logging.WARNING, log_command_error_output=True, ) ) logger.warning( f'{repository.get("label", repository["path"])}: Retrying... attempt {retry_num + 1}/{retries}' ) continue if command.considered_soft_failure(config_filename, error): return yield from log_error_records( f'{repository.get("label", repository["path"])}: Error running actions for repository', error, ) encountered_error = error error_repository = repository['path'] try: if monitoring_hooks_are_activated: # send logs irrespective of error dispatch.call_hooks( 'ping_monitor', config, config_filename, monitor.MONITOR_HOOK_NAMES, monitor.State.LOG, monitoring_log_level, global_arguments.dry_run, ) except (OSError, CalledProcessError) as error: if command.considered_soft_failure(config_filename, error): return encountered_error = error yield from log_error_records(f'{repository["path"]}: Error pinging monitor', error) if not encountered_error: try: if monitoring_hooks_are_activated: dispatch.call_hooks( 'ping_monitor', config, config_filename, monitor.MONITOR_HOOK_NAMES, monitor.State.FINISH, monitoring_log_level, global_arguments.dry_run, ) dispatch.call_hooks( 'destroy_monitor', config, config_filename, monitor.MONITOR_HOOK_NAMES, monitoring_log_level, global_arguments.dry_run, ) except (OSError, CalledProcessError) as error: if command.considered_soft_failure(config_filename, error): return encountered_error = error yield from log_error_records(f'{config_filename}: Error pinging monitor', error) if encountered_error and using_primary_action: try: command.execute_hook( config.get('on_error'), config.get('umask'), config_filename, 'on-error', global_arguments.dry_run, repository=error_repository, error=encountered_error, output=getattr(encountered_error, 'output', ''), ) dispatch.call_hooks( 'ping_monitor', config, config_filename, monitor.MONITOR_HOOK_NAMES, monitor.State.FAIL, monitoring_log_level, global_arguments.dry_run, ) dispatch.call_hooks( 'destroy_monitor', config, config_filename, monitor.MONITOR_HOOK_NAMES, monitoring_log_level, global_arguments.dry_run, ) except (OSError, CalledProcessError) as error: if command.considered_soft_failure(config_filename, error): return yield from log_error_records(f'{config_filename}: Error running on-error hook', error) def run_actions( *, arguments, config_filename, config, local_path, remote_path, local_borg_version, repository, ): ''' Given parsed command-line arguments as an argparse.ArgumentParser instance, the configuration filename, several different configuration dicts, local and remote paths to Borg, a local Borg version string, and a repository name, run all actions from the command-line arguments on the given repository. Yield JSON output strings from executing any actions that produce JSON. Raise OSError or subprocess.CalledProcessError if an error occurs running a command for an action or a hook. Raise ValueError if the arguments or configuration passed to action are invalid. ''' add_custom_log_levels() repository_path = os.path.expanduser(repository['path']) global_arguments = arguments['global'] dry_run_label = ' (dry run; not making any changes)' if global_arguments.dry_run else '' hook_context = { 'repository': repository_path, # Deprecated: For backwards compatibility with borgmatic < 1.6.0. 'repositories': ','.join([repo['path'] for repo in config['repositories']]), 'log_file': global_arguments.log_file if global_arguments.log_file else '', } skip_actions = set(config.get('skip_actions', {})) command.execute_hook( config.get('before_actions'), config.get('umask'), config_filename, 'pre-actions', global_arguments.dry_run, **hook_context, ) for action_name, action_arguments in arguments.items(): if action_name == 'rcreate' and action_name not in skip_actions: borgmatic.actions.rcreate.run_rcreate( repository, config, local_borg_version, action_arguments, global_arguments, local_path, remote_path, ) elif action_name == 'transfer' and action_name not in skip_actions: borgmatic.actions.transfer.run_transfer( repository, config, local_borg_version, action_arguments, global_arguments, local_path, remote_path, ) elif action_name == 'create' and action_name not in skip_actions: yield from borgmatic.actions.create.run_create( config_filename, repository, config, hook_context, local_borg_version, action_arguments, global_arguments, dry_run_label, local_path, remote_path, ) elif action_name == 'prune' and action_name not in skip_actions: borgmatic.actions.prune.run_prune( config_filename, repository, config, hook_context, local_borg_version, action_arguments, global_arguments, dry_run_label, local_path, remote_path, ) elif action_name == 'compact' and action_name not in skip_actions: borgmatic.actions.compact.run_compact( config_filename, repository, config, hook_context, local_borg_version, action_arguments, global_arguments, dry_run_label, local_path, remote_path, ) elif action_name == 'check' and action_name not in skip_actions: if checks.repository_enabled_for_checks(repository, config): borgmatic.actions.check.run_check( config_filename, repository, config, hook_context, local_borg_version, action_arguments, global_arguments, local_path, remote_path, ) elif action_name == 'extract' and action_name not in skip_actions: borgmatic.actions.extract.run_extract( config_filename, repository, config, hook_context, local_borg_version, action_arguments, global_arguments, local_path, remote_path, ) elif action_name == 'export-tar' and action_name not in skip_actions: borgmatic.actions.export_tar.run_export_tar( repository, config, local_borg_version, action_arguments, global_arguments, local_path, remote_path, ) elif action_name == 'mount' and action_name not in skip_actions: borgmatic.actions.mount.run_mount( repository, config, local_borg_version, action_arguments, global_arguments, local_path, remote_path, ) elif action_name == 'restore' and action_name not in skip_actions: borgmatic.actions.restore.run_restore( repository, config, local_borg_version, action_arguments, global_arguments, local_path, remote_path, ) elif action_name == 'rlist' and action_name not in skip_actions: yield from borgmatic.actions.rlist.run_rlist( repository, config, local_borg_version, action_arguments, global_arguments, local_path, remote_path, ) elif action_name == 'list' and action_name not in skip_actions: yield from borgmatic.actions.list.run_list( repository, config, local_borg_version, action_arguments, global_arguments, local_path, remote_path, ) elif action_name == 'rinfo' and action_name not in skip_actions: yield from borgmatic.actions.rinfo.run_rinfo( repository, config, local_borg_version, action_arguments, global_arguments, local_path, remote_path, ) elif action_name == 'info' and action_name not in skip_actions: yield from repository, config, local_borg_version, action_arguments, global_arguments, local_path, remote_path, ) elif action_name == 'break-lock' and action_name not in skip_actions: borgmatic.actions.break_lock.run_break_lock( repository, config, local_borg_version, action_arguments, global_arguments, local_path, remote_path, ) elif action_name == 'export' and action_name not in skip_actions: borgmatic.actions.export_key.run_export_key( repository, config, local_borg_version, action_arguments, global_arguments, local_path, remote_path, ) elif action_name == 'borg' and action_name not in skip_actions: borgmatic.actions.borg.run_borg( repository, config, local_borg_version, action_arguments, global_arguments, local_path, remote_path, ) command.execute_hook( config.get('after_actions'), config.get('umask'), config_filename, 'post-actions', global_arguments.dry_run, **hook_context, ) def load_configurations(config_filenames, overrides=None, resolve_env=True): ''' Given a sequence of configuration filenames, load and validate each configuration file. Return the results as a tuple of: dict of configuration filename to corresponding parsed configuration, and sequence of logging.LogRecord instances containing any parse errors. Log records are returned here instead of being logged directly because logging isn't yet initialized at this point! ''' # Dict mapping from config filename to corresponding parsed config dict. configs = collections.OrderedDict() logs = [] # Parse and load each configuration file. for config_filename in config_filenames: logs.extend( [ logging.makeLogRecord( dict( levelno=logging.DEBUG, levelname='DEBUG', msg=f'{config_filename}: Loading configuration file', ) ), ] ) try: configs[config_filename], parse_logs = validate.parse_configuration( config_filename, validate.schema_filename(), overrides, resolve_env ) logs.extend(parse_logs) except PermissionError: logs.extend( [ logging.makeLogRecord( dict( levelno=logging.WARNING, levelname='WARNING', msg=f'{config_filename}: Insufficient permissions to read configuration file', ) ), ] ) except (ValueError, OSError, validate.Validation_error) as error: logs.extend( [ logging.makeLogRecord( dict( levelno=logging.CRITICAL, levelname='CRITICAL', msg=f'{config_filename}: Error parsing configuration file', ) ), logging.makeLogRecord( dict(levelno=logging.CRITICAL, levelname='CRITICAL', msg=error) ), ] ) return (configs, logs) def log_record(suppress_log=False, **kwargs): ''' Create a log record based on the given makeLogRecord() arguments, one of which must be named "levelno". Log the record (unless suppress log is set) and return it. ''' record = logging.makeLogRecord(kwargs) if suppress_log: return record logger.handle(record) return record def log_error_records( message, error=None, levelno=logging.CRITICAL, log_command_error_output=False ): ''' Given error message text, an optional exception object, an optional log level, and whether to log the error output of a CalledProcessError (if any), log error summary information and also yield it as a series of logging.LogRecord instances. Note that because the logs are yielded as a generator, logs won't get logged unless you consume the generator output. ''' level_name = logging._levelToName[levelno] if not error: yield log_record(levelno=levelno, levelname=level_name, msg=message) return try: raise error except CalledProcessError as error: yield log_record(levelno=levelno, levelname=level_name, msg=message) if error.output: try: output = error.output.decode('utf-8') except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError): output = error.output # Suppress these logs for now and save the error output for the log summary at the end. # Log a separate record per line, as some errors can be really verbose and overflow the # per-record size limits imposed by some logging backends. for output_line in output.splitlines(): yield log_record( levelno=levelno, levelname=level_name, msg=output_line, suppress_log=True, ) yield log_record(levelno=levelno, levelname=level_name, msg=error) except (ValueError, OSError) as error: yield log_record(levelno=levelno, levelname=level_name, msg=message) yield log_record(levelno=levelno, levelname=level_name, msg=error) except: # noqa: E722 # Raising above only as a means of determining the error type. Swallow the exception here # because we don't want the exception to propagate out of this function. pass def get_local_path(configs): ''' Arbitrarily return the local path from the first configuration dict. Default to "borg" if not set. ''' return next(iter(configs.values())).get('local_path', 'borg') def collect_highlander_action_summary_logs(configs, arguments, configuration_parse_errors): ''' Given a dict of configuration filename to corresponding parsed configuration, parsed command-line arguments as a dict from subparser name to a parsed namespace of arguments, and whether any configuration files encountered errors during parsing, run a highlander action specified in the arguments, if any, and yield a series of logging.LogRecord instances containing summary information. A highlander action is an action that cannot coexist with other actions on the borgmatic command-line, and borgmatic exits after processing such an action. ''' add_custom_log_levels() if 'bootstrap' in arguments: try: # No configuration file is needed for bootstrap. local_borg_version = borg_version.local_borg_version({}, 'borg') except (OSError, CalledProcessError, ValueError) as error: yield from log_error_records('Error getting local Borg version', error) return try: borgmatic.actions.config.bootstrap.run_bootstrap( arguments['bootstrap'], arguments['global'], local_borg_version ) yield logging.makeLogRecord( dict( levelno=logging.ANSWER, levelname='ANSWER', msg='Bootstrap successful', ) ) except ( CalledProcessError, ValueError, OSError, ) as error: yield from log_error_records(error) return if 'generate' in arguments: try: borgmatic.actions.config.generate.run_generate( arguments['generate'], arguments['global'] ) yield logging.makeLogRecord( dict( levelno=logging.ANSWER, levelname='ANSWER', msg='Generate successful', ) ) except ( CalledProcessError, ValueError, OSError, ) as error: yield from log_error_records(error) return if 'validate' in arguments: if configuration_parse_errors: yield logging.makeLogRecord( dict( levelno=logging.CRITICAL, levelname='CRITICAL', msg='Configuration validation failed', ) ) return try: borgmatic.actions.config.validate.run_validate(arguments['validate'], configs) yield logging.makeLogRecord( dict( levelno=logging.ANSWER, levelname='ANSWER', msg='All configuration files are valid', ) ) except ( CalledProcessError, ValueError, OSError, ) as error: yield from log_error_records(error) return def collect_configuration_run_summary_logs(configs, arguments): ''' Given a dict of configuration filename to corresponding parsed configuration and parsed command-line arguments as a dict from subparser name to a parsed namespace of arguments, run each configuration file and yield a series of logging.LogRecord instances containing summary information about each run. As a side effect of running through these configuration files, output their JSON results, if any, to stdout. ''' # Run cross-file validation checks. repository = None for action_name, action_arguments in arguments.items(): if hasattr(action_arguments, 'repository'): repository = getattr(action_arguments, 'repository') break try: if 'extract' in arguments or 'mount' in arguments: validate.guard_single_repository_selected(repository, configs) validate.guard_configuration_contains_repository(repository, configs) except ValueError as error: yield from log_error_records(str(error)) return if not configs: yield from log_error_records( f"{' '.join(arguments['global'].config_paths)}: No valid configuration files found", ) return if 'create' in arguments: try: for config_filename, config in configs.items(): command.execute_hook( config.get('before_everything'), config.get('umask'), config_filename, 'pre-everything', arguments['global'].dry_run, ) except (CalledProcessError, ValueError, OSError) as error: yield from log_error_records('Error running pre-everything hook', error) return # Execute the actions corresponding to each configuration file. json_results = [] for config_filename, config in configs.items(): results = list(run_configuration(config_filename, config, arguments)) error_logs = tuple(result for result in results if isinstance(result, logging.LogRecord)) if error_logs: yield from log_error_records(f'{config_filename}: An error occurred') yield from error_logs else: yield logging.makeLogRecord( dict( levelno=logging.INFO, levelname='INFO', msg=f'{config_filename}: Successfully ran configuration file', ) ) if results: json_results.extend(results) if 'umount' in arguments:"Unmounting mount point {arguments['umount'].mount_point}") try: borg_umount.unmount_archive( mount_point=arguments['umount'].mount_point, local_path=get_local_path(configs), ) except (CalledProcessError, OSError) as error: yield from log_error_records('Error unmounting mount point', error) if json_results: sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(json_results)) if 'create' in arguments: try: for config_filename, config in configs.items(): command.execute_hook( config.get('after_everything'), config.get('umask'), config_filename, 'post-everything', arguments['global'].dry_run, ) except (CalledProcessError, ValueError, OSError) as error: yield from log_error_records('Error running post-everything hook', error) def exit_with_help_link(): # pragma: no cover ''' Display a link to get help and exit with an error code. ''' logger.critical('') logger.critical('Need some help?') sys.exit(1) def main(extra_summary_logs=[]): # pragma: no cover configure_signals() try: arguments = parse_arguments(*sys.argv[1:]) except ValueError as error: configure_logging(logging.CRITICAL) logger.critical(error) exit_with_help_link() except SystemExit as error: if error.code == 0: raise error configure_logging(logging.CRITICAL) logger.critical(f"Error parsing arguments: {' '.join(sys.argv)}") exit_with_help_link() global_arguments = arguments['global'] if global_arguments.version: print(importlib.metadata.version('borgmatic')) sys.exit(0) if global_arguments.bash_completion: print(borgmatic.commands.completion.bash.bash_completion()) sys.exit(0) if global_arguments.fish_completion: print( sys.exit(0) config_filenames = tuple(collect.collect_config_filenames(global_arguments.config_paths)) global_arguments.used_config_paths = list(config_filenames) configs, parse_logs = load_configurations( config_filenames, global_arguments.overrides, global_arguments.resolve_env ) configuration_parse_errors = ( (max(log.levelno for log in parse_logs) >= logging.CRITICAL) if parse_logs else False ) any_json_flags = any( getattr(sub_arguments, 'json', False) for sub_arguments in arguments.values() ) colorama.init( autoreset=True, strip=not should_do_markup(global_arguments.no_color or any_json_flags, configs), ) try: configure_logging( verbosity_to_log_level(global_arguments.verbosity), verbosity_to_log_level(global_arguments.syslog_verbosity), verbosity_to_log_level(global_arguments.log_file_verbosity), verbosity_to_log_level(global_arguments.monitoring_verbosity), global_arguments.log_file, global_arguments.log_file_format, ) except (FileNotFoundError, PermissionError) as error: configure_logging(logging.CRITICAL) logger.critical(f'Error configuring logging: {error}') exit_with_help_link() summary_logs = ( extra_summary_logs + parse_logs + ( list( collect_highlander_action_summary_logs( configs, arguments, configuration_parse_errors ) ) or list(collect_configuration_run_summary_logs(configs, arguments)) ) ) summary_logs_max_level = max(log.levelno for log in summary_logs) for message in ('', 'summary:'): log_record( levelno=summary_logs_max_level, levelname=logging.getLevelName(summary_logs_max_level), msg=message, ) for log in summary_logs: logger.handle(log) if summary_logs_max_level >= logging.CRITICAL: exit_with_help_link()