--- title: How to develop on borgmatic --- ## Source code To get set up to hack on borgmatic, first clone master via HTTPS or SSH: ```bash git clone https://projects.torsion.org/witten/borgmatic.git ``` Or: ```bash git clone ssh://git@projects.torsion.org:3022/witten/borgmatic.git ``` Then, install borgmatic "[editable](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/#editable-installs)" so that you can run borgmatic commands while you're hacking on them to make sure your changes work. ```bash cd borgmatic/ pip3 install --editable --user . ``` Note that this will typically install the borgmatic commands into `~/.local/bin`, which may or may not be on your PATH. There are other ways to install borgmatic editable as well, for instance into the system Python install (so without `--user`, as root), or even into a [virtualenv](https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/stable/). How or where you install borgmatic is up to you, but generally an editable install makes development and testing easier. ## Automated tests Assuming you've cloned the borgmatic source code as described above, and you're in the `borgmatic/` working copy, install tox, which is used for setting up testing environments: ```bash pip3 install --user tox ``` Finally, to actually run tests, run: ```bash cd borgmatic tox ``` ### Code formatting If when running tests, you get an error from the [Black](https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) code formatter about files that would be reformatted, you can ask Black to format them for you via the following: ```bash tox -e black ``` ### End-to-end tests borgmatic additionally includes some end-to-end tests that integration test with Borg for a few representative scenarios. These tests don't run by default because they're relatively slow and depend on Borg. If you would like to run them: ```bash tox -e end-to-end ``` ## Code style Start with [PEP 8](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/). But then, apply the following deviations from it: * For strings, prefer single quotes over double quotes. * Limit all lines to a maximum of 100 characters. * Use trailing commas within multiline values or argument lists. * For multiline constructs, put opening and closing delimeters on lines separate from their contents. * Within multiline constructs, use standard four-space indentation. Don't align indentation with an opening delimeter. borgmatic code uses the [Black](https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) code formatter and [Flake8](http://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/) code checker, so certain code style requirements will be enforced when running automated tests. See the Black and Flake8 documentation for more information. ## Related documentation * [Inspect your backups](../../docs/how-to/inspect-your-backups.md)