import glob import itertools import logging import os import pathlib import stat import tempfile import borgmatic.logger from borgmatic.borg import environment, feature, flags, state from borgmatic.execute import ( DO_NOT_CAPTURE, execute_command, execute_command_and_capture_output, execute_command_with_processes, ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def expand_directory(directory): ''' Given a directory path, expand any tilde (representing a user's home directory) and any globs therein. Return a list of one or more resulting paths. ''' expanded_directory = os.path.expanduser(directory) return glob.glob(expanded_directory) or [expanded_directory] def expand_directories(directories): ''' Given a sequence of directory paths, expand tildes and globs in each one. Return all the resulting directories as a single flattened tuple. ''' if directories is None: return () return tuple( itertools.chain.from_iterable(expand_directory(directory) for directory in directories) ) def expand_home_directories(directories): ''' Given a sequence of directory paths, expand tildes in each one. Do not perform any globbing. Return the results as a tuple. ''' if directories is None: return () return tuple(os.path.expanduser(directory) for directory in directories) def map_directories_to_devices(directories): ''' Given a sequence of directories, return a map from directory to an identifier for the device on which that directory resides or None if the path doesn't exist. This is handy for determining whether two different directories are on the same filesystem (have the same device identifier). ''' return { directory: os.stat(directory).st_dev if os.path.exists(directory) else None for directory in directories } def deduplicate_directories(directory_devices, additional_directory_devices): ''' Given a map from directory to the identifier for the device on which that directory resides, return the directories as a sorted tuple with all duplicate child directories removed. For instance, if paths is ('/foo', '/foo/bar'), return just: ('/foo',) The one exception to this rule is if two paths are on different filesystems (devices). In that case, they won't get de-duplicated in case they both need to be passed to Borg (e.g. the location.one_file_system option is true). The idea is that if Borg is given a parent directory, then it doesn't also need to be given child directories, because it will naturally spider the contents of the parent directory. And there are cases where Borg coming across the same file twice will result in duplicate reads and even hangs, e.g. when a database hook is using a named pipe for streaming database dumps to Borg. If any additional directory devices are given, also deduplicate against them, but don't include them in the returned directories. ''' deduplicated = set() directories = sorted(directory_devices.keys()) additional_directories = sorted(additional_directory_devices.keys()) all_devices = {**directory_devices, **additional_directory_devices} for directory in directories: deduplicated.add(directory) parents = pathlib.PurePath(directory).parents # If another directory in the given list (or the additional list) is a parent of current # directory (even n levels up) and both are on the same filesystem, then the current # directory is a duplicate. for other_directory in directories + additional_directories: for parent in parents: if ( pathlib.PurePath(other_directory) == parent and all_devices[directory] is not None and all_devices[other_directory] == all_devices[directory] ): if directory in deduplicated: deduplicated.remove(directory) break return tuple(sorted(deduplicated)) def write_pattern_file(patterns=None, sources=None, pattern_file=None): ''' Given a sequence of patterns and an optional sequence of source directories, write them to a named temporary file (with the source directories as additional roots) and return the file. If an optional open pattern file is given, overwrite it instead of making a new temporary file. Return None if no patterns are provided. ''' if not patterns and not sources: return None if pattern_file is None: pattern_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w') else: pattern_file.write( '\n'.join(tuple(patterns or ()) + tuple(f'R {source}' for source in (sources or []))) ) pattern_file.flush() return pattern_file def ensure_files_readable(*filename_lists): ''' Given a sequence of filename sequences, ensure that each filename is openable. This prevents unreadable files from being passed to Borg, which in certain situations only warns instead of erroring. ''' for file_object in itertools.chain.from_iterable( filename_list for filename_list in filename_lists if filename_list ): open(file_object).close() def make_pattern_flags(config, pattern_filename=None): ''' Given a configuration dict with a potential patterns_from option, and a filename containing any additional patterns, return the corresponding Borg flags for those files as a tuple. ''' pattern_filenames = tuple(config.get('patterns_from') or ()) + ( (pattern_filename,) if pattern_filename else () ) return tuple( itertools.chain.from_iterable( ('--patterns-from', pattern_filename) for pattern_filename in pattern_filenames ) ) def make_exclude_flags(config, exclude_filename=None): ''' Given a configuration dict with various exclude options, and a filename containing any exclude patterns, return the corresponding Borg flags as a tuple. ''' exclude_filenames = tuple(config.get('exclude_from') or ()) + ( (exclude_filename,) if exclude_filename else () ) exclude_from_flags = tuple( itertools.chain.from_iterable( ('--exclude-from', exclude_filename) for exclude_filename in exclude_filenames ) ) caches_flag = ('--exclude-caches',) if config.get('exclude_caches') else () if_present_flags = tuple( itertools.chain.from_iterable( ('--exclude-if-present', if_present) for if_present in config.get('exclude_if_present', ()) ) ) keep_exclude_tags_flags = ('--keep-exclude-tags',) if config.get('keep_exclude_tags') else () exclude_nodump_flags = ('--exclude-nodump',) if config.get('exclude_nodump') else () return ( exclude_from_flags + caches_flag + if_present_flags + keep_exclude_tags_flags + exclude_nodump_flags ) def make_list_filter_flags(local_borg_version, dry_run): ''' Given the local Borg version and whether this is a dry run, return the corresponding flags for passing to "--list --filter". The general idea is that excludes are shown for a dry run or when the verbosity is debug. ''' base_flags = 'AME' show_excludes = logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) if feature.available(feature.Feature.EXCLUDED_FILES_MINUS, local_borg_version): if show_excludes or dry_run: return f'{base_flags}+-' else: return base_flags if show_excludes: return f'{base_flags}x-' else: return f'{base_flags}-' DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_NAME_FORMAT = '{hostname}-{now:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f}' # noqa: FS003 def collect_borgmatic_source_directories(borgmatic_source_directory): ''' Return a list of borgmatic-specific source directories used for state like database backups. ''' if not borgmatic_source_directory: borgmatic_source_directory = state.DEFAULT_BORGMATIC_SOURCE_DIRECTORY return ( [borgmatic_source_directory] if os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser(borgmatic_source_directory)) else [] ) ROOT_PATTERN_PREFIX = 'R ' def pattern_root_directories(patterns=None): ''' Given a sequence of patterns, parse out and return just the root directories. ''' if not patterns: return [] return [ pattern.split(ROOT_PATTERN_PREFIX, maxsplit=1)[1] for pattern in patterns if pattern.startswith(ROOT_PATTERN_PREFIX) ] def special_file(path): ''' Return whether the given path is a special file (character device, block device, or named pipe / FIFO). ''' try: mode = os.stat(path).st_mode except (FileNotFoundError, OSError): return False return stat.S_ISCHR(mode) or stat.S_ISBLK(mode) or stat.S_ISFIFO(mode) def any_parent_directories(path, candidate_parents): ''' Return whether any of the given candidate parent directories are an actual parent of the given path. This includes grandparents, etc. ''' for parent in candidate_parents: if pathlib.PurePosixPath(parent) in pathlib.PurePath(path).parents: return True return False def collect_special_file_paths( create_command, local_path, working_directory, borg_environment, skip_directories ): ''' Given a Borg create command as a tuple, a local Borg path, a working directory, a dict of environment variables to pass to Borg, and a sequence of parent directories to skip, collect the paths for any special files (character devices, block devices, and named pipes / FIFOs) that Borg would encounter during a create. These are all paths that could cause Borg to hang if its --read-special flag is used. ''' # Omit "--exclude-nodump" from the Borg dry run command, because that flag causes Borg to open # files including any named pipe we've created. paths_output = execute_command_and_capture_output( tuple(argument for argument in create_command if argument != '--exclude-nodump') + ('--dry-run', '--list'), capture_stderr=True, working_directory=working_directory, extra_environment=borg_environment, borg_local_path=local_path, ) paths = tuple( path_line.split(' ', 1)[1] for path_line in paths_output.split('\n') if path_line and path_line.startswith('- ') or path_line.startswith('+ ') ) return tuple( path for path in paths if special_file(path) and not any_parent_directories(path, skip_directories) ) def check_all_source_directories_exist(source_directories): ''' Given a sequence of source directories, check that they all exist. If any do not, raise an exception. ''' missing_directories = [ source_directory for source_directory in source_directories if not all([os.path.exists(directory) for directory in expand_directory(source_directory)]) ] if missing_directories: raise ValueError(f"Source directories do not exist: {', '.join(missing_directories)}") def create_archive( dry_run, repository_path, config, local_borg_version, global_arguments, local_path='borg', remote_path=None, progress=False, stats=False, json=False, list_files=False, stream_processes=None, ): ''' Given vebosity/dry-run flags, a local or remote repository path, and a configuration dict, create a Borg archive and return Borg's JSON output (if any). If a sequence of stream processes is given (instances of subprocess.Popen), then execute the create command while also triggering the given processes to produce output. ''' borgmatic.logger.add_custom_log_levels() borgmatic_source_directories = expand_directories( collect_borgmatic_source_directories(config.get('borgmatic_source_directory')) ) if config.get('source_directories_must_exist', False): check_all_source_directories_exist(config.get('source_directories')) sources = deduplicate_directories( map_directories_to_devices( expand_directories( tuple(config.get('source_directories', ())) + borgmatic_source_directories + tuple(global_arguments.used_config_paths) ) ), additional_directory_devices=map_directories_to_devices( expand_directories(pattern_root_directories(config.get('patterns'))) ), ) ensure_files_readable(config.get('patterns_from'), config.get('exclude_from')) try: working_directory = os.path.expanduser(config.get('working_directory')) except TypeError: working_directory = None pattern_file = ( write_pattern_file(config.get('patterns'), sources) if config.get('patterns') or config.get('patterns_from') else None ) exclude_file = write_pattern_file(expand_home_directories(config.get('exclude_patterns'))) checkpoint_interval = config.get('checkpoint_interval', None) checkpoint_volume = config.get('checkpoint_volume', None) chunker_params = config.get('chunker_params', None) compression = config.get('compression', None) upload_rate_limit = config.get('upload_rate_limit', None) umask = config.get('umask', None) lock_wait = config.get('lock_wait', None) list_filter_flags = make_list_filter_flags(local_borg_version, dry_run) files_cache = config.get('files_cache') archive_name_format = config.get('archive_name_format', DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_NAME_FORMAT) extra_borg_options = config.get('extra_borg_options', {}).get('create', '') if feature.available(feature.Feature.ATIME, local_borg_version): atime_flags = ('--atime',) if config.get('atime') is True else () else: atime_flags = ('--noatime',) if config.get('atime') is False else () if feature.available(feature.Feature.NOFLAGS, local_borg_version): noflags_flags = ('--noflags',) if config.get('flags') is False else () else: noflags_flags = ('--nobsdflags',) if config.get('flags') is False else () if feature.available(feature.Feature.NUMERIC_IDS, local_borg_version): numeric_ids_flags = ('--numeric-ids',) if config.get('numeric_ids') else () else: numeric_ids_flags = ('--numeric-owner',) if config.get('numeric_ids') else () if feature.available(feature.Feature.UPLOAD_RATELIMIT, local_borg_version): upload_ratelimit_flags = ( ('--upload-ratelimit', str(upload_rate_limit)) if upload_rate_limit else () ) else: upload_ratelimit_flags = ( ('--remote-ratelimit', str(upload_rate_limit)) if upload_rate_limit else () ) if stream_processes and config.get('read_special') is False: logger.warning( f'{repository_path}: Ignoring configured "read_special" value of false, as true is needed for database hooks.' ) create_command = ( tuple(local_path.split(' ')) + ('create',) + make_pattern_flags(config, if pattern_file else None) + make_exclude_flags(config, if exclude_file else None) + (('--checkpoint-interval', str(checkpoint_interval)) if checkpoint_interval else ()) + (('--checkpoint-volume', str(checkpoint_volume)) if checkpoint_volume else ()) + (('--chunker-params', chunker_params) if chunker_params else ()) + (('--compression', compression) if compression else ()) + upload_ratelimit_flags + (('--one-file-system',) if config.get('one_file_system') or stream_processes else ()) + numeric_ids_flags + atime_flags + (('--noctime',) if config.get('ctime') is False else ()) + (('--nobirthtime',) if config.get('birthtime') is False else ()) + (('--read-special',) if config.get('read_special') or stream_processes else ()) + noflags_flags + (('--files-cache', files_cache) if files_cache else ()) + (('--remote-path', remote_path) if remote_path else ()) + (('--umask', str(umask)) if umask else ()) + (('--log-json',) if global_arguments.log_json else ()) + (('--lock-wait', str(lock_wait)) if lock_wait else ()) + ( ('--list', '--filter', list_filter_flags) if list_files and not json and not progress else () ) + (('--dry-run',) if dry_run else ()) + (tuple(extra_borg_options.split(' ')) if extra_borg_options else ()) + flags.make_repository_archive_flags( repository_path, archive_name_format, local_borg_version ) + (sources if not pattern_file else ()) ) if json: output_log_level = None elif list_files or (stats and not dry_run): output_log_level = logging.ANSWER else: output_log_level = logging.INFO # The progress output isn't compatible with captured and logged output, as progress messes with # the terminal directly. output_file = DO_NOT_CAPTURE if progress else None borg_environment = environment.make_environment(config) # If database hooks are enabled (as indicated by streaming processes), exclude files that might # cause Borg to hang. But skip this if the user has explicitly set the "read_special" to True. if stream_processes and not config.get('read_special'): logger.debug(f'{repository_path}: Collecting special file paths') special_file_paths = collect_special_file_paths( create_command, local_path, working_directory, borg_environment, skip_directories=borgmatic_source_directories, ) if special_file_paths: logger.warning( f'{repository_path}: Excluding special files to prevent Borg from hanging: {", ".join(special_file_paths)}' ) exclude_file = write_pattern_file( expand_home_directories( tuple(config.get('exclude_patterns') or ()) + special_file_paths ), pattern_file=exclude_file, ) create_command += make_exclude_flags(config, create_command += ( (('--info',) if logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.INFO and not json else ()) + (('--stats',) if stats and not json and not dry_run else ()) + (('--debug', '--show-rc') if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) and not json else ()) + (('--progress',) if progress else ()) + (('--json',) if json else ()) ) if stream_processes: return execute_command_with_processes( create_command, stream_processes, output_log_level, output_file, borg_local_path=local_path, working_directory=working_directory, extra_environment=borg_environment, ) elif output_log_level is None: return execute_command_and_capture_output( create_command, working_directory=working_directory, extra_environment=borg_environment, borg_local_path=local_path, ) else: execute_command( create_command, output_log_level, output_file, borg_local_path=local_path, working_directory=working_directory, extra_environment=borg_environment, )