import logging from borgmatic.execute import execute_command, execute_command_with_processes from borgmatic.hooks import dump logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def make_dump_path(config): # pragma: no cover ''' Make the dump path from the given configuration dict and the name of this hook. ''' return dump.make_database_dump_path( config.get('borgmatic_source_directory'), 'mongodb_databases' ) def dump_databases(databases, config, log_prefix, dry_run): ''' Dump the given MongoDB databases to a named pipe. The databases are supplied as a sequence of dicts, one dict describing each database as per the configuration schema. Use the configuration dict to construct the destination path and the given log prefix in any log entries. Return a sequence of subprocess.Popen instances for the dump processes ready to spew to a named pipe. But if this is a dry run, then don't actually dump anything and return an empty sequence. ''' dry_run_label = ' (dry run; not actually dumping anything)' if dry_run else '''{log_prefix}: Dumping MongoDB databases{dry_run_label}') processes = [] for database in databases: name = database['name'] dump_filename = dump.make_database_dump_filename( make_dump_path(config), name, database.get('hostname') ) dump_format = database.get('format', 'archive') logger.debug( f'{log_prefix}: Dumping MongoDB database {name} to {dump_filename}{dry_run_label}', ) if dry_run: continue command = build_dump_command(database, dump_filename, dump_format) if dump_format == 'directory': dump.create_parent_directory_for_dump(dump_filename) execute_command(command, shell=True) else: dump.create_named_pipe_for_dump(dump_filename) processes.append(execute_command(command, shell=True, run_to_completion=False)) return processes def build_dump_command(database, dump_filename, dump_format): ''' Return the mongodump command from a single database configuration. ''' all_databases = database['name'] == 'all' return ( ('mongodump',) + (('--out', dump_filename) if dump_format == 'directory' else ()) + (('--host', database['hostname']) if 'hostname' in database else ()) + (('--port', str(database['port'])) if 'port' in database else ()) + (('--username', database['username']) if 'username' in database else ()) + (('--password', database['password']) if 'password' in database else ()) + ( ('--authenticationDatabase', database['authentication_database']) if 'authentication_database' in database else () ) + (('--db', database['name']) if not all_databases else ()) + (tuple(database['options'].split(' ')) if 'options' in database else ()) + (('--archive', '>', dump_filename) if dump_format != 'directory' else ()) ) def remove_database_dumps(databases, config, log_prefix, dry_run): # pragma: no cover ''' Remove all database dump files for this hook regardless of the given databases. Use the log prefix in any log entries. Use the given configuration dict to construct the destination path. If this is a dry run, then don't actually remove anything. ''' dump.remove_database_dumps(make_dump_path(config), 'MongoDB', log_prefix, dry_run) def make_database_dump_pattern(databases, config, log_prefix, name=None): # pragma: no cover ''' Given a sequence of database configurations dicts, a configuration dict, a prefix to log with, and a database name to match, return the corresponding glob patterns to match the database dump in an archive. ''' return dump.make_database_dump_filename(make_dump_path(config), name, hostname='*') def restore_database_dump( databases_config, config, log_prefix, database_name, dry_run, extract_process, connection_params ): ''' Restore the given MongoDB database from an extract stream. The databases are supplied as a sequence containing one dict describing each database (as per the configuration schema), but only the database corresponding to the given database name is restored. Use the configuration dict to construct the destination path and the given log prefix in any log entries. If this is a dry run, then don't actually restore anything. Trigger the given active extract process (an instance of subprocess.Popen) to produce output to consume. If the extract process is None, then restore the dump from the filesystem rather than from an extract stream. ''' dry_run_label = ' (dry run; not actually restoring anything)' if dry_run else '' try: database = next( database_config for database_config in databases_config if database_config.get('name') == database_name ) except StopIteration: raise ValueError( f'A database named "{database_name}" could not be found in the configuration' ) dump_filename = dump.make_database_dump_filename( make_dump_path(config), database['name'], database.get('hostname') ) restore_command = build_restore_command( extract_process, database, dump_filename, connection_params ) logger.debug(f"{log_prefix}: Restoring MongoDB database {database['name']}{dry_run_label}") if dry_run: return # Don't give Borg local path so as to error on warnings, as "borg extract" only gives a warning # if the restore paths don't exist in the archive. execute_command_with_processes( restore_command, [extract_process] if extract_process else [], output_log_level=logging.DEBUG, input_file=extract_process.stdout if extract_process else None, ) def build_restore_command(extract_process, database, dump_filename, connection_params): ''' Return the mongorestore command from a single database configuration. ''' hostname = connection_params['hostname'] or database.get( 'restore_hostname', database.get('hostname') ) port = str(connection_params['port'] or database.get('restore_port', database.get('port', ''))) username = connection_params['username'] or database.get( 'restore_username', database.get('username') ) password = connection_params['password'] or database.get( 'restore_password', database.get('password') ) command = ['mongorestore'] if extract_process: command.append('--archive') else: command.extend(('--dir', dump_filename)) if database['name'] != 'all': command.extend(('--drop', '--db', database['name'])) if hostname: command.extend(('--host', hostname)) if port: command.extend(('--port', str(port))) if username: command.extend(('--username', username)) if password: command.extend(('--password', password)) if 'authentication_database' in database: command.extend(('--authenticationDatabase', database['authentication_database'])) if 'restore_options' in database: command.extend(database['restore_options'].split(' ')) if database['schemas']: for schema in database['schemas']: command.extend(('--nsInclude', schema)) return command