import argparse import json import logging import subprocess from borgmatic.borg import environment, feature, flags, rinfo from borgmatic.execute import DO_NOT_CAPTURE, execute_command logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) RINFO_REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND_EXIT_CODES = {2, 13} def create_repository( dry_run, repository_path, config, local_borg_version, global_arguments, encryption_mode, source_repository=None, copy_crypt_key=False, append_only=None, storage_quota=None, make_parent_dirs=False, local_path='borg', remote_path=None, ): ''' Given a dry-run flag, a local or remote repository path, a configuration dict, the local Borg version, a Borg encryption mode, the path to another repo whose key material should be reused, whether the repository should be append-only, and the storage quota to use, create the repository. If the repository already exists, then log and skip creation. Raise ValueError if the requested encryption mode does not match that of the repository. Raise json.decoder.JSONDecodeError if the "borg info" JSON outputcannot be decoded. Raise subprocess.CalledProcessError if "borg info" returns an error exit code. ''' try: info_data = json.loads( rinfo.display_repository_info( repository_path, config, local_borg_version, argparse.Namespace(json=True), global_arguments, local_path, remote_path, ) ) repository_encryption_mode = info_data.get('encryption', {}).get('mode') if repository_encryption_mode != encryption_mode: raise ValueError( f'Requested encryption mode "{encryption_mode}" does not match existing repository encryption mode "{repository_encryption_mode}"' )'{repository_path}: Repository already exists. Skipping creation.') return except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: if error.returncode not in RINFO_REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND_EXIT_CODES: raise lock_wait = config.get('lock_wait') extra_borg_options = config.get('extra_borg_options', {}).get('rcreate', '') rcreate_command = ( (local_path,) + ( ('rcreate',) if feature.available(feature.Feature.RCREATE, local_borg_version) else ('init',) ) + (('--encryption', encryption_mode) if encryption_mode else ()) + (('--other-repo', source_repository) if source_repository else ()) + (('--copy-crypt-key',) if copy_crypt_key else ()) + (('--append-only',) if append_only else ()) + (('--storage-quota', storage_quota) if storage_quota else ()) + (('--make-parent-dirs',) if make_parent_dirs else ()) + (('--info',) if logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.INFO else ()) + (('--debug',) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) else ()) + (('--log-json',) if global_arguments.log_json else ()) + (('--lock-wait', str(lock_wait)) if lock_wait else ()) + (('--remote-path', remote_path) if remote_path else ()) + (tuple(extra_borg_options.split(' ')) if extra_borg_options else ()) + flags.make_repository_flags(repository_path, local_borg_version) ) if dry_run:'{repository_path}: Skipping repository creation (dry run)') return # Do not capture output here, so as to support interactive prompts. execute_command( rcreate_command, output_file=DO_NOT_CAPTURE, extra_environment=environment.make_environment(config), borg_local_path=local_path, borg_exit_codes=config.get('borg_exit_codes'), )