Unable to dump PostgreSQL database with password-protected user #454

opened 2021-09-18 19:22:48 +00:00 by zemmert · 4 comments

What I'm trying to do and why

Use borgmatic to back up a postgresql database with a postgres account secured with a password for nextcloud backups.

Steps to reproduce (if a bug)

# Where to look for files to backup, and where to store those backups.
# See https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/quickstart.html and
# https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/usage/create.html
# for details.
    # List of source directories to backup (required). Globs and
    # tildes are expanded. Do not backslash spaces in path names.
        - /var/www/nextcloud
        - /storage/nextcloud

    # Paths to local or remote repositories (required). Tildes are
    # expanded. Multiple repositories are backed up to in
    # sequence. Borg placeholders can be used. See the output of
    # "borg help placeholders" for details. See ssh_command for
    # SSH options like identity file or port. If systemd service
    # is used, then add local repository paths in the systemd
    # service file to the ReadWritePaths list.
        - /backup/backup.borg

    # Stay in same file system (do not cross mount points).
    # Defaults to false. But when a database hook is used, the
    # setting here is ignored and one_file_system is considered
    # true.
    # one_file_system: true

    # Only store/extract numeric user and group identifiers.
    # Defaults to false.
    # numeric_owner: true

    # Store atime into archive. Defaults to true.
    # atime: false

    # Store ctime into archive. Defaults to true.
    # ctime: false

    # Store birthtime (creation date) into archive. Defaults to
    # true.
    # birthtime: false

    # Use Borg's --read-special flag to allow backup of block and
    # other special devices. Use with caution, as it will lead to
    # problems if used when backing up special devices such as
    # /dev/zero. Defaults to false. But when a database hook is
    # used, the setting here is ignored and read_special is
    # considered true.
    # read_special: false

    # Record bsdflags (e.g. NODUMP, IMMUTABLE) in archive.
    # Defaults to true.
    # bsd_flags: true

    # Mode in which to operate the files cache. See
    # http://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/usage/create.html
    # for details. Defaults to "ctime,size,inode".
    # files_cache: ctime,size,inode

    # Alternate Borg local executable. Defaults to "borg".
    # local_path: borg1

    # Alternate Borg remote executable. Defaults to "borg".
    # remote_path: borg1

    # Any paths matching these patterns are included/excluded from
    # backups. Globs are expanded. (Tildes are not.) Note that
    # Borg considers this option experimental. See the output of
    # "borg help patterns" for more details. Quote any value if it
    # contains leading punctuation, so it parses correctly.
    # patterns:
        # - R /
        # - '- /home/*/.cache'
        # - + /home/susan
        # - '- /home/*'

    # Read include/exclude patterns from one or more separate
    # named files, one pattern per line. Note that Borg considers
    # this option experimental. See the output of "borg help
    # patterns" for more details.
    # patterns_from:
        # - /etc/borgmatic/patterns

    # Any paths matching these patterns are excluded from backups.
    # Globs and tildes are expanded. Do not backslash spaces in
    # path names. See the output of "borg help patterns" for more
    # details.
    # exclude_patterns:
        # - '*.pyc'
        # - /home/*/.cache
        # - /etc/ssl
        # - /home/user/path with spaces

    # Read exclude patterns from one or more separate named files,
    # one pattern per line. See the output of "borg help patterns"
    # for more details.
    # exclude_from:
        # - /etc/borgmatic/excludes

    # Exclude directories that contain a CACHEDIR.TAG file. See
    # http://www.brynosaurus.com/cachedir/spec.html for details.
    # Defaults to false.
    # exclude_caches: true

    # Exclude directories that contain a file with the given
    # filenames. Defaults to not set.
    # exclude_if_present:
        # - .nobackup

    # If true, the exclude_if_present filename is included in
    # backups. Defaults to false, meaning that the
    # exclude_if_present filename is omitted from backups.
    # keep_exclude_tags: true

    # Exclude files with the NODUMP flag. Defaults to false.
    # exclude_nodump: true

    # Path for additional source files used for temporary internal
    # state like borgmatic database dumps. Note that changing this
    # path prevents "borgmatic restore" from finding any database
    # dumps created before the change. Defaults to ~/.borgmatic
    # borgmatic_source_directory: /tmp/borgmatic

# Repository storage options. See
# https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/usage/create.html and
# https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/usage/general.html for
# details.
    # The standard output of this command is used to unlock the
    # encryption key. Only use on repositories that were
    # initialized with passcommand/repokey/keyfile encryption.
    # Note that if both encryption_passcommand and
    # encryption_passphrase are set, then encryption_passphrase
    # takes precedence. Defaults to not set.
    # encryption_passcommand: secret-tool lookup borg-repository repo-name

    # Passphrase to unlock the encryption key with. Only use on
    # repositories that were initialized with
    # passphrase/repokey/keyfile encryption. Quote the value if it
    # contains punctuation, so it parses correctly. And backslash
    # any quote or backslash literals as well. Defaults to not
    # set.
    encryption_passphrase: "<redacted>"

    # Number of seconds between each checkpoint during a
    # long-running backup. See
    # https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/faq.html
    # for details. Defaults to checkpoints every 1800 seconds (30
    # minutes).
    # checkpoint_interval: 1800

    # Specify the parameters passed to then chunker
    # https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/internals.html
    # for details. Defaults to "19,23,21,4095".
    # chunker_params: 19,23,21,4095

    # Type of compression to use when creating archives. See
    # http://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/usage/create.html
    # for details. Defaults to "lz4".
    # compression: lz4

    # Remote network upload rate limit in kiBytes/second. Defaults
    # to unlimited.
    # remote_rate_limit: 100

    # Directory where temporary files are stored. Defaults to
    # $TMPDIR
    # temporary_directory: /path/to/tmpdir

    # Command to use instead of "ssh". This can be used to specify
    # ssh options.  Defaults to not set.
    # ssh_command: ssh -i /path/to/private/key

    # Base path used for various Borg directories. Defaults to
    # $HOME, ~$USER, or ~.
    # borg_base_directory: /path/to/base

    # Path for Borg configuration files. Defaults to
    # $borg_base_directory/.config/borg
    # borg_config_directory: /path/to/base/config

    # Path for Borg cache files. Defaults to
    # $borg_base_directory/.cache/borg
    # borg_cache_directory: /path/to/base/cache

    # Path for Borg security and encryption nonce files. Defaults
    # to $borg_base_directory/.config/borg/security
    # borg_security_directory: /path/to/base/config/security

    # Path for Borg encryption key files. Defaults to
    # $borg_base_directory/.config/borg/keys
    # borg_keys_directory: /path/to/base/config/keys

    # Umask to be used for borg create. Defaults to 0077.
    # umask: 0077

    # Maximum seconds to wait for acquiring a repository/cache
    # lock. Defaults to 1.
    # lock_wait: 5

    # Name of the archive. Borg placeholders can be used. See the
    # output of "borg help placeholders" for details. Defaults to
    # "{hostname}-{now:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f}". If you specify this
    # option, you must also specify a prefix in the retention
    # section to avoid accidental pruning of archives with a
    # different archive name format. And you should also specify a
    # prefix in the consistency section as well.
    # archive_name_format: '{hostname}-documents-{now}'

    # Bypass Borg error about a repository that has been moved.
    # Defaults to false.
    # relocated_repo_access_is_ok: true

    # Bypass Borg error about a previously unknown unencrypted
    # repository. Defaults to false.
    # unknown_unencrypted_repo_access_is_ok: true

    # Additional options to pass directly to particular Borg
    # commands, handy for Borg options that borgmatic does not yet
    # support natively. Note that borgmatic does not perform any
    # validation on these options. Running borgmatic with
    # "--verbosity 2" shows the exact Borg command-line
    # invocation.
    # extra_borg_options:
        # Extra command-line options to pass to "borg init".
        # init: --make-parent-dirs

        # Extra command-line options to pass to "borg prune".
        # prune: --save-space

        # Extra command-line options to pass to "borg create".
        # create: --no-files-cache

        # Extra command-line options to pass to "borg check".
        # check: --save-space

# Retention policy for how many backups to keep in each category. See
# https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/usage/prune.html for
# details. At least one of the "keep" options is required for pruning
# to work. To skip pruning entirely, run "borgmatic create" or "check"
# without the "prune" action. See borgmatic documentation for details.
    # Keep all archives within this time interval.
    # keep_within: 3H

    # Number of secondly archives to keep.
    # keep_secondly: 60

    # Number of minutely archives to keep.
    # keep_minutely: 60

    # Number of hourly archives to keep.
    # keep_hourly: 24

    # Number of daily archives to keep.
    keep_daily: 7

    # Number of weekly archives to keep.
    keep_weekly: 4

    # Number of monthly archives to keep.
    keep_monthly: 6

    # Number of yearly archives to keep.
    keep_yearly: 1

    # When pruning, only consider archive names starting with this
    # prefix.  Borg placeholders can be used. See the output of
    # "borg help placeholders" for details. Defaults to
    # "{hostname}-". Use an empty value to disable the default.
    # prefix: sourcehostname

# Consistency checks to run after backups. See
# https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/usage/check.html and
# https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/usage/extract.html for
# details.
# consistency:
    # List of one or more consistency checks to run: "repository",
    # "archives", "data", and/or "extract". Defaults to
    # "repository" and "archives". Set to "disabled" to disable
    # all consistency checks. "repository" checks the consistency
    # of the repository, "archives" checks all of the archives,
    # "data" verifies the integrity of the data within the
    # archives, and "extract" does an extraction dry-run of the
    # most recent archive. Note that "data" implies "archives".
    # checks:
        # - repository
        # - archives

    # Paths to a subset of the repositories in the location
    # section on which to run consistency checks. Handy in case
    # some of your repositories are very large, and so running
    # consistency checks on them would take too long. Defaults to
    # running consistency checks on all repositories configured in
    # the location section.
    # check_repositories:
        # - user@backupserver:sourcehostname.borg

    # Restrict the number of checked archives to the last n.
    # Applies only to the "archives" check. Defaults to checking
    # all archives.
    # check_last: 3

    # When performing the "archives" check, only consider archive
    # names starting with this prefix. Borg placeholders can be
    # used. See the output of "borg help placeholders" for
    # details. Defaults to "{hostname}-". Use an empty value to
    # disable the default.
    # prefix: sourcehostname

# Options for customizing borgmatic's own output and logging.
# output:
    # Apply color to console output. Can be overridden with
    # --no-color command-line flag. Defaults to true.
    # color: false

# Shell commands, scripts, or integrations to execute at various
# points during a borgmatic run. IMPORTANT: All provided commands and
# scripts are executed with user permissions of borgmatic. Do not
# forget to set secure permissions on this configuration file (chmod
# 0600) as well as on any script called from a hook (chmod 0700) to
# prevent potential shell injection or privilege escalation.
    # List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute
    # before creating a backup, run once per configuration file.
        - sudo -u nginx /var/www/nextcloud/occ maintenance:mode --on

    # List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute
    # before pruning, run once per configuration file.
    # before_prune:
        # - echo "Starting pruning."

    # List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute
    # before consistency checks, run once per configuration file.
    # before_check:
        # - echo "Starting checks."

    # List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute
    # before extracting a backup, run once per configuration file.
    # before_extract:
        # - echo "Starting extracting."

    # List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute
    # after creating a backup, run once per configuration file.
        - sudo -u nginx /var/www/nextcloud/occ maintenance:mode --off
    #List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute
    # after pruning, run once per configuration file.
    # after_prune:
        # - echo "Finished pruning."

    # List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute
    # after consistency checks, run once per configuration file.
    # after_check:
        # - echo "Finished checks."

    # List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute
    # after extracting a backup, run once per configuration file.
    # after_extract:
        # - echo "Finished extracting."

    # List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute
    # when an exception occurs during a "prune", "create", or
    # "check" action or an associated before/after hook.
    # on_error:
        # - echo "Error during prune/create/check."

    # List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute
    # before running all actions (if one of them is "create").
    # These are collected from all configuration files and then
    # run once before all of them (prior to all actions).
    # before_everything:
        # - echo "Starting actions."

    # List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute
    # after running all actions (if one of them is "create").
    # These are collected from all configuration files and then
    # run once after all of them (after any action).
    # after_everything:
        # - echo "Completed actions."

    # List of one or more PostgreSQL databases to dump before
    # creating a backup, run once per configuration file. The
    # database dumps are added to your source directories at
    # runtime, backed up, and removed afterwards. Requires
    # pg_dump/pg_dumpall/pg_restore commands. See
    # https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/app-pgdump.html and
    # https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq-ssl.html for
    # details.
        # Database name (required if using this hook). Or
        # "all" to dump all databases on the host. Note
        # that using this database hook implicitly enables
        # both read_special and one_file_system (see
        # above) to support dump and restore streaming.
        - name: nextcloud

          # Database hostname to connect to. Defaults to
          # connecting via local Unix socket.
          hostname: localhost

          # Port to connect to. Defaults to 5432.
          # port: 5433

          # Username with which to connect to the database.
          # Defaults to the username of the current user.
          # You probably want to specify the "postgres"
          # superuser here when the database name is "all".
          username: nextcloud

          # Password with which to connect to the database.
          # Omitting a password will only work if PostgreSQL
          # is configured to trust the configured username
          # without a password, or you create a ~/.pgpass
          # file.
          password: '<redacted>'

          # Database dump output format. One of "plain",
          # "custom", "directory", or "tar". Defaults to
          # "custom" (unlike raw pg_dump). See pg_dump
          # documentation for details. Note that format is
          # ignored when the database name is "all".
          # format: directory

          # SSL mode to use to connect to the database
          # server. One of "disable", "allow", "prefer",
          # "require", "verify-ca" or "verify-full".
          # Defaults to "disable".
          # ssl_mode: require

          # Path to a client certificate.
          # ssl_cert: /root/.postgresql/postgresql.crt

          # Path to a private client key.
          # ssl_key: /root/.postgresql/postgresql.key

          # Path to a root certificate containing a list of
          # trusted certificate authorities.
          # ssl_root_cert: /root/.postgresql/root.crt

          # Path to a certificate revocation list.
          # ssl_crl: /root/.postgresql/root.crl

          # Additional pg_dump/pg_dumpall options to pass
          # directly to the dump command, without performing
          # any validation on them. See pg_dump
          # documentation for details.
          # options: --role=someone

    # List of one or more MySQL/MariaDB databases to dump before
    # creating a backup, run once per configuration file. The
    # database dumps are added to your source directories at
    # runtime, backed up, and removed afterwards. Requires
    # mysqldump/mysql commands (from either MySQL or MariaDB). See
    # https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/mysqldump.html or
    # https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/mysqldump/ for details.
    # mysql_databases:
        # Database name (required if using this hook). Or
        # "all" to dump all databases on the host. Note
        # that using this database hook implicitly enables
        # both read_special and one_file_system (see
        # above) to support dump and restore streaming.
        # - name: users

          # Database hostname to connect to. Defaults to
          # connecting via local Unix socket.
          # hostname: database.example.org

          # Port to connect to. Defaults to 3306.
          # port: 3307

          # Username with which to connect to the database.
          # Defaults to the username of the current user.
          # username: dbuser

          # Password with which to connect to the database.
          # Omitting a password will only work if MySQL is
          # configured to trust the configured username
          # without a password.
          # password: trustsome1

          # Additional mysqldump options to pass directly to
          # the dump command, without performing any
          # validation on them. See mysqldump documentation
          # for details.
          # options: --skip-comments

    # Healthchecks ping URL or UUID to notify when a backup
    # begins, ends, or errors. Create an account at
    # https://healthchecks.io if you'd like to use this service.
    # See borgmatic monitoring documentation for details.
    # healthchecks: https://hc-ping.com/your-uuid-here

    # Cronitor ping URL to notify when a backup begins, ends, or
    # errors. Create an account at https://cronitor.io if you'd
    # like to use this service. See borgmatic monitoring
    # documentation for details.
    # cronitor: https://cronitor.link/d3x0c1

    # PagerDuty integration key used to notify PagerDuty when a
    # backup errors. Create an account at
    # https://www.pagerduty.com/ if you'd like to use this
    # service. See borgmatic monitoring documentation for details.
    # pagerduty: a177cad45bd374409f78906a810a3074

    # Cronhub ping URL to notify when a backup begins, ends, or
    # errors. Create an account at https://cronhub.io if you'd
    # like to use this service. See borgmatic monitoring
    # documentation for details.
    # cronhub: https://cronhub.io/start/1f5e3410-254c-11e8-b61d-55875966d01

    # Umask used when executing hooks. Defaults to the umask that
    # borgmatic is run with.
    # umask: 0077

Actual behavior (if a bug)

Ensuring legacy configuration is upgraded
/etc/borgmatic/config.yaml: No commands to run for pre-everything hook
/etc/borgmatic/config.yaml: No commands to run for pre-prune hook
/etc/borgmatic/config.yaml: Running command for pre-backup hook
sudo -u nginx /var/www/nextcloud/occ maintenance:mode --on
Maintenance mode enabled
/etc/borgmatic/config.yaml: No commands to run for pre-check hook
/backup/backup.borg: Pruning archives
borg prune --keep-daily 7 --keep-weekly 4 --keep-monthly 6 --keep-yearly 1 --prefix {hostname}- --list --debug --show-rc /backup/backup.borg
using builtin fallback logging configuration
35 self tests completed in 0.05 seconds
Killed stale lock <redacted>@185410939711250.3129352-0.
Removed stale exclusive roster lock for host <redacted>@185410939711250 pid 3129352 thread 0.
Removed stale exclusive roster lock for host <redacted>@185410939711250 pid 3129352 thread 0.
Verified integrity of /backup/backup.borg/index.1
TAM-verified manifest
Killed stale lock <redacted>@185410939711250.3129352-0.
Removed stale exclusive roster lock for host <redacted>@185410939711250 pid 3129352 thread 0.
Removed stale exclusive roster lock for host <redacted>@185410939711250 pid 3129352 thread 0.
security: read previous location '/backup/backup.borg'
security: read manifest timestamp '2021-09-18T17:03:54.528608'
security: determined newest manifest timestamp as 2021-09-18T17:03:54.528608
security: repository checks ok, allowing access
Verified integrity of /root/.cache/borg/4176744f94434d8c3cdff9d8556b691e4cad2f4e799456dfc864347f0a5e3c3f/chunks
security: read previous location '/backup/backup.borg'
security: read manifest timestamp '2021-09-18T17:03:54.528608'
security: determined newest manifest timestamp as 2021-09-18T17:03:54.528608
security: repository checks ok, allowing access
terminating with success status, rc 0
/backup/backup.borg: Creating archive
/backup/backup.borg: Calling postgresql_databases hook function remove_database_dumps
/backup/backup.borg: Removing PostgreSQL database dumps
/backup/backup.borg: Calling postgresql_databases hook function dump_databases
/backup/backup.borg: Dumping PostgreSQL databases
/backup/backup.borg: Dumping PostgreSQL database nextcloud to /root/.borgmatic/postgresql_databases/localhost/nextcloud
pg_dump --no-password --clean --if-exists --host localhost --username nextcloud --format custom nextcloud > /root/.borgmatic/postgresql_databases/localhost/nextcloud
borg create --one-file-system --read-special --list --filter AME- --debug --show-rc /backup/backup.borg::{hostname}-{now:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f} /root/.borgmatic /storage/nextcloud /var/www/nextcloud
using builtin fallback logging configuration
35 self tests completed in 0.05 seconds
Verified integrity of /backup/backup.borg/index.1
TAM-verified manifest
security: read previous location '/backup/backup.borg'
security: read manifest timestamp '2021-09-18T17:03:54.528608'
security: determined newest manifest timestamp as 2021-09-18T17:03:54.528608
security: repository checks ok, allowing access
Creating archive at "/backup/backup.borg::{hostname}-{now:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f}"
Verified integrity of /root/.cache/borg/4176744f94434d8c3cdff9d8556b691e4cad2f4e799456dfc864347f0a5e3c3f/chunks
Reading files cache ...
security: read previous location '/backup/backup.borg'
security: read manifest timestamp '2021-09-18T17:03:54.528608'
security: determined newest manifest timestamp as 2021-09-18T17:03:54.528608
security: repository checks ok, allowing access
Processing files ...
pg_dump: error: connection to database "nextcloud" failed: FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "nextcloud"
A /root/.borgmatic/postgresql_databases/localhost/nextcloud
/backup/backup.borg: Error running actions for repository
Command 'pg_dump --no-password --clean --if-exists --host localhost --username nextcloud --format custom nextcloud > /root/.borgmatic/postgresql_databases/localhost/nextcloud' returned non-zero exit status 1.
/etc/borgmatic/config.yaml: No commands to run for on-error hook
/etc/borgmatic/config.yaml: Error running configuration file
/etc/borgmatic/config.yaml: No commands to run for post-everything hook

/etc/borgmatic/config.yaml: Error running configuration file
/backup/backup.borg: Error running actions for repository
pg_dump: error: connection to database "nextcloud" failed: FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "nextcloud"
Command 'pg_dump --no-password --clean --if-exists --host localhost --username nextcloud --format custom nextcloud > /root/.borgmatic/postgresql_databases/localhost/nextcloud' returned non-zero exit status 1.

Need some help? https://torsion.org/borgmatic/#issues

Expected behavior (if a bug)

Borgmatic shouls successfully dump the postgresql database, because the password is being provided via the configuration file.

Other notes

The issue seems to lie in the pg_dump command being passed the --no-password argument, despite the fact that there is a password defined in the configuration file.


borgmatic version: 1.5.18

borgmatic installation method: Fedora package

Borg version: 1.1.17

Python version: 3.9.7

Database version (if applicable): Postgresql 13.4

operating system and version: Fedora Server 34

#### What I'm trying to do and why Use borgmatic to back up a postgresql database with a postgres account secured with a password for nextcloud backups. #### Steps to reproduce (if a bug) ``` # Where to look for files to backup, and where to store those backups. # See https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/quickstart.html and # https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/usage/create.html # for details. location: # List of source directories to backup (required). Globs and # tildes are expanded. Do not backslash spaces in path names. source_directories: - /var/www/nextcloud - /storage/nextcloud # Paths to local or remote repositories (required). Tildes are # expanded. Multiple repositories are backed up to in # sequence. Borg placeholders can be used. See the output of # "borg help placeholders" for details. See ssh_command for # SSH options like identity file or port. If systemd service # is used, then add local repository paths in the systemd # service file to the ReadWritePaths list. repositories: - /backup/backup.borg # Stay in same file system (do not cross mount points). # Defaults to false. But when a database hook is used, the # setting here is ignored and one_file_system is considered # true. # one_file_system: true # Only store/extract numeric user and group identifiers. # Defaults to false. # numeric_owner: true # Store atime into archive. Defaults to true. # atime: false # Store ctime into archive. Defaults to true. # ctime: false # Store birthtime (creation date) into archive. Defaults to # true. # birthtime: false # Use Borg's --read-special flag to allow backup of block and # other special devices. Use with caution, as it will lead to # problems if used when backing up special devices such as # /dev/zero. Defaults to false. But when a database hook is # used, the setting here is ignored and read_special is # considered true. # read_special: false # Record bsdflags (e.g. NODUMP, IMMUTABLE) in archive. # Defaults to true. # bsd_flags: true # Mode in which to operate the files cache. See # http://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/usage/create.html # for details. Defaults to "ctime,size,inode". # files_cache: ctime,size,inode # Alternate Borg local executable. Defaults to "borg". # local_path: borg1 # Alternate Borg remote executable. Defaults to "borg". # remote_path: borg1 # Any paths matching these patterns are included/excluded from # backups. Globs are expanded. (Tildes are not.) Note that # Borg considers this option experimental. See the output of # "borg help patterns" for more details. Quote any value if it # contains leading punctuation, so it parses correctly. # patterns: # - R / # - '- /home/*/.cache' # - + /home/susan # - '- /home/*' # Read include/exclude patterns from one or more separate # named files, one pattern per line. Note that Borg considers # this option experimental. See the output of "borg help # patterns" for more details. # patterns_from: # - /etc/borgmatic/patterns # Any paths matching these patterns are excluded from backups. # Globs and tildes are expanded. Do not backslash spaces in # path names. See the output of "borg help patterns" for more # details. # exclude_patterns: # - '*.pyc' # - /home/*/.cache # - /etc/ssl # - /home/user/path with spaces # Read exclude patterns from one or more separate named files, # one pattern per line. See the output of "borg help patterns" # for more details. # exclude_from: # - /etc/borgmatic/excludes # Exclude directories that contain a CACHEDIR.TAG file. See # http://www.brynosaurus.com/cachedir/spec.html for details. # Defaults to false. # exclude_caches: true # Exclude directories that contain a file with the given # filenames. Defaults to not set. # exclude_if_present: # - .nobackup # If true, the exclude_if_present filename is included in # backups. Defaults to false, meaning that the # exclude_if_present filename is omitted from backups. # keep_exclude_tags: true # Exclude files with the NODUMP flag. Defaults to false. # exclude_nodump: true # Path for additional source files used for temporary internal # state like borgmatic database dumps. Note that changing this # path prevents "borgmatic restore" from finding any database # dumps created before the change. Defaults to ~/.borgmatic # borgmatic_source_directory: /tmp/borgmatic # Repository storage options. See # https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/usage/create.html and # https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/usage/general.html for # details. storage: # The standard output of this command is used to unlock the # encryption key. Only use on repositories that were # initialized with passcommand/repokey/keyfile encryption. # Note that if both encryption_passcommand and # encryption_passphrase are set, then encryption_passphrase # takes precedence. Defaults to not set. # encryption_passcommand: secret-tool lookup borg-repository repo-name # Passphrase to unlock the encryption key with. Only use on # repositories that were initialized with # passphrase/repokey/keyfile encryption. Quote the value if it # contains punctuation, so it parses correctly. And backslash # any quote or backslash literals as well. Defaults to not # set. encryption_passphrase: "<redacted>" # Number of seconds between each checkpoint during a # long-running backup. See # https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/faq.html # for details. Defaults to checkpoints every 1800 seconds (30 # minutes). # checkpoint_interval: 1800 # Specify the parameters passed to then chunker # (CHUNK_MIN_EXP, CHUNK_MAX_EXP, HASH_MASK_BITS, # HASH_WINDOW_SIZE). See # https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/internals.html # for details. Defaults to "19,23,21,4095". # chunker_params: 19,23,21,4095 # Type of compression to use when creating archives. See # http://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/usage/create.html # for details. Defaults to "lz4". # compression: lz4 # Remote network upload rate limit in kiBytes/second. Defaults # to unlimited. # remote_rate_limit: 100 # Directory where temporary files are stored. Defaults to # $TMPDIR # temporary_directory: /path/to/tmpdir # Command to use instead of "ssh". This can be used to specify # ssh options. Defaults to not set. # ssh_command: ssh -i /path/to/private/key # Base path used for various Borg directories. Defaults to # $HOME, ~$USER, or ~. # borg_base_directory: /path/to/base # Path for Borg configuration files. Defaults to # $borg_base_directory/.config/borg # borg_config_directory: /path/to/base/config # Path for Borg cache files. Defaults to # $borg_base_directory/.cache/borg # borg_cache_directory: /path/to/base/cache # Path for Borg security and encryption nonce files. Defaults # to $borg_base_directory/.config/borg/security # borg_security_directory: /path/to/base/config/security # Path for Borg encryption key files. Defaults to # $borg_base_directory/.config/borg/keys # borg_keys_directory: /path/to/base/config/keys # Umask to be used for borg create. Defaults to 0077. # umask: 0077 # Maximum seconds to wait for acquiring a repository/cache # lock. Defaults to 1. # lock_wait: 5 # Name of the archive. Borg placeholders can be used. See the # output of "borg help placeholders" for details. Defaults to # "{hostname}-{now:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f}". If you specify this # option, you must also specify a prefix in the retention # section to avoid accidental pruning of archives with a # different archive name format. And you should also specify a # prefix in the consistency section as well. # archive_name_format: '{hostname}-documents-{now}' # Bypass Borg error about a repository that has been moved. # Defaults to false. # relocated_repo_access_is_ok: true # Bypass Borg error about a previously unknown unencrypted # repository. Defaults to false. # unknown_unencrypted_repo_access_is_ok: true # Additional options to pass directly to particular Borg # commands, handy for Borg options that borgmatic does not yet # support natively. Note that borgmatic does not perform any # validation on these options. Running borgmatic with # "--verbosity 2" shows the exact Borg command-line # invocation. # extra_borg_options: # Extra command-line options to pass to "borg init". # init: --make-parent-dirs # Extra command-line options to pass to "borg prune". # prune: --save-space # Extra command-line options to pass to "borg create". # create: --no-files-cache # Extra command-line options to pass to "borg check". # check: --save-space # Retention policy for how many backups to keep in each category. See # https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/usage/prune.html for # details. At least one of the "keep" options is required for pruning # to work. To skip pruning entirely, run "borgmatic create" or "check" # without the "prune" action. See borgmatic documentation for details. retention: # Keep all archives within this time interval. # keep_within: 3H # Number of secondly archives to keep. # keep_secondly: 60 # Number of minutely archives to keep. # keep_minutely: 60 # Number of hourly archives to keep. # keep_hourly: 24 # Number of daily archives to keep. keep_daily: 7 # Number of weekly archives to keep. keep_weekly: 4 # Number of monthly archives to keep. keep_monthly: 6 # Number of yearly archives to keep. keep_yearly: 1 # When pruning, only consider archive names starting with this # prefix. Borg placeholders can be used. See the output of # "borg help placeholders" for details. Defaults to # "{hostname}-". Use an empty value to disable the default. # prefix: sourcehostname # Consistency checks to run after backups. See # https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/usage/check.html and # https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/usage/extract.html for # details. # consistency: # List of one or more consistency checks to run: "repository", # "archives", "data", and/or "extract". Defaults to # "repository" and "archives". Set to "disabled" to disable # all consistency checks. "repository" checks the consistency # of the repository, "archives" checks all of the archives, # "data" verifies the integrity of the data within the # archives, and "extract" does an extraction dry-run of the # most recent archive. Note that "data" implies "archives". # checks: # - repository # - archives # Paths to a subset of the repositories in the location # section on which to run consistency checks. Handy in case # some of your repositories are very large, and so running # consistency checks on them would take too long. Defaults to # running consistency checks on all repositories configured in # the location section. # check_repositories: # - user@backupserver:sourcehostname.borg # Restrict the number of checked archives to the last n. # Applies only to the "archives" check. Defaults to checking # all archives. # check_last: 3 # When performing the "archives" check, only consider archive # names starting with this prefix. Borg placeholders can be # used. See the output of "borg help placeholders" for # details. Defaults to "{hostname}-". Use an empty value to # disable the default. # prefix: sourcehostname # Options for customizing borgmatic's own output and logging. # output: # Apply color to console output. Can be overridden with # --no-color command-line flag. Defaults to true. # color: false # Shell commands, scripts, or integrations to execute at various # points during a borgmatic run. IMPORTANT: All provided commands and # scripts are executed with user permissions of borgmatic. Do not # forget to set secure permissions on this configuration file (chmod # 0600) as well as on any script called from a hook (chmod 0700) to # prevent potential shell injection or privilege escalation. hooks: # List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute # before creating a backup, run once per configuration file. before_backup: - sudo -u nginx /var/www/nextcloud/occ maintenance:mode --on # List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute # before pruning, run once per configuration file. # before_prune: # - echo "Starting pruning." # List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute # before consistency checks, run once per configuration file. # before_check: # - echo "Starting checks." # List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute # before extracting a backup, run once per configuration file. # before_extract: # - echo "Starting extracting." # List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute # after creating a backup, run once per configuration file. after_backup: - sudo -u nginx /var/www/nextcloud/occ maintenance:mode --off #List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute # after pruning, run once per configuration file. # after_prune: # - echo "Finished pruning." # List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute # after consistency checks, run once per configuration file. # after_check: # - echo "Finished checks." # List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute # after extracting a backup, run once per configuration file. # after_extract: # - echo "Finished extracting." # List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute # when an exception occurs during a "prune", "create", or # "check" action or an associated before/after hook. # on_error: # - echo "Error during prune/create/check." # List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute # before running all actions (if one of them is "create"). # These are collected from all configuration files and then # run once before all of them (prior to all actions). # before_everything: # - echo "Starting actions." # List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute # after running all actions (if one of them is "create"). # These are collected from all configuration files and then # run once after all of them (after any action). # after_everything: # - echo "Completed actions." # List of one or more PostgreSQL databases to dump before # creating a backup, run once per configuration file. The # database dumps are added to your source directories at # runtime, backed up, and removed afterwards. Requires # pg_dump/pg_dumpall/pg_restore commands. See # https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/app-pgdump.html and # https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq-ssl.html for # details. postgresql_databases: # Database name (required if using this hook). Or # "all" to dump all databases on the host. Note # that using this database hook implicitly enables # both read_special and one_file_system (see # above) to support dump and restore streaming. - name: nextcloud # Database hostname to connect to. Defaults to # connecting via local Unix socket. hostname: localhost # Port to connect to. Defaults to 5432. # port: 5433 # Username with which to connect to the database. # Defaults to the username of the current user. # You probably want to specify the "postgres" # superuser here when the database name is "all". username: nextcloud # Password with which to connect to the database. # Omitting a password will only work if PostgreSQL # is configured to trust the configured username # without a password, or you create a ~/.pgpass # file. password: '<redacted>' # Database dump output format. One of "plain", # "custom", "directory", or "tar". Defaults to # "custom" (unlike raw pg_dump). See pg_dump # documentation for details. Note that format is # ignored when the database name is "all". # format: directory # SSL mode to use to connect to the database # server. One of "disable", "allow", "prefer", # "require", "verify-ca" or "verify-full". # Defaults to "disable". # ssl_mode: require # Path to a client certificate. # ssl_cert: /root/.postgresql/postgresql.crt # Path to a private client key. # ssl_key: /root/.postgresql/postgresql.key # Path to a root certificate containing a list of # trusted certificate authorities. # ssl_root_cert: /root/.postgresql/root.crt # Path to a certificate revocation list. # ssl_crl: /root/.postgresql/root.crl # Additional pg_dump/pg_dumpall options to pass # directly to the dump command, without performing # any validation on them. See pg_dump # documentation for details. # options: --role=someone # List of one or more MySQL/MariaDB databases to dump before # creating a backup, run once per configuration file. The # database dumps are added to your source directories at # runtime, backed up, and removed afterwards. Requires # mysqldump/mysql commands (from either MySQL or MariaDB). See # https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/mysqldump.html or # https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/mysqldump/ for details. # mysql_databases: # Database name (required if using this hook). Or # "all" to dump all databases on the host. Note # that using this database hook implicitly enables # both read_special and one_file_system (see # above) to support dump and restore streaming. # - name: users # Database hostname to connect to. Defaults to # connecting via local Unix socket. # hostname: database.example.org # Port to connect to. Defaults to 3306. # port: 3307 # Username with which to connect to the database. # Defaults to the username of the current user. # username: dbuser # Password with which to connect to the database. # Omitting a password will only work if MySQL is # configured to trust the configured username # without a password. # password: trustsome1 # Additional mysqldump options to pass directly to # the dump command, without performing any # validation on them. See mysqldump documentation # for details. # options: --skip-comments # Healthchecks ping URL or UUID to notify when a backup # begins, ends, or errors. Create an account at # https://healthchecks.io if you'd like to use this service. # See borgmatic monitoring documentation for details. # healthchecks: https://hc-ping.com/your-uuid-here # Cronitor ping URL to notify when a backup begins, ends, or # errors. Create an account at https://cronitor.io if you'd # like to use this service. See borgmatic monitoring # documentation for details. # cronitor: https://cronitor.link/d3x0c1 # PagerDuty integration key used to notify PagerDuty when a # backup errors. Create an account at # https://www.pagerduty.com/ if you'd like to use this # service. See borgmatic monitoring documentation for details. # pagerduty: a177cad45bd374409f78906a810a3074 # Cronhub ping URL to notify when a backup begins, ends, or # errors. Create an account at https://cronhub.io if you'd # like to use this service. See borgmatic monitoring # documentation for details. # cronhub: https://cronhub.io/start/1f5e3410-254c-11e8-b61d-55875966d01 # Umask used when executing hooks. Defaults to the umask that # borgmatic is run with. # umask: 0077 ``` #### Actual behavior (if a bug) ``` Ensuring legacy configuration is upgraded /etc/borgmatic/config.yaml: No commands to run for pre-everything hook /etc/borgmatic/config.yaml: No commands to run for pre-prune hook /etc/borgmatic/config.yaml: Running command for pre-backup hook sudo -u nginx /var/www/nextcloud/occ maintenance:mode --on Maintenance mode enabled /etc/borgmatic/config.yaml: No commands to run for pre-check hook /backup/backup.borg: Pruning archives borg prune --keep-daily 7 --keep-weekly 4 --keep-monthly 6 --keep-yearly 1 --prefix {hostname}- --list --debug --show-rc /backup/backup.borg using builtin fallback logging configuration 35 self tests completed in 0.05 seconds Killed stale lock <redacted>@185410939711250.3129352-0. Removed stale exclusive roster lock for host <redacted>@185410939711250 pid 3129352 thread 0. Removed stale exclusive roster lock for host <redacted>@185410939711250 pid 3129352 thread 0. Verified integrity of /backup/backup.borg/index.1 TAM-verified manifest Killed stale lock <redacted>@185410939711250.3129352-0. Removed stale exclusive roster lock for host <redacted>@185410939711250 pid 3129352 thread 0. Removed stale exclusive roster lock for host <redacted>@185410939711250 pid 3129352 thread 0. security: read previous location '/backup/backup.borg' security: read manifest timestamp '2021-09-18T17:03:54.528608' security: determined newest manifest timestamp as 2021-09-18T17:03:54.528608 security: repository checks ok, allowing access Verified integrity of /root/.cache/borg/4176744f94434d8c3cdff9d8556b691e4cad2f4e799456dfc864347f0a5e3c3f/chunks security: read previous location '/backup/backup.borg' security: read manifest timestamp '2021-09-18T17:03:54.528608' security: determined newest manifest timestamp as 2021-09-18T17:03:54.528608 security: repository checks ok, allowing access terminating with success status, rc 0 /backup/backup.borg: Creating archive /backup/backup.borg: Calling postgresql_databases hook function remove_database_dumps /backup/backup.borg: Removing PostgreSQL database dumps /backup/backup.borg: Calling postgresql_databases hook function dump_databases /backup/backup.borg: Dumping PostgreSQL databases /backup/backup.borg: Dumping PostgreSQL database nextcloud to /root/.borgmatic/postgresql_databases/localhost/nextcloud pg_dump --no-password --clean --if-exists --host localhost --username nextcloud --format custom nextcloud > /root/.borgmatic/postgresql_databases/localhost/nextcloud borg create --one-file-system --read-special --list --filter AME- --debug --show-rc /backup/backup.borg::{hostname}-{now:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f} /root/.borgmatic /storage/nextcloud /var/www/nextcloud using builtin fallback logging configuration 35 self tests completed in 0.05 seconds Verified integrity of /backup/backup.borg/index.1 TAM-verified manifest security: read previous location '/backup/backup.borg' security: read manifest timestamp '2021-09-18T17:03:54.528608' security: determined newest manifest timestamp as 2021-09-18T17:03:54.528608 security: repository checks ok, allowing access Creating archive at "/backup/backup.borg::{hostname}-{now:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f}" Verified integrity of /root/.cache/borg/4176744f94434d8c3cdff9d8556b691e4cad2f4e799456dfc864347f0a5e3c3f/chunks Reading files cache ... security: read previous location '/backup/backup.borg' security: read manifest timestamp '2021-09-18T17:03:54.528608' security: determined newest manifest timestamp as 2021-09-18T17:03:54.528608 security: repository checks ok, allowing access Processing files ... pg_dump: error: connection to database "nextcloud" failed: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "nextcloud" A /root/.borgmatic/postgresql_databases/localhost/nextcloud /backup/backup.borg: Error running actions for repository Command 'pg_dump --no-password --clean --if-exists --host localhost --username nextcloud --format custom nextcloud > /root/.borgmatic/postgresql_databases/localhost/nextcloud' returned non-zero exit status 1. /etc/borgmatic/config.yaml: No commands to run for on-error hook /etc/borgmatic/config.yaml: Error running configuration file /etc/borgmatic/config.yaml: No commands to run for post-everything hook summary: /etc/borgmatic/config.yaml: Error running configuration file /backup/backup.borg: Error running actions for repository pg_dump: error: connection to database "nextcloud" failed: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "nextcloud" Command 'pg_dump --no-password --clean --if-exists --host localhost --username nextcloud --format custom nextcloud > /root/.borgmatic/postgresql_databases/localhost/nextcloud' returned non-zero exit status 1. Need some help? https://torsion.org/borgmatic/#issues ``` #### Expected behavior (if a bug) Borgmatic shouls successfully dump the postgresql database, because the password is being provided via the configuration file. ### Other notes The issue seems to lie in the `pg_dump` command being passed the `--no-password` argument, despite the fact that there is a password defined in the configuration file. #### Environment **borgmatic version:** 1.5.18 **borgmatic installation method:** Fedora package **Borg version:** 1.1.17 **Python version:** 3.9.7 **Database version (if applicable):** Postgresql 13.4 **operating system and version:** Fedora Server 34

Thanks for filing such a thorough ticket! borgmatic actually passes the --no-password flag to PostgreSQL unconditionally, because it tells PostgreSQL commands not to prompt for a password—which would cause borgmatic to hang while it sits there waiting for the command to finish. borgmatic passes any configured password to PostgreSQL via an environment variable, PGPASSWORD. (This environment variable doesn't show up in borgmatic's verbose output.)

So having said all that, I'm not exactly sure why your authentication is failing. Assuming you've double checked the password, you could try running the exact pg_dump commands that borgmatic is running, first setting the password via environment variable. Example:

PGPASSWORD=yourpassword pg_dump --no-password --clean [... other arguments here ...]

If the command works, then there's something going wrong in borgmatic with the password. But if it doesn't work, then it's some other authentication issue with your PostgreSQL configuration.

Hope that helps!

Thanks for filing such a thorough ticket! borgmatic actually passes the `--no-password` flag to PostgreSQL unconditionally, because it tells PostgreSQL commands not to *prompt* for a password—which would cause borgmatic to hang while it sits there waiting for the command to finish. borgmatic passes any configured password to PostgreSQL via an environment variable, `PGPASSWORD`. (This environment variable doesn't show up in borgmatic's verbose output.) So having said all that, I'm not exactly sure why your authentication is failing. Assuming you've double checked the password, you could try running the exact `pg_dump` commands that borgmatic is running, first setting the password via environment variable. Example: ```bash PGPASSWORD=yourpassword pg_dump --no-password --clean [... other arguments here ...] ``` If the command works, then there's something going wrong in borgmatic with the password. But if it doesn't work, then it's some other authentication issue with your PostgreSQL configuration. Hope that helps!

So I tried running the pg_dump command in a root shell and I think there's a character in the password itself that needs to be escaped. I get a command not found error when bash apparently tries to run a chunk of my password as a command. Would that cause issues with borgmatic, or does borgmatic handle escaping? In the config I enclose the password in single quote marks.

So I tried running the pg_dump command in a root shell and I think there's a character in the password itself that needs to be escaped. I get a command not found error when bash apparently tries to run a chunk of my password as a command. Would that cause issues with borgmatic, or does borgmatic handle escaping? In the config I enclose the password in single quote marks.

Welp turns out I was wrong. I had the PostgreSQL user name wrong the whole time. Backup seems to be working just fine now. :|

Welp turns out I was wrong. I had the PostgreSQL user name wrong the whole time. Backup seems to be working just fine now. :|

Glad to hear that's all it was! We've all been there.

And to answer your question, borgmatic doesn't need to do any shell escaping on the password because it's passed as an environment variable and not on the command-line itself.

Glad to hear that's all it was! We've all been there. And to answer your question, borgmatic doesn't need to do any shell escaping on the password because it's passed as an environment variable and not on the command-line itself.
witten added the
question / support
label 2021-09-19 06:00:43 +00:00
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Reference: borgmatic-collective/borgmatic#454
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