• Joined on 2021-11-07
adrian commented on issue borgmatic-collective/borgmatic#462 2021-11-07 18:09:11 +00:00
How to do append only?

Ah, thats how it works. Did not check the command reference on what borgmatic without any parameters actually means, so I assumed it is just a "work with everything configured in the configuration…

adrian commented on issue borgmatic-collective/borgmatic#438 2021-11-07 15:33:19 +00:00
Database backups to multiple files

Same here, it would be wonderful if there would be a difference between "all" and "all-by-database". Right now I have a bash script that iterates over `/usr/bin/mysql -e 'show databases' -s…

adrian opened issue borgmatic-collective/borgmatic#462 2021-11-07 14:02:05 +00:00
How to do append only?