from argparse import ArgumentParser import collections import json import logging import os from subprocess import CalledProcessError import sys import pkg_resources from borgmatic.borg import ( check as borg_check, create as borg_create, environment as borg_environment, prune as borg_prune, extract as borg_extract, list as borg_list, info as borg_info, init as borg_init, ) from borgmatic.commands import hook from borgmatic.config import checks, collect, convert, validate from borgmatic.signals import configure_signals from borgmatic.verbosity import verbosity_to_log_level logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) LEGACY_CONFIG_PATH = '/etc/borgmatic/config' def parse_arguments(*arguments): ''' Given command-line arguments with which this script was invoked, parse the arguments and return them as an argparse.ArgumentParser instance. ''' config_paths = collect.get_default_config_paths() parser = ArgumentParser( description=''' A simple wrapper script for the Borg backup software that creates and prunes backups. If none of the action options are given, then borgmatic defaults to: prune, create, and check archives. ''', add_help=False, ) actions_group = parser.add_argument_group('actions') actions_group.add_argument( '-I', '--init', dest='init', action='store_true', help='Initialize an empty Borg repository' ) actions_group.add_argument( '-p', '--prune', dest='prune', action='store_true', help='Prune archives according to the retention policy', ) actions_group.add_argument( '-C', '--create', dest='create', action='store_true', help='Create archives (actually perform backups)', ) actions_group.add_argument( '-k', '--check', dest='check', action='store_true', help='Check archives for consistency' ) actions_group.add_argument( '-x', '--extract', dest='extract', action='store_true', help='Extract a named archive to the current directory', ) actions_group.add_argument( '-l', '--list', dest='list', action='store_true', help='List archives' ) actions_group.add_argument( '-i', '--info', dest='info', action='store_true', help='Display summary information on archives', ) init_group = parser.add_argument_group('options for --init') init_group.add_argument( '-e', '--encryption', dest='encryption_mode', help='Borg repository encryption mode' ) init_group.add_argument( '--append-only', dest='append_only', action='store_true', help='Create an append-only repository', ) init_group.add_argument( '--storage-quota', dest='storage_quota', help='Create a repository with a fixed storage quota', ) create_group = parser.add_argument_group('options for --create') create_group.add_argument( '--progress', dest='progress', default=False, action='store_true', help='Display progress for each file as it is backed up', ) extract_group = parser.add_argument_group('options for --extract') extract_group.add_argument( '--repository', help='Path of repository to restore from, defaults to the configured repository if there is only one', ) extract_group.add_argument('--archive', help='Name of archive to restore') extract_group.add_argument( '--restore-path', nargs='+', dest='restore_paths', help='Paths to restore from archive, defaults to the entire archive', ) common_group = parser.add_argument_group('common options') common_group.add_argument( '-c', '--config', nargs='+', dest='config_paths', default=config_paths, help='Configuration filenames or directories, defaults to: {}'.format( ' '.join(config_paths) ), ) common_group.add_argument( '--excludes', dest='excludes_filename', help='Deprecated in favor of exclude_patterns within configuration', ) common_group.add_argument( '--stats', dest='stats', default=False, action='store_true', help='Display statistics of archive with --create or --prune option', ) common_group.add_argument( '--json', dest='json', default=False, action='store_true', help='Output results from the --create, --list, or --info options as json', ) common_group.add_argument( '-n', '--dry-run', dest='dry_run', action='store_true', help='Go through the motions, but do not actually write to any repositories', ) common_group.add_argument( '-v', '--verbosity', type=int, choices=range(0, 3), default=0, help='Display verbose progress (1 for some, 2 for lots)', ) common_group.add_argument( '--version', dest='version', default=False, action='store_true', help='Display installed version number of borgmatic and exit', ) common_group.add_argument('--help', action='help', help='Show this help information and exit') args = parser.parse_args(arguments) if args.excludes_filename: raise ValueError( 'The --excludes option has been replaced with exclude_patterns in configuration' ) if (args.encryption_mode or args.append_only or args.storage_quota) and not args.init: raise ValueError( 'The --encryption, --append-only, and --storage-quota options can only be used with the --init option' ) if args.init and args.dry_run: raise ValueError('The --init option cannot be used with the --dry-run option') if args.init and not args.encryption_mode: raise ValueError('The --encryption option is required with the --init option') if not args.extract: if args.repository: raise ValueError('The --repository option can only be used with the --extract option') if args.archive: raise ValueError('The --archive option can only be used with the --extract option') if args.restore_paths: raise ValueError('The --restore-path option can only be used with the --extract option') if args.extract and not args.archive: raise ValueError('The --archive option is required with the --extract option') if args.progress and not (args.create or args.extract): raise ValueError( 'The --progress option can only be used with the --create and --extract options' ) if args.json and not (args.create or args.list or raise ValueError( 'The --json option can only be used with the --create, --list, or --info options' ) if args.json and args.list and raise ValueError( 'With the --json option, options --list and --info cannot be used together' ) # If any of the action flags are explicitly requested, leave them as-is. Otherwise, assume # defaults: Mutate the given arguments to enable the default actions. if ( not args.init and not args.prune and not args.create and not args.check and not args.extract and not args.list and not ): args.prune = True args.create = True args.check = True if args.stats and not (args.create or args.prune): raise ValueError('The --stats option can only be used when creating or pruning archives') return args def run_configuration(config_filename, config, args): # pragma: no cover ''' Given a config filename and the corresponding parsed config dict, execute its defined pruning, backups, consistency checks, and/or other actions. ''' (location, storage, retention, consistency, hooks) = ( config.get(section_name, {}) for section_name in ('location', 'storage', 'retention', 'consistency', 'hooks') ) try: local_path = location.get('local_path', 'borg') remote_path = location.get('remote_path') borg_environment.initialize(storage) if args.create: hook.execute_hook(hooks.get('before_backup'), config_filename, 'pre-backup') _run_commands( args=args, consistency=consistency, local_path=local_path, location=location, remote_path=remote_path, retention=retention, storage=storage, ) if args.create: hook.execute_hook(hooks.get('after_backup'), config_filename, 'post-backup') except (OSError, CalledProcessError): hook.execute_hook(hooks.get('on_error'), config_filename, 'on-error') raise def _run_commands(*, args, consistency, local_path, location, remote_path, retention, storage): json_results = [] for unexpanded_repository in location['repositories']: _run_commands_on_repository( args=args, consistency=consistency, json_results=json_results, local_path=local_path, location=location, remote_path=remote_path, retention=retention, storage=storage, unexpanded_repository=unexpanded_repository, ) if args.json: sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(json_results)) def _run_commands_on_repository( *, args, consistency, json_results, local_path, location, remote_path, retention, storage, unexpanded_repository ): # pragma: no cover repository = os.path.expanduser(unexpanded_repository) dry_run_label = ' (dry run; not making any changes)' if args.dry_run else '' if args.init:'{}: Initializing repository'.format(repository)) borg_init.initialize_repository( repository, args.encryption_mode, args.append_only, args.storage_quota, local_path=local_path, remote_path=remote_path, ) if args.prune:'{}: Pruning archives{}'.format(repository, dry_run_label)) borg_prune.prune_archives( args.dry_run, repository, storage, retention, local_path=local_path, remote_path=remote_path, stats=args.stats, ) if args.create:'{}: Creating archive{}'.format(repository, dry_run_label)) borg_create.create_archive( args.dry_run, repository, location, storage, local_path=local_path, remote_path=remote_path, progress=args.progress, stats=args.stats, ) if args.check and checks.repository_enabled_for_checks(repository, consistency):'{}: Running consistency checks'.format(repository)) borg_check.check_archives( repository, storage, consistency, local_path=local_path, remote_path=remote_path ) if args.extract: if args.repository is None or repository == args.repository:'{}: Extracting archive {}'.format(repository, args.archive)) borg_extract.extract_archive( args.dry_run, repository, args.archive, args.restore_paths, storage, local_path=local_path, remote_path=remote_path, progress=args.progress, ) if args.list:'{}: Listing archives'.format(repository)) output = borg_list.list_archives( repository, storage, local_path=local_path, remote_path=remote_path, json=args.json ) if args.json: json_results.append(json.loads(output)) else: sys.stdout.write(output) if'{}: Displaying summary info for archives'.format(repository)) output = borg_info.display_archives_info( repository, storage, local_path=local_path, remote_path=remote_path, json=args.json ) if args.json: json_results.append(json.loads(output)) else: sys.stdout.write(output) def collect_configuration_run_summary_logs(config_filenames, args): ''' Given a sequence of configuration filenames and parsed command-line arguments as an argparse.ArgumentParser instance, run each configuration file and yield a series of logging.LogRecord instances containing summary information about each run. ''' # Dict mapping from config filename to corresponding parsed config dict. configs = collections.OrderedDict() for config_filename in config_filenames: try:'{}: Parsing configuration file'.format(config_filename)) configs[config_filename] = validate.parse_configuration( config_filename, validate.schema_filename() ) except (ValueError, OSError, validate.Validation_error) as error: yield logging.makeLogRecord( dict( levelno=logging.CRITICAL, msg='{}: Error parsing configuration file'.format(config_filename), ) ) yield logging.makeLogRecord(dict(levelno=logging.CRITICAL, msg=error)) if args.extract: validate.guard_configuration_contains_repository(args.repository, configs) for config_filename, config in configs.items(): try: run_configuration(config_filename, config, args) yield logging.makeLogRecord( dict( levelno=logging.INFO, msg='{}: Successfully ran configuration file'.format(config_filename), ) ) except (ValueError, OSError, CalledProcessError) as error: yield logging.makeLogRecord( dict( levelno=logging.CRITICAL, msg='{}: Error running configuration file'.format(config_filename), ) ) yield logging.makeLogRecord(dict(levelno=logging.CRITICAL, msg=error)) if not config_filenames: yield logging.makeLogRecord( dict( levelno=logging.CRITICAL, msg='{}: No configuration files found'.format(' '.join(args.config_paths)), ) ) def exit_with_help_link(): # pragma: no cover ''' Display a link to get help and exit with an error code. ''' logger.critical('\nNeed some help?') sys.exit(1) def main(): # pragma: no cover configure_signals() try: args = parse_arguments(*sys.argv[1:]) except ValueError as error: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.CRITICAL, format='%(message)s') logger.critical(error) exit_with_help_link() logging.basicConfig(level=verbosity_to_log_level(args.verbosity), format='%(message)s') if args.version: print(pkg_resources.require('borgmatic')[0].version) sys.exit(0) config_filenames = tuple(collect.collect_config_filenames(args.config_paths)) logger.debug('Ensuring legacy configuration is upgraded') convert.guard_configuration_upgraded(LEGACY_CONFIG_PATH, config_filenames) summary_logs = tuple(collect_configuration_run_summary_logs(config_filenames, args))'\nsummary:') [logger.handle(log) for log in summary_logs if log.levelno >= logger.getEffectiveLevel()] if any(log.levelno == logging.CRITICAL for log in summary_logs): exit_with_help_link()