import logging import os import sys import colorama def to_bool(arg): ''' Return a boolean value based on `arg`. ''' if arg is None or isinstance(arg, bool): return arg if isinstance(arg, str): arg = arg.lower() if arg in ('yes', 'on', '1', 'true', 1): return True return False def interactive_console(): ''' Return whether the current console is "interactive". Meaning: Capable of user input and not just something like a cron job. ''' return sys.stdout.isatty() and os.environ.get('TERM') != 'dumb' def should_do_markup(no_color, configs): ''' Given the value of the command-line no-color argument, and a dict of configuration filename to corresponding parsed configuration, determine if we should enable colorama marking up. ''' if no_color: return False if any(config.get('output', {}).get('color') is False for config in configs.values()): return False py_colors = os.environ.get('PY_COLORS', None) if py_colors is not None: return to_bool(py_colors) return interactive_console() LOG_LEVEL_TO_COLOR = { logging.CRITICAL: colorama.Fore.RED, logging.ERROR: colorama.Fore.RED, logging.WARN: colorama.Fore.YELLOW, logging.INFO: colorama.Fore.GREEN, logging.DEBUG: colorama.Fore.CYAN, } class Console_color_formatter(logging.Formatter): def format(self, record): color = LOG_LEVEL_TO_COLOR.get(record.levelno) return color_text(color, record.msg) def color_text(color, message): ''' Give colored text. ''' if not color: return message return '{}{}{}'.format(color, message, colorama.Style.RESET_ALL) def configure_logging( console_log_level, syslog_log_level=None, log_file_log_level=None, log_file=None ): ''' Configure logging to go to both the console and (syslog or log file). Use the given log levels, respectively. Raise FileNotFoundError or PermissionError if the log file could not be opened for writing. ''' if syslog_log_level is None: syslog_log_level = console_log_level if log_file_log_level is None: log_file_log_level = console_log_level console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() console_handler.setFormatter(Console_color_formatter()) console_handler.setLevel(console_log_level) syslog_path = None if log_file is None: if os.path.exists('/dev/log'): syslog_path = '/dev/log' elif os.path.exists('/var/run/syslog'): syslog_path = '/var/run/syslog' if syslog_path and not interactive_console(): syslog_handler = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(address=syslog_path) syslog_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('borgmatic: %(levelname)s %(message)s')) syslog_handler.setLevel(syslog_log_level) handlers = (console_handler, syslog_handler) elif log_file: file_handler = logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler(log_file) file_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s: %(message)s')) file_handler.setLevel(log_file_log_level) handlers = (console_handler, file_handler) else: handlers = (console_handler,) logging.basicConfig( level=min(console_log_level, syslog_log_level, log_file_log_level), handlers=handlers )