import argparse import copy import logging import re from borgmatic.borg import environment, feature, flags, rlist from borgmatic.execute import execute_command logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) MAKE_FLAGS_EXCLUDES = ('repository', 'archive', 'successful', 'paths', 'find_paths') def make_list_command( repository, storage_config, local_borg_version, list_arguments, local_path='borg', remote_path=None, ): ''' Given a local or remote repository path, a storage config dict, the arguments to the list action, and local and remote Borg paths, return a command as a tuple to list archives or paths within an archive. ''' lock_wait = storage_config.get('lock_wait', None) return ( (local_path, 'list') + ( ('--info',) if logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.INFO and not list_arguments.json else () ) + ( ('--debug', '--show-rc') if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) and not list_arguments.json else () ) + flags.make_flags('remote-path', remote_path) + flags.make_flags('lock-wait', lock_wait) + flags.make_flags_from_arguments(list_arguments, excludes=MAKE_FLAGS_EXCLUDES,) + ( flags.make_repository_archive_flags( repository, list_arguments.archive, local_borg_version ) if list_arguments.archive else flags.make_repository_flags(repository, local_borg_version) ) + (tuple(list_arguments.paths) if list_arguments.paths else ()) ) def make_find_paths(find_paths): ''' Given a sequence of path fragments or patterns as passed to `--find`, transform all path fragments into glob patterns. Pass through existing patterns untouched. For example, given find_paths of: ['foo.txt', 'pp:root/somedir'] ... transform that into: ['sh:**/*foo.txt*/**', 'pp:root/somedir'] ''' if not find_paths: return () return tuple( find_path if re.compile(r'([-!+RrPp] )|(\w\w:)').match(find_path) else f'sh:**/*{find_path}*/**' for find_path in find_paths ) def list_archive( repository, storage_config, local_borg_version, list_arguments, local_path='borg', remote_path=None, ): ''' Given a local or remote repository path, a storage config dict, the local Borg version, the arguments to the list action, and local and remote Borg paths, display the output of listing the files of a Borg archive (or return JSON output). If list_arguments.find_paths are given, list the files by searching across multiple archives. If neither find_paths nor archive name are given, instead list the archives in the given repository. ''' if not list_arguments.archive and not list_arguments.find_paths: if feature.available(feature.Feature.RLIST, local_borg_version): logger.warning( 'Omitting the --archive flag on the list action is deprecated when using Borg 2.x. Use the rlist action instead.' ) rlist_arguments = argparse.Namespace( repository=repository, short=list_arguments.short, format=list_arguments.format, json=list_arguments.json, prefix=list_arguments.prefix, glob_archives=list_arguments.glob_archives, sort_by=list_arguments.sort_by, first=list_arguments.first, last=list_arguments.last, ) return rlist.list_repository( repository, storage_config, local_borg_version, rlist_arguments, local_path, remote_path ) if feature.available(feature.Feature.RLIST, local_borg_version): for flag_name in ('prefix', 'glob-archives', 'sort-by', 'first', 'last'): if getattr(list_arguments, flag_name.replace('-', '_'), None): raise ValueError( f'The --{flag_name} flag on the list action is not supported when using the --archive/--find flags and Borg 2.x.' ) if list_arguments.json: raise ValueError( 'The --json flag on the list action is not supported when using the --archive/--find flags.' ) borg_environment = environment.make_environment(storage_config) # If there are any paths to find (and there's not a single archive already selected), start by # getting a list of archives to search. if list_arguments.find_paths and not list_arguments.archive: rlist_arguments = argparse.Namespace( repository=repository, short=True, format=None, json=None, prefix=list_arguments.prefix, glob_archives=list_arguments.glob_archives, sort_by=list_arguments.sort_by, first=list_arguments.first, last=list_arguments.last, ) # Ask Borg to list archives. Capture its output for use below. archive_lines = tuple( execute_command( rlist.make_rlist_command( repository, storage_config, local_borg_version, rlist_arguments, local_path, remote_path, ), output_log_level=None, borg_local_path=local_path, extra_environment=borg_environment, ) .strip('\n') .split('\n') ) else: archive_lines = (list_arguments.archive,) # For each archive listed by Borg, run list on the contents of that archive. for archive in archive_lines: logger.warning(f'{repository}: Listing archive {archive}') archive_arguments = copy.copy(list_arguments) archive_arguments.archive = archive main_command = make_list_command( repository, storage_config, local_borg_version, archive_arguments, local_path, remote_path, ) + make_find_paths(list_arguments.find_paths) execute_command( main_command, output_log_level=logging.WARNING, borg_local_path=local_path, extra_environment=borg_environment, )